wmmp3 v0.08 README -- Patrick Crosby <xb@dotfiles.com>

wmmp3 is an mpg123 frontend.  It is a small X application that will also
work as a windowmaker dock app.

All user options are contained in a config file, ~/.wmmp3 .  There is a
sample.wmmp3 file in the distribution that can be used as an

Basically, enter in the config file any directories that contain mp3 files
and wmmp3 right now will play all the files in each directory sequentially
when you press play.  You can select which directory to start with by using
the up/down buttons in the left frame when the player is stopped.  Pressing
the "infinity" button will cause the player to repeat the songs in the current
directory instead of just playing them once.  Pressing the "random" (R) button
will cause the player to randomly select songs from the current directory.

More documentation can be found at http://dotfiles.com/software/wmmp3/

If you find any bugs, please let me know at <xb@dotfiles.com>