/**************************************************************** * File: wmcalcswitch.c * Version: 0.21 * Date: November 1, 2000 * Author: Edward H. Flora <ehflora@access1.net> * * This file is a part of the wmcalc application. As such, this * file is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2. * A copy of this license may be found in the file COPYING that should * have been distributed with this file. If not, please refer to * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for details. * **************************************************************** Description: This file contains system level functions, such as read/write of the config file, character map boundaries, etc. Change History: Date Modification 11/1/00 Updated Function headers, cleaned up comments some. ****************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "wmcalc_err.h" #include "wmcalc_c.h" #include "wmcalc_f.h" /**************************************************************** * Function: ExecFunc **************************************************************** Description: This function determines which button was pressed, and performs the appropriate function. Change History: Date Modification 11/01/00 Function header updated ****************************************************************/ void ExecFunc( int val ) { extern int Verbose; if (Verbose) printf("Execute function for button %d\n", val); switch(val) { case 100: clearcalc(); break; case 101: sqrtnum(); break; case 102: charkey('7'); break; case 103: charkey('8'); break; case 104: charkey('9'); break; case 105: divnums(); break; case 106: sqrnum(); break; case 107: charkey('4'); break; case 108: charkey('5'); break; case 109: charkey('6'); break; case 110: multnums(); break; case 111: // scinotation(); startcalc(); break; case 112: charkey('1'); break; case 113: charkey('2'); break; case 114: charkey('3'); break; case 115: subtnums(); break; case 116: chgsignnum(); break; case 117: charkey('0'); break; case 118: charkey('.'); break; case 119: equalfunc(); break; case 120: addnums(); break; case 200: clrallmem(); break; case 201: sqrtnum(); // userdef201(); break; case 202: recallmem(7); break; case 203: recallmem(8); break; case 204: recallmem(9); break; case 205: divnums(); // userdef205(); break; case 206: sqrnum(); // userdef206(); break; case 207: recallmem(4); break; case 208: recallmem(5); break; case 209: recallmem(6); break; case 210: multnums(); // userdef210(); break; case 211: startcalc(); break; case 212: recallmem(1); break; case 213: recallmem(2); break; case 214: recallmem(3); break; case 215: subtnums(); // userdef215(); break; case 216: chgsignnum(); break; case 217: recallmem(0); break; case 218: // userdef218(); break; case 219: equalfunc(); break; case 220: addnums(); // userdef220(); break; case 300: clearnum(); break; case 301: sqrtnum(); // userdef301(); break; case 302: stormem(7); break; case 303: stormem(8); break; case 304: stormem(9); break; case 305: divnums(); // userdef305(); break; case 306: sqrnum(); // userdef306(); break; case 307: stormem(4); break; case 308: stormem(5); break; case 309: stormem(6); break; case 310: multnums(); // userdef310(); break; case 311: startcalc(); break; case 312: stormem(1); break; case 313: stormem(2); break; case 314: stormem(3); break; case 315: subtnums(); // userdef315(); break; case 316: chgsignnum(); break; case 317: stormem(0); break; case 318: // userdef318(); break; case 319: equalfunc(); break; case 320: addnums(); // userdef320(); break; } /* End of switch statement */ } /* End of function ExecFunc() *********************************/ /**************************************************************** * Function: getboundaries **************************************************************** Description: This function returns the x,y boundaries for each character that is to be displayed on the display. There must be a better way to do this, as by changing the file charmap.xpm, one may have to adjust these constants. Change History: Date Modification 11/01/00 Function header updated 10/30/00 Added characters for the Memory indicator bar. ****************************************************************/ ButtonArea getboundaries(char ch) { ButtonArea xybounds; switch (ch) { case '0': xybounds.x = 1; xybounds.i = 6; xybounds.y = 1; xybounds.j = 8; break; case '1': xybounds.x = 7; xybounds.i = 12; xybounds.y = 1; xybounds.j = 8; break; case '2': xybounds.x = 13; xybounds.i = 18; xybounds.y = 1; xybounds.j = 8; break; case '3': xybounds.x = 19; xybounds.i = 24; xybounds.y = 1; xybounds.j = 8; break; case '4': xybounds.x = 25; xybounds.i = 30; xybounds.y = 1; xybounds.j = 8; break; case '5': xybounds.x = 31; xybounds.i = 36; xybounds.y = 1; xybounds.j = 8; break; case '6': xybounds.x = 37; xybounds.i = 42; xybounds.y = 1; xybounds.j = 8; break; case '7': xybounds.x = 43; xybounds.i = 48; xybounds.y = 1; xybounds.j = 8; break; case '8': xybounds.x = 49; xybounds.i = 54; xybounds.y = 1; xybounds.j = 8; break; case '9': xybounds.x = 55; xybounds.i = 60; xybounds.y = 1; xybounds.j = 8; break; case '+': xybounds.x = 55; xybounds.i = 60; xybounds.y = 28; xybounds.j = 35; break; case '-': xybounds.x = 49; xybounds.i = 54; xybounds.y = 28; xybounds.j = 35; break; case '.': xybounds.x = 7; xybounds.i = 12; xybounds.y = 10; xybounds.j = 17; break; case 'e': xybounds.x = 1; xybounds.i = 6; xybounds.y = 37; xybounds.j = 44; break; case 'i': xybounds.x = 7; xybounds.i = 12; xybounds.y = 37; xybounds.j = 44; break; case 'j': xybounds.x = 13; xybounds.i = 18; xybounds.y = 37; xybounds.j = 44; break; case 'n': xybounds.x = 19; xybounds.i = 24; xybounds.y = 37; xybounds.j = 44; break; case 'a': xybounds.x = 25; xybounds.i = 30; xybounds.y = 37; xybounds.j = 44; break; case 'f': xybounds.x = 31; xybounds.i = 36; xybounds.y = 37; xybounds.j = 44; break; case ' ': xybounds.x = 1; xybounds.i = 6; xybounds.y = 10; xybounds.j = 17; break; case '=': xybounds.x = 55; xybounds.i = 60; xybounds.y = 55; xybounds.j = 56; break; case '#': xybounds.x = 55; xybounds.i = 60; xybounds.y = 57; xybounds.j = 58; break; case '_': xybounds.x = 55; xybounds.i = 60; xybounds.y = 59; xybounds.j = 60; break; default: xybounds.x = 1; xybounds.i = 6; xybounds.y = 10; xybounds.j = 17; break; } /* end of switch statement */ return(xybounds); } /***** End of function getboundaries() ************************/ /**************************************************************** * Function: write_config **************************************************************** Description: This function updates the configuration file as memory locations are updated in the program. It re-writes the entire file, but should ignore all lines that do not start with "Mem". Change History: Date Modification 11/01/00 Function Header updated 11/05/00 Added Locked Memory Handling ****************************************************************/ int write_config(void) { extern int Verbose; extern double MemArray[]; extern char configfile[]; extern char tempfile[]; extern char *CfgVarList[]; FILE *fp, *fptmp; char *line = NULL; int mem_ndx = 0; int err_code = OKAY; char movefilecmd[2 * CONFIGFILEMAX + 10]; /* make sure enough room in string */ /* Open current Config file */ if ((fp = fopen(configfile, "r")) == NULL) { // Can't find config file printf("%s: Cannot create configuration file\n", configfile); return(ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } /* We cannot write to the global config-file... */ if(!strcmp(configfile, CONFIGGLOBAL)) { strcpy(configfile, getenv("HOME")); // Added to wmbutton by Gordon Fraser, 9/21/01 strcat(configfile, CONFFILENAME); } /* Open Temporary File */ if ((fptmp = fopen(tempfile, "w")) == NULL) { // Can't open file in /tmp fprintf(stderr, "%s: Temporary File Open Failed\n", tempfile); strcpy(tempfile, getenv("HOME")); strcat(tempfile, "wmcalc.tmp"); if ((fptmp = fopen(tempfile, "w")) == NULL) { // Can't open file in HOME fprintf(stderr, "%s: Temporary File Open Failed\n", tempfile); return(ERR_TMP_FILE_FAILED); } } while ((line = readln(fp)) != NULL) { // Read Lines in config file if (Verbose) printf("line:%s", line); if ((strncmp(line, CfgVarList[MEM_LABEL_0], strlen(CfgVarList[MEM_LABEL_0]) - 1) == 0)) { // -1 to generalize to all Mem? strings // If we've found a memory entry mem_ndx = atoi(line+strlen(CfgVarList[MEM_LABEL_0])-1); if ((mem_ndx >= 0) && (mem_ndx <= (NUM_MEM_CELLS - 1))) { fprintf(fptmp, "%s\t%f\n", CfgVarList[mem_ndx], MemArray[mem_ndx]); } } else { fprintf(fptmp, "%s", line); } free(line); } /* End of while loop */ /* Close open files */ fclose(fp); fclose(fptmp); /* Copy temp file over original */ /* Note: If changing command, make sure to adjust size of string above!! */ sprintf(movefilecmd, "mv -f %s %s\n", tempfile, configfile); err_code = system(movefilecmd); if(Verbose) printf("New config file written.\n"); return(err_code); } /***** End of function write_config() *************************/ /**************************************************************** * Function: read_config **************************************************************** Description: This function reads the configuration file on program startup, and sets the appropriate configuration options. (By default, this is ~/.wmcalc, or a user set value) Change History: Date Modification 11/01/00 Function header updated. 11/05/00 Added Lcoked Memory Capabilities ****************************************************************/ int read_config(void) { extern int Verbose; extern double MemArray[]; extern int MemLock[]; extern char *CfgVarList[]; extern char ImagChar; extern char configfile[]; extern char SysCalcCmd[]; FILE *fp; int i = 0; int err_code = OKAY; char *line = NULL; char *sepstr = NULL; char sep_ch = '\t'; char *cfg_var_ptr = NULL; sepstr = &sep_ch; if ((fp = fopen(configfile, "r")) == NULL) { // Can't find config file strcpy(configfile, CONFIGGLOBAL); // ...so try to open global config if ((fp = fopen(configfile, "r")) == NULL) { // Can't find global config file fprintf(stderr, "%s: Configuration File not found\n", configfile); return(ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } else { write_config(); // if global config opened, save in homedir } } else { if (Verbose) printf("%s: Found Configuration File\n", configfile); } do { // Read Lines in config file line = readln(fp); if (Verbose) printf("Line Read:%s\n", line); if (line == NULL) break; // if end of file, quit if ( (line[0] != '#') && (line[0] != '\n')) { /* Ignore comments and blanks */ if (strchr(line, sep_ch) != NULL) { /* The line has a tab, so let's see if the variable is understood */ i = 0; /* Loop while we haven't found the variable */ while (((strncmp(line, CfgVarList[i], strlen(CfgVarList[i]))) != 0) && (i < MAX_LABEL)) { i++; } /* If we've found the variable, let's set the appropriate value */ if (i <= MAX_LABEL) { if (Verbose) printf("Variable %s found\n", CfgVarList[i]); /* Point to the 'tab' character, to read the value */ cfg_var_ptr = strchr(line, sep_ch); cfg_var_ptr++; // ++ to avoid tab character itself /* Now set the appropriate variable */ switch(i) { case MEM_LABEL_0: case MEM_LABEL_1: case MEM_LABEL_2: case MEM_LABEL_3: case MEM_LABEL_4: case MEM_LABEL_5: case MEM_LABEL_6: case MEM_LABEL_7: case MEM_LABEL_8: case MEM_LABEL_9: /* Set Locked Flag */ MemLock[i] = 0; /* Set Memory Element */ MemArray[i] = atof(cfg_var_ptr); if (Verbose) printf("Assign Memory Element %d to %f\n", i, MemArray[i]); break; case MEM_LOCK_0: case MEM_LOCK_1: case MEM_LOCK_2: case MEM_LOCK_3: case MEM_LOCK_4: case MEM_LOCK_5: case MEM_LOCK_6: case MEM_LOCK_7: case MEM_LOCK_8: case MEM_LOCK_9: /* Set Locked Flag */ MemLock[i - MEM_LOCK_0] = 1; /* Set Memory Element */ MemArray[i - MEM_LOCK_0] = atof(cfg_var_ptr); if (Verbose) printf("Assign Memory Element %d to %f\n", i - MEM_LOCK_0, MemArray[i - MEM_LOCK_0]); break; case IMAG_LABEL: /* Get the character that the user wishes to use to represent sqrt(-1) (i or j) */ if ((cfg_var_ptr[0] == 'i') || cfg_var_ptr[0] == 'j') { ImagChar = cfg_var_ptr[0]; } if (Verbose) printf("Use character '%c' to represent sqrt(-1)\n", ImagChar); break; case CALC_LABEL: /* Set external calculator start command */ strcpy(SysCalcCmd, cfg_var_ptr); if (Verbose) printf("Assign Calc Command: %s\n", cfg_var_ptr); break; default: if (Verbose) printf("Unknown Config Variable: %s\n", line); break; } } /* Otherwise, we don't recognize the variable */ else { if (Verbose) printf("Unknown Config Variable: %s\n", line); } } /* Otherwise, we had a poorly formatted line in the config file. */ else { if (Verbose) printf("Poorly formatted config file line\n:%s\n", line); } } free(line); } while (line != NULL); fclose(fp); return(err_code); } /***** End of function read_config **************************/