Copying ------- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. What is it? ----------- In short, it is clipboard history dockable application for Window Maker (and maybe AfterStep with some little modifications - not tested). wmcliphist keeps history of clipboard operations and allows you to put previously copied items back to clipboard for pasting to other applications. I wrote wmcliphist because there was no such application suitable for usage in Window Maker and I was confused to run number of KDE daemons for Klipper (which was the inspiration). Features -------- * selectable number of items to keep * detachable (tear off) menu with clipboard history * possibility to lock item (locked items will not be overriden by new clipboard operations). To lock item press right mouse button on it. * saves history to file on exit (and loads it on start, of course :), periodicaly and/or on request * can handle binary data * configurable hotkey support (pop up menu at mouse cursor position) * regular expression driven actions (ignore/submenu/exec) * possibility to lock clipboard (new selections will not replace the current one and it could not be stored in history too) Instalation ----------- wmcliphist requires gtk+ and glib (fully tested only with 1.2.8 and 1.2.10, but probably will work with any 1.2.x version) and foodock library for writing dockable applications based on gtk+ (included). Hopefuly you'll only need to run make all install to compile and install wmcliphist. Note that you have to be root to install program to /usr/local/bin (default). If it fails, check, that you have installed gtk+, gtk+-devel, glib and glib-devel packages, make and compiler (gcc). If it still fails, try to upgrade to up to date versions of libraries listed above (see wmcliphist was tested only on Linux (Red Hat Linux 7.2, kernel 2.4.9, gcc 2.96), but it should compile and run on other un*x systems too. After installing binary you can create your configuration file in ~/.wmcliphistrc (sample config file wmcliphistrc is included in distribution archive). Upgrading Please note, that upgrade from version 0.1 will delete your old history! If you are upgrading from version 0.2 to 0.3, move your ~/.wmcliphistrc to ~/ and create new ~/.wmcliphistrc with configuration (sample config file is included). Usage ----- wmcliphist accepts followinf options: -h show help -n set number of items to keep (default 10) -c color set color for locked items (default is red) -s choose wmcliphist icon size: 16 = tiny 16x16 px icon 30 = icon suitable for 32px dock/slit 40 = icon suitable for 48px dock/slit 60 = icon suitable for 64px dock/slit (default) -i choose wmcliphist icon antialiasing: 0 = for mid tones background (default) 1 = for dark background 2 = for light background Example: /usr/local/bin/wmcliphist -n 15 -c darkgreen Some of theese options and many others can be set in ~/.wmcliphistrc too. Left click on icon opens menu with history and right click opens application menu. Right click on history menu item will lock it. History menu can be opened at mouse cursor position with configurable hotkey too. ToDo ---- * Maybe some configuration GUI? Who knows... * Separated history queues Credits ------- Michal Krause Daniel Richard G. (icon set used from version 0.5) Michael Beattie (new exec action handling in 0.6) Vadim O. Ustiansky (some improvements in 0.7) Special thanx ------------- Alexey Vyskubov, foodock library Downloader for X, from which I took inspiration for clipboard monitoring. BTW, it's great peace of software, try it. Download -------- Apology ------- I'd like to apologize to all English speaking people for mangling of their mother tongue :)