#include "config.h" /* Copyright (C) 2002 Brad Jorsch <anomie@users.sourceforge.net> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #if TM_IN_SYS_TIME # if TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME # include <sys/time.h> # include <time.h> # else # if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H # include <sys/time.h> # else # include <time.h> # endif # endif #else #include <time.h> #endif #include <ctype.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <signal.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <errno.h> #include <X11/Xlib.h> #include <X11/xpm.h> #include "wmgeneral/wmgeneral-x11.h" #include "wmgeneral/mouse_regions.h" #include "wmgeneral/xpm_trans.h" #include "wmweather_master.xpm" static int wmweather_mask_width; static int wmweather_mask_height; static char *wmweather_mask_bits; #include "wmweather+.h" #include "convert.h" #include "metar.h" #include "avn.h" #include "eta.h" #include "mrf.h" #include "warnings.h" #include "forecast.h" #include "radar.h" #include "animation.h" #include "die.h" #include "font.h" /* Globals */ int current_mode; struct forecast *cur_forecast; int window_X, window_Y; #define X 4 #define P 4 #define M (((100/P)+1)*X) static struct forecast *last_fcst; static int last_font=-1; static time_t last_time=0; static int but_stat=-1; static int dclick=0; static int dclick_counter=-1; static time_t update_time; static int forecast_priority, last_priority; static struct animation anim; static int counter_timer=0; static int show_counter; static int min_pct; static int sigs=0; /* Prototypes */ void DrawDisplay(int force); /* Functions */ void sigusr2(int i){ sigs |= 2; if(signal(SIGUSR2, sigusr2)==SIG_ERR) warn("Error setting SIGUSR2 signal handler!"); } void sigusr1(int i){ sigs |= 1; if(signal(SIGUSR1, sigusr1)==SIG_ERR) warn("Error setting SIGUSR1 signal handler!"); } void sigfunc(int i){ sigs |= i<<8; if(signal(i, sigfunc)==SIG_ERR) warn("Error setting %d signal handler!", i); } void do_cleanup(void){ metar_cleanup(); warnings_cleanup(); avn_cleanup(); eta_cleanup(); mrf_cleanup(); radar_cleanup(); } void init_dock(int argc, char **argv){ sscanf(wmweather_master_xpm[0], "%d %d %*s", &wmweather_mask_width, &wmweather_mask_height); wmweather_mask_bits=malloc((wmweather_mask_width+7)/8*wmweather_mask_height); if(!wmweather_mask_bits) die("malloc failed"); createXBMfromXPM(wmweather_mask_bits, wmweather_master_xpm, wmweather_mask_width, wmweather_mask_height); openDockWindow(argc, argv, wmweather_master_xpm, wmweather_mask_bits, wmweather_mask_width, wmweather_mask_height); AddMouseRegion(0, 5, 5, 23, 14); /* Cur button */ AddMouseRegion(1, 23, 5, 41, 14); /* Fcst burron */ AddMouseRegion(2, 41, 5, 59, 14); /* Map button */ AddMouseRegion(3, 5, 17, 59, 59); /* Large window */ AddMouseRegion(4, 5, 17, 11, 24); /* left forecast arrow */ AddMouseRegion(5, 53, 17, 59, 24); /* right forecast arrow */ AddMouseRegion(6, 14, 17, 50, 24); /* forecast little window */ AddMouseRegion(7, 5, 27, 59, 59); /* forecast big window */ init_metar(); if(warning_zones) init_warnings(); if(avn_station) init_avn(); if(eta_station) init_eta(); if(mrf_station) init_mrf(); init_radar(); errno=0; if(atexit(do_cleanup)) warn("atexit() failed, files will not be cleaned up\n"); current_mode=starting_mode; window_X=0; window_Y=0; cur_forecast=NULL; last_fcst=NULL; last_font=-1; last_time=0; anim.do_animate=start_do_animation; anim.show_counter=0; anim.changed=1; anim.min_pct=1; anim.old_pct=0; min_pct=20; show_counter=0; but_stat=-1; dclick=0; dclick_counter=-1; update_time=0; forecast_priority=4; last_priority=-1; if(signal(SIGUSR1, sigusr1)==SIG_ERR) warn("Error setting SIGUSR1 signal handler!"); if(signal(SIGUSR2, sigusr2)==SIG_ERR) warn("Error setting SIGUSR2 signal handler!"); if(signal(SIGHUP, sigfunc)==SIG_ERR) warn("Error setting SIGHUP signal handler!"); if(signal(SIGINT, sigfunc)==SIG_ERR) warn("Error setting SIGINT signal handler!"); if(signal(SIGPIPE, sigfunc)==SIG_ERR) warn("Error setting SIGPIPE signal handler!"); if(signal(SIGTERM, sigfunc)==SIG_ERR) warn("Error setting SIGTERM signal handler!"); DrawDisplay(1); } void update_dock(){ XEvent Event; int i=0, j; int exposeflag=0; j=sigs; sigs=0; if(j){ if(j&~3) exit(j); if(j&1) i=current_mode; if(j&2) i=-1; if(j&3){ switch(i){ case 0: update_metar(1); break; case 1: update_avn(1); update_eta(1); update_mrf(1); break; case 2: update_radar(1); break; default: update_metar(1); update_avn(1); update_eta(1); update_mrf(1); update_radar(1); break; } } } if(update_time<time(NULL)){ update_time=time(NULL)+2; update_metar(0); update_avn(0); update_eta(0); update_mrf(0); update_radar(0); forecast_priority=(forecast_priority+1)%5; DrawDisplay(0); } if(counter_timer>0) if(!--counter_timer){ anim.changed=1; show_counter=anim.show_counter=0; } if(dclick_counter>-1) dclick_counter--; while(XPending(display)){ XNextEvent(display, &Event); switch (Event.type){ case GraphicsExpose: case NoExpose: case Expose: exposeflag=1; break; case DestroyNotify: XCloseDisplay(display); exit(0); break; case ButtonPress: but_stat = CheckMouseRegion(Event.xbutton.x, Event.xbutton.y); if((dclick!=but_stat+1 && dclick!=-but_stat-1) || dclick_counter<0){ dclick=-but_stat-1; dclick_counter=4; } else if(dclick==-but_stat-1) dclick=but_stat+1; switch(but_stat){ case 0: case 1: case 2: if(current_mode!=but_stat){ current_mode=but_stat; if(!anim.do_animate && !show_counter){ show_counter=1; counter_timer=10; } DrawDisplay(1); } break; case 3: case 7: switch(Event.xbutton.button){ case 2: if(current_mode==2){ if(radar_cross!=NULL){ do_radar_cross=1; DrawDisplay(1); } } else { anim.changed=1; anim.show_counter=0; anim.do_animate=!anim.do_animate; anim.min_pct=1; if(!anim.do_animate && current_mode==1){ anim.min_pct=min_pct; show_counter=anim.show_counter=1; counter_timer=20; } } break; case 4: if(current_mode==1 && !anim.do_animate && min_pct<100){ if(Event.xbutton.state&ShiftMask){ min_pct+=10; if(min_pct>100) min_pct=100; } else min_pct++; anim.min_pct=min_pct; show_counter=anim.show_counter=1; counter_timer=20; anim.changed=1; } break; case 5: if(current_mode==1 && !anim.do_animate && min_pct>0){ if(Event.xbutton.state&ShiftMask){ min_pct-=10; if(min_pct<0) min_pct=0; } else min_pct--; anim.min_pct=min_pct; anim.show_counter=1; counter_timer=20; anim.changed=1; } break; case 6: if(current_mode==1){ show_counter=anim.show_counter=1; anim.changed=1; counter_timer=0; } break; } break; case 4: copyPixmapArea(123, 96, 6, 7, 65, 17); break; case 5: copyPixmapArea(129, 96, 6, 7, 113, 17); break; } break; case ButtonRelease: i = CheckMouseRegion(Event.xbutton.x, Event.xbutton.y); if(dclick_counter<0) dclick=0; if(but_stat==4){ copyPixmapArea(123, 89, 6, 7, 65, 17); } if(but_stat==5){ copyPixmapArea(129, 89, 6, 7, 113, 17); } if(current_mode==2 && (but_stat==3 || but_stat==7) && Event.xbutton.button==2){ do_radar_cross=0; DrawDisplay(1); } if(but_stat == i && but_stat >= 0){ switch(but_stat){ case 3: case 7: if(Event.xbutton.button==1){ if(dclick==but_stat+1) kill(getpid(), SIGUSR1); else if(warning_zones) output_warnings(0); } if(Event.xbutton.button==2){ if(dclick==but_stat+1 && current_mode==1){ show_counter=anim.show_counter=!anim.show_counter; anim.changed=1; counter_timer=0; } } if(Event.xbutton.button==3 && warning_zones) output_warnings(1); if(Event.xbutton.button==6){ show_counter=anim.show_counter=0; anim.changed=1; } break; case 4: current_forecast_next(-1); forecast_priority=4; last_priority=0; DrawDisplay(0); break; case 5: current_forecast_next(1); forecast_priority=4; last_priority=0; DrawDisplay(0); break; case 6: if(Event.xbutton.button==3) current_forecast_next(-1); if(Event.xbutton.button==2){{ struct forecast *f=current_forecast_get(); struct forecast *g; current_forecast_next(1); while((g=current_forecast_get())!=f){ if((f->hour<0 && g->hour>=0) || (f->hour>=0 && g->hour<0)) break; current_forecast_next(1); } }} if(Event.xbutton.button==1) current_forecast_next(1); forecast_priority=4; last_priority=0; DrawDisplay(0); break; } but_stat=-1; } break; } } if(exposeflag){ setMaskXY(-window_X, -window_Y); RedrawWindowXY(window_X, window_Y); } DoAnimation(&anim); } void DrawDisplay(int force){ int font=0; int x, y, z; struct forecast *f; time_t t; struct tm *tm; if(current_warnings) font=1; if(force || last_font!=font) last_time=-1; last_font=font; switch(current_mode){ case 0: if(last_time==current.last_update) break; last_time=current.last_update; EnableMouseRegion(3); DisableMouseRegion(4); DisableMouseRegion(5); DisableMouseRegion(6); DisableMouseRegion(7); window_X=0; window_Y=0; copyPixmapArea(124, 0, 54, 9, 5, 5); copyPixmapArea(124, 9, 18, 9, 5, 5); copyPixmapArea(124, 18, 54, 42, 5, 17); DrawString(7, 17, metar_station, font+1); if(current.month>0 && current.month<13 && current.date!=-1){ snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "%s %d", monthnames[(int)current.month], current.date); DrawString(32, 17, bigbuf, font+1); } if(current.time!=-1){ snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "%04dL (%04dZ)", current.time, local2utc(current.time, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)); DrawString(7, 23, bigbuf, font+1); } if(current.temp!=999){ x=(temp_mode==0)?temp_C2F(current.temp):current.temp; if(x<-99) x=-99; if(x>199) x=199; snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "%d", x); DrawString(32, 29, bigbuf, font); } if(current.rh!=-1){ DrawChar(55, 29, '%', font); DrawNumber(54, 29, current.rh, font); } if(current.windspeed==0){ x=GetStringWidth("CALM"); DrawString(32+(26-x)/2, 35, "CALM", font); } else { if(current.winddir>=0 && current.winddir<=16){ x=GetStringWidth(directions[current.winddir]); DrawString(45-x, 35, directions[current.winddir], font); } switch(windspeed_mode){ case 0: x=knots2mph(current.windspeed); break; case 1: x=knots2kph(current.windspeed); break; case 3: x=knots2mps(current.windspeed); break; case 4: x=knots2beaufort(current.windspeed); break; } if(x>=0 && x<1000) DrawNumber(58, 35, x, font); } if(current.pressure>0){ switch(pressure_mode){ case 1: snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "P:%4.0f", inHg2hPa(current.pressure)); break; case 2: snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "P:%5.1f", inHg2mmHg(current.pressure)); break; case 3: snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "P:%5.3f", inHg2atm(current.pressure)); break; default: snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "P:%5.2f", current.pressure); break; } DrawString(32, 41, bigbuf, font); } if(current.heatindex!=999){ x=(temp_mode==0)?current.heatindex:temp_F2C(current.heatindex); if(x<-99) x=-99; if(x>199) x=199; snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "HI: %d", x); DrawString(32, 47, bigbuf, font); } if(current.windchill!=999){ x=(temp_mode==0)?current.windchill:temp_F2C(current.windchill); if(x<-99) x=-99; if(x>199) x=199; snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "WC: %d", x); DrawString(32, 53, bigbuf, font); } anim.show_counter=0; anim.min_pct=1; SetAnimation(&anim, 5, 28, current.sky, current.obs, current.vis, current.frz, current.snow, current.rain, current.tstorm, 0, current.moon); break; case 1: f=current_forecast_get(); if(last_fcst!=f) last_time=-1; last_fcst=f; if(f!=NULL){ if(last_time==f->last_update) goto case_1_end; /* still check bottom line priority */ else last_time=f->last_update; } DisableMouseRegion(3); EnableMouseRegion(4); EnableMouseRegion(5); EnableMouseRegion(6); EnableMouseRegion(7); window_X=60; window_Y=0; last_priority=-1; copyPixmapArea(124, 0, 54, 9, 65, 5); copyPixmapArea(142, 9, 18, 9, 83, 5); copyPixmapArea(123, 89, 6, 7, 65, 17); copyPixmapArea(129, 89, 6, 7, 113, 17); copyPixmapArea(124, 18, 36, 7, 74, 17); copyPixmapArea(124, 18, 54, 32, 65, 27); if(f==NULL) break; t=time(NULL); tm=localtime(&t); bigbuf[0]='\0'; if(tm->tm_mon+1==f->month && tm->tm_mday==f->day){ if(f->hour<0) snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "TODAY"); else snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "TODAY %dL", f->hour); } else { x=tm->tm_mon+1; y=tm->tm_mday+1; fix_date(&x, &y, NULL, NULL); if(x==f->month && y==f->day){ if(f->hour<0) snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "TOMORROW"); else snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "TMRW %dL", f->hour); } else { z=0; if(f->wday!=-1){ for(z=0; z<5; z++){ y++; fix_date(&x, &y, NULL, NULL); if(x==f->month && y==f->day){ if(f->hour<0) snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "%s", wdaynames[(int)f->wday]); else snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "%.3s %dL", wdaynames[(int)f->wday], f->hour); z=99; } } } if(z<99 && f->month>0 && f->day>0){ if(f->hour<0) snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "%.3s %d", monthnames[(int)f->month], f->day); else snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "%.3s %d %dL", monthnames[(int)f->month], f->day, f->hour); } } } x=GetStringWidth(bigbuf); DrawString(60+(64-x)/2, 18, bigbuf, font); x=GetStringWidth(f->station); DrawString(118-x, 28, f->station, font+1); if(f->high!=999 || f->low!=999){ DrawChar(104, 35, '/', font); if(f->high!=999){ x=(temp_mode==0)?f->high:temp_F2C(f->high); if(x<-99) x=-99; if(x>199) x=199; DrawNumber(103, 35, x, font); } if(f->low!=999){ x=(temp_mode==0)?f->low:temp_F2C(f->low); if(x<-99) x=-99; if(x>199) x=199; DrawNumber(118, 35, x, font); } } if(f->temp!=999){ x=(temp_mode==0)?f->temp:temp_F2C(f->temp); if(x<-99) x=-99; if(x>199) x=199; snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "%d", x); DrawString(92, 41, bigbuf, font); } if(f->rh!=-1){ DrawChar(115, 41, '%', font); DrawNumber(114, 41, f->rh, font); } if(f->windspeed==0){ x=GetStringWidth("CALM"); DrawString(92+(26-x)/2, 47, "CALM", font); } else { if(f->winddir>=0 && f->winddir<=16){ x=GetStringWidth(directions[f->winddir]); DrawString(105-x, 47, directions[f->winddir], font); } switch(windspeed_mode){ case 0: x=knots2mph(f->windspeed); break; case 1: x=knots2kph(f->windspeed); break; case 3: x=knots2mps(f->windspeed); break; case 4: x=knots2beaufort(f->windspeed); break; } if(x>=0 && x<1000) DrawNumber(118, 47, x, font); } anim.show_counter=show_counter; anim.min_pct=min_pct; SetAnimation(&anim, 65, 28, f->sky, f->obs, f->vis, f->frz, f->snow, f->rain, f->tstorm, f->svtstorm, f->moon); case_1_end: if(f==NULL || forecast_priority==last_priority) break; /* This is a little tricky. We use the switch as a calculated goto * (ick) to determine which order to try things in. Fall-through is * intended. */ switch(forecast_priority){ default: /* WTF? Oh well, just start at the beginning */ case 0: if(f->heatindex>=80 && f->heatindex!=999){ copyPixmapArea(124, 18, 26, 5, 92, 53); x=(temp_mode==0)?f->heatindex:temp_F2C(f->heatindex); snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "HI: %d", x); DrawString(92, 53, bigbuf, font); forecast_priority=0; break; } case 1: if(f->windchill<=40 && f->windchill!=999){ copyPixmapArea(124, 18, 26, 5, 92, 53); x=(temp_mode==0)?f->windchill:temp_F2C(f->windchill); snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "WC: %d", x); DrawString(92, 53, bigbuf, font); forecast_priority=1; break; } case 2: if(f->snowamt>0){ copyPixmapArea(124, 18, 26, 5, 92, 53); if(f->snowamt==1){ x=1; y=2; } else if(f->snowamt==8){ x=8; y=-1; } else { x=f->snowamt; y=x+2; } if(length_mode==1){ x=in2cm(x); y=in2cm(y); } if(x>9 && y>9) x=9; if(y==-1) snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "SN:>%d", x); else snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "SN:%d-%d", x, y); DrawString(92, 53, bigbuf, font); forecast_priority=2; break; } case 3: if(f->precipamt>0){ copyPixmapArea(124, 18, 26, 5, 92, 53); switch(f->precipamt){ case 1: if(length_mode==0) DrawString(92, 53, "P:.01-.1", font); if(length_mode==1) DrawString(92, 53, "P: 0-.25", font); break; case 2: if(length_mode==0) DrawString(92, 53, "P:.1-.25", font); if(length_mode==1) DrawString(92, 53, "P:.25-.6", font); break; case 3: if(length_mode==0) DrawString(92, 53, "P:.25-.5", font); if(length_mode==1) DrawString(92, 53, "P:.6-1.3", font); break; case 4: if(length_mode==0) DrawString(92, 53, "P: .5-1", font); if(length_mode==1) DrawString(92, 53, "P: 1-2.5", font); break; case 5: if(length_mode==0) DrawString(92, 53, "P: 1-2", font); if(length_mode==1) DrawString(92, 53, "P: 2.5-5", font); break; case 6: if(length_mode==0) DrawString(92, 53, "P: >2", font); if(length_mode==1) DrawString(92, 53, "P: >5", font); break; case 7: if(length_mode==0) DrawString(92, 53, "P: >3", font); if(length_mode==1) DrawString(92, 53, "P: >7.6", font); break; } forecast_priority=3; break; } case 4: copyPixmapArea(124, 18, 26, 5, 92, 53); x=GetStringWidth("<")+1; y=GetStringWidth(f->ID)+1; z=GetStringWidth(">"); DrawChar(118-x-y-z, 53, '<', font+1); DrawString(118-y-z, 53, f->ID, font+1); DrawChar(118-z, 53, '>', font+1); forecast_priority=4; break; } last_priority=forecast_priority; break; case 2: if(last_time==radar_update_time) break; last_time=radar_update_time; EnableMouseRegion(3); DisableMouseRegion(4); DisableMouseRegion(5); DisableMouseRegion(6); DisableMouseRegion(7); window_X=0; window_Y=0; copyPixmapArea(124, 0, 54, 9, 5, 5); copyPixmapArea(160, 9, 18, 9, 41, 5); put_radar(6, 18, font); anim.active=0; break; } DoAnimation(&anim); }