wmitime 0.2 beta Public Release
Author...:	Dave Clark (clarkd@skynet.ca)
Maintainers :   Window Maker Developers Team <wmaker-dev@lists.windowmaker.org>
Homepage :      http://windowmaker.org/dockapps/?name=wmitime

I cooked this up one night when i was bored and had read about
the new internet time thing from Swatch... kinda interesting
idea, who knows if it'll go anywhere...

wmitime is yet another clock for your dock/clip/etc...
It's quite overglorified :)

It tells standard 12/24hr time and Swatch's new Internet Time
(see www.swatch.com)

Let me know what you think of it. ;)

make install

should do it.

Do a 'wmitime -h' to see the options...

README		This file.
BUGS		Things you don't want to know ;-)
CHANGES		Description of changes.
COPYING		GNU General Public License Version 2.

If you discover any bugs in this software, please send a
bugreport to wmaker-dev@lists.windowmaker.org and describe the
problem as detailed! as you can.

wmitime is copyright (c) 1997/98 by Dave Clark

wmitime is licensed through the GNU General Public License.
Read the COPYING file for the complete GNU license.