/* wmbutton.h - Edward H. Flora - ehf_dockapps@cox.net */ /* Last Modified 3/27/04 */ /****** Include Files ***************************************************/ #include <X11/Xlib.h> #include <X11/Xutil.h> #include <X11/xpm.h> #include <X11/extensions/shape.h> #include <X11/keysym.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <unistd.h> /****** Define Config File Info ***************************************/ #define CONFFILENAME "/.wmbutton" /* Default conf filename $HOME/.wmbutton */ #define CONFIGGLOBAL "/etc/wmbutton.conf" /* system configuration */ #define BUTTONFILENAME "/.wmbutton.xpm" /****** Define Error Codes *********************************************/ #define FAILDISP 20 #define FAILSWIN 21 #define FAILICON 22 #define FAILXPM 23 #define FAILWNAM 24 #define FAILGC 25 #define FAILCONF 26 #define FAILTMPL 27 #define FAILVIS 28 #define FAILBUT 29 /****** Define Other Options ****************************************/ #define VERB 0 /* Enable=1, Disable=0: Debugging (verbose) Mode*/ #define LMASK 0 /* left button mask: run app # mask + button #*/ #define MMASK 10 /* middle button mask: run app # mask + button #*/ #define RMASK 20 /* right button mask: run app # mask + button #*/ #define NUMB_OF_APPS 9 /* Define number of apps */ #define EOLN '\n' /* Defines the new line character */ #define SIZE1 20 /* Defines the increment to increase the */ /* string by until a newline of EOF is found */ /****** Defines for Tool Tips ***************************************/ #define TOOLTIP_SUPPORT 1 #define TOOLTIP_FONT "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" #define TOOLTIP_FONT_LEN 128 #define TOOLTIP_SHOW_DELAY 750 #define TOOLTIP_RESHOW_DELAY 1500 #define TOOLTIP_SPACE 12 #define TOOLTIP_TOP 0 #define TOOLTIP_BOTTOM 1 #define TOOLTIP_LEFT 0 #define TOOLTIP_RIGHT 2 #define BUTTON_SIZE 18 #define BUTTON_COLS 3 #define BUFFER_SIZE 1024 /****** Typedefs *******************************************/ struct Config_t { char *configfile; char *buttonfile; char *Geometry_str; char *Display_str; int mmouse; int Verbose; char* szTooltipFont; int bTooltipSwapColors; int bTooltipDisable; }; /****** Function Prototyes *******************************************/ void RunAppN(int app); /* function to run app N as found in conf file */ char *Parse(int app); /* parse data in config file */ void parseargs(int argc, char **argv); char *readln(FILE *fp); /* read line from file, return pointer to it */ void err_mess(int err, char *str); /* Error Handling Routine */ void show_usage(void); /* show usage message to stderr */ int canOpenFile(const char *path); int flush_expose(Window w); /****** Tooltip Function Prototypes **********************************/ void initTooltip(void); void destroyTooltip(void); int hasTooltipSupport(void); void showTooltip(int nButton, int nMouseX, int nMouseY); void hideTooltip(void); int hasTooltip(void); void drawTooltipBalloon(Pixmap pix, GC gc, int x, int y, int w, int h, int side); Pixmap createTooltipPixmap(int width, int height, int side, Pixmap *mask); void initTime(void); long currentTimeMillis(void); void getWindowOrigin(Window w, int *nX, int *nY); void getButtonLocation(int nButton, int *nLocationX, int *nLocationY); char *getButtonAppNames(int nButton); /**********************************************************************/