This isn't really a mail checker app. Well, it is... but this tar-ball's main goal is to share my new jDockApp lib. It's still pretty new to go releasing it by itself; so, you get it desguised as a mail app. The goal here was to create a doc app lib that's really easy to use. Well... and I also needed a mail checking program. If you were to read through wmjmail.c and mailchk, you would find that authoring more of these little apps (that look just like mine) is really quite easy. You shouldn't need to edit anything else. I'll be making more changes to jDockApp (the lib) in the future. If you really wish it would do something that it doesn't: Drop me an e-mail. Jet ( P.S. Read the CHANGES file, I give some proper credit to a few others in there. It also explains some additional options.