/**************************************************************** * File: wmcalcfunc.c * Version: 0.21 * Author: Edward H. Flora * * This file is a part of the wmcalc application. As such, this * file is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2. * A copy of this license may be found in the file COPYING that should * have been distributed with this file. If not, please refer to * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for details. * **************************************************************** Description: This file contains the code for the actual calculator functions, such as a add, subt, clear, etc. Change History: Date Modification 11/03/00 File Header added ****************************************************************/ /***** Includes *************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "wmcalc_c.h" #include "wmcalc_err.h" #include "wmcalc_f.h" /**************************************************************** * Function: clearcalc **************************************************************** Description: This function will clear the calculator display, and internal flags. Change History: Date Modification 11/03/00 Function header added 11/04/00 Replaced magic numbers with DISPSIZE ****************************************************************/ void clearcalc(void) { extern int StrCnt; extern char PlusMinusFlag; extern int ExpFlag; extern int DecFlag; extern double RegisterA; extern double RegisterB; extern char DispString[]; extern char OpFlag; int i; RegisterA = 0.0; RegisterB = 0.0; ExpFlag = 0; DecFlag = 0; PlusMinusFlag = '+'; StrCnt = 0; for (i=0; i < DISPSIZE; i++) { DispString[i] = ' '; } OpFlag = ' '; } /***** End of function clearcalc() *****************************/ /**************************************************************** * Function: clearnum **************************************************************** Description: Clears the current number being entered. Change History: Date Modification 11/03/00 Updated function header 11/04/00 Replaced magic numbers with DISPSIZE ****************************************************************/ void clearnum(void) { extern int StrCnt; extern char PlusMinusFlag; extern int ExpFlag; extern int DecFlag; extern double RegisterA; extern char DispString[]; int i; RegisterA = 0.0; ExpFlag = 0; DecFlag = 0; PlusMinusFlag = '+'; StrCnt = 0; for (i=0; i < DISPSIZE; i++) { DispString[i] = ' '; } } /***** End of function clearnum() ******************************/ /**************************************************************** * Function: charkey **************************************************************** Description: Add characters to the number being entered. Change History: Date Modification 11/03/00 Updated function header 11/04/00 Replaced magic numbers with DISPSIZE ****************************************************************/ void charkey(char ch) { extern int Verbose; extern int StrCnt; extern int DecFlag; extern double RegisterA, RegisterB; extern char DispString[]; int i; if (Verbose) printf("In function charkey\n"); if (StrCnt < DISPSIZE) { if (ch == '.') { if (DecFlag == 0) { for (i = 1; i < DISPSIZE; i++) DispString[i-1] = DispString[i]; DecFlag = 1; StrCnt++; DispString[DISPSIZE - 1] = ch; } } else { for (i = 1; i < DISPSIZE; i++) DispString[i-1] = DispString[i]; DispString[9] = ch; StrCnt++; } } /* endif (StrCnt < DISPSIZE) */ else if (StrCnt == CALCDONE) { RegisterB = RegisterA; clearnum(); if (ch == '.') { for (i = 1; i < DISPSIZE; i++) DispString[i-1] = DispString[i]; DecFlag = 1; StrCnt++; DispString[DISPSIZE -1] = ch; } else { for (i = 1; i < DISPSIZE; i++) DispString[i-1] = DispString[i]; DispString[DISPSIZE - 1] = ch; StrCnt++; } } /* endif (StrCnt == CALCDONE) */ RegisterA = atof(DispString); } /***** End of Function charkey() *******************************/ /**************************************************************** * Function: chgsignnum **************************************************************** Description: Change the sign of the number currently being entered Change History: Date Modification 11/03/00 Updated Function header ****************************************************************/ void chgsignnum(void) { extern int Verbose; extern double RegisterA; extern char DispString[]; if (Verbose) printf("In function chgsignnum\n"); RegisterA = -RegisterA; sprintf(DispString, "%10.5g", RegisterA); } /***** End of function chgsignnum() *****************************/ /**************************************************************** * Function: sqrnum **************************************************************** Description: Square the number in RegisterA Change History: Date Modification 11/03/00 Updated Function header ****************************************************************/ void sqrnum(void) { extern int Verbose; extern int StrCnt; extern double RegisterA; extern char DispString[]; extern int ImgFlag; if (Verbose) printf("In function sqrnum\n"); RegisterA = atof(DispString); RegisterA = pow(RegisterA, 2.0); if (ImgFlag) { RegisterA = -RegisterA; ImgFlag = 0; } sprintf(DispString, "%10.5g", RegisterA); StrCnt = CALCDONE; } /***** End of Function sqrnum() *******************************/ /**************************************************************** * Function: sqrtnum **************************************************************** Description: Take the square root of the number in RegisterA Change History: Date Modification 11/03/00 Updated function header 11/04/00 Replaced magic numbers with DISPSIZE ****************************************************************/ void sqrtnum(void) { extern int Verbose; extern int StrCnt; extern double RegisterA; extern int ImgFlag; extern char ImagChar; extern char DispString[]; int i; if (Verbose) printf("In function sqrtnum\n"); RegisterA = atof(DispString); if (RegisterA >= 0) { RegisterA = pow(RegisterA, 0.5); sprintf(DispString, "%10.5g", RegisterA); } else { RegisterA = pow(-RegisterA, 0.5); ImgFlag = 1; sprintf(DispString, "%10.4g", RegisterA); for(i=1; i < DISPSIZE - 1; i++) DispString[i] = DispString[i+1]; DispString[DISPSIZE - 1] = ImagChar; } StrCnt = CALCDONE; } /***** End of function sqrtnum() ********************************/ /**************************************************************** * Function: addnums **************************************************************** Description: Add the number in Registers A to Register B. Change History: Date Modification 11/03/00 Updated Function header ****************************************************************/ void addnums(void) { extern int Verbose; extern int StrCnt; extern double RegisterA, RegisterB; extern char OpFlag; if(Verbose) printf("In function addnums: "); if(OpFlag != ' ') { equalfunc(); } else { if(Verbose) printf("%g + ?? = ??\n", RegisterB); RegisterB = RegisterA; } StrCnt = CALCDONE; OpFlag = '+'; } /***** End of function addnums() *********************************/ /**************************************************************** * Function: subtnums **************************************************************** Description: Subtract current number (in RegisterA) from accumulated total. Change History: Date Modification 11/03/00 Updated Function header ****************************************************************/ void subtnums(void) { extern int Verbose; extern int StrCnt; extern double RegisterA, RegisterB; extern char OpFlag; if(Verbose) printf("In function subtnums: "); if (OpFlag != ' ') { equalfunc(); } else { if(Verbose) printf("%g - ?? = ??\n", RegisterB); RegisterB = RegisterA; } StrCnt = CALCDONE; OpFlag = '-'; } /***** End of function subtnums() *****************************/ /**************************************************************** * Function: multnums **************************************************************** Description: Multiply number in RegisterA by the accumulated total. Change History: Date Modification 11/03/00 Updated function header ****************************************************************/ void multnums(void) { extern int Verbose; extern int StrCnt; extern char OpFlag; extern double RegisterA, RegisterB; if(Verbose) printf("In function multnums: "); if(OpFlag != ' ') { equalfunc(); } else { if(Verbose) printf("%g * ?? = ??\n", RegisterB); RegisterB = RegisterA; } StrCnt = CALCDONE; OpFlag = '*'; } /***** End of function multnums() *****************************/ /**************************************************************** * Function: divnums **************************************************************** Description: Divide the accumulated total by the current number in RegisterA Change History: Date Modification 11/04/00 Updated Function Header ****************************************************************/ void divnums(void) { extern int Verbose; extern int StrCnt; extern double RegisterA, RegisterB; extern char OpFlag; if(Verbose) printf("In function divnums: "); if(OpFlag != ' ') { equalfunc(); } else { if(Verbose) printf("%g / ?? = ??\n", RegisterB); RegisterB = RegisterA; } StrCnt = CALCDONE; OpFlag = '/'; } /* End of Function divnums() ********************************/ /**************************************************************** * Function: **************************************************************** Description: Calculate result of entered calculation. Change History: Date Modification 11/04/00 Updated Function Header ****************************************************************/ void equalfunc (void) { extern int Verbose; extern int StrCnt; extern char DispString[]; extern double RegisterA, RegisterB; extern char OpFlag; if (Verbose) printf("Equal Function: Operation >> %c <<\n", OpFlag); switch (OpFlag) { case '+': RegisterA = RegisterB + RegisterA; sprintf(DispString, "%10.5g", RegisterA); break; case '-': RegisterA = RegisterB - RegisterA; sprintf(DispString, "%10.5g", RegisterA); break; case '*': RegisterA = RegisterB * RegisterA; sprintf(DispString, "%10.5g", RegisterA); break; case '/': RegisterA = RegisterB / RegisterA; sprintf(DispString, "%10.5g", RegisterA); break; default: break; } OpFlag = ' '; StrCnt = CALCDONE; } /***** End of function equalfunc() ******************************/ /**************************************************************** * Function: clrallmem **************************************************************** Description: Clear all the values in memory Change History: Date Modification 11/04/00 Updated Function Header 11/04/00 Incorporated clrmem() function into this one, to optimize code. ****************************************************************/ void clrallmem(void) { extern int Verbose; extern double MemArray[]; extern int MemLock[]; int i; if (Verbose) printf("Clear All Memory Function\n"); for (i = 0; i < NUM_MEM_CELLS; i++) { if (MemLock[i] != 1) { MemArray[i] = 0.0; if (Verbose) printf(" %f ", MemArray[i]); } } if (Verbose) printf("\n"); write_config(); } /***** End of function clrallmem() ****************************/ /**************************************************************** * Function: stormem **************************************************************** Description: Store value to memory cell #N Change History: Date Modification 11/04/00 Updated function header 11/05/00 Added Locked Memory capabilities ****************************************************************/ void stormem(int mem_loc) { extern double MemArray[]; extern int MemLock[]; extern int Verbose; extern double RegisterA; int i; if (Verbose) printf("Store Value %f in Memory Cell %d\nMemory:", RegisterA, mem_loc); if (MemLock[mem_loc] != 1) { MemArray[mem_loc] = RegisterA; write_config(); } else { if (Verbose) printf("Memory location %d Locked at %f\n", mem_loc, MemArray[mem_loc]); } if (Verbose) { for (i = 0; i < NUM_MEM_CELLS; i++) printf(" %f ", MemArray[i]); printf("\n"); } } /***** End of function stormem() ******************************/ /**************************************************************** * Function: recallmem **************************************************************** Description: Store value to memory cell #N Change History: Date Modification 11/04/00 Updated function header ****************************************************************/ void recallmem(int mem_loc) { extern double MemArray[]; extern int Verbose; extern double RegisterA; extern char DispString[]; int i; if (Verbose) printf("Recall Value in Memory Cell %d\nMemory:", mem_loc); RegisterA = MemArray[mem_loc]; sprintf(DispString, "%10.5g", RegisterA); if (Verbose) { for (i = 0; i < NUM_MEM_CELLS; i++) printf(" %f ", MemArray[i]); printf("\n"); } } /***** End of function recallmem() ***************************/ /**************************************************************** * Function: startcalc **************************************************************** Description: Change the sign of the number currently being entered Change History: Date Modification 11/04/00 Updated function header ****************************************************************/ void startcalc(void) { extern int Verbose; extern char SysCalcCmd[]; if (Verbose) fprintf(stderr, "Starting external calculator %s\n", SysCalcCmd); system(SysCalcCmd); } /***** End of function startcalc *****************************/