ifacechck is the program called by wmjiface to get your interface statistics. It uses /proc/net/dev to gather the info. If you do not have a /proc/net/dev, you should e-mail me, cuz I don't know what to do with you. If your /proc/net/dev is on another machine (as would be the case with a firewall) then you'll need to use the files in the svr.client directory. Install the cattheprocinfo program in /sbin/ or /usr/local/sbin--where is really up to you--on the firewall machine. Then add '/usr/sbin/cattheprocinfo &' to your rc.local (or some other likely startup script). Replace your install'd ifacechk with the spiffy new ifacechk.client from the svr.client directory. You will need to edit the spiffy new ifacechk. It's using socket communication to talk to the cattheprocinfo "server" on your firewall. Point the poor client to the right place?