.TH wmix 1x "2.2" "Fredrik Steen" .SH NAME wmix \- Dockapp mixer for OSS or ALSA . .SH SYNOPSIS .B wmix .RI [ options... ] .br .B wmix .I \-h . .SH DESCRIPTION Dockapp mixer for OSS or ALSA. Allows toggling record source, muting individual channels, adjusting volume and balance, all in a compact dockapp size, with TV\-like on\-screen\-display for volume levels. .LP Supports mousewheel to adjust current channelvolume and can be controlled remotely with SIGUSR1 / SIGUSR2 to adjust the volume. Keeps a simple configuration file for user\-defined settings. . .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\-d\fR <\fIdisplay\fP> Connect to remote X display .TP \fB\-e\fR <\fIname\fP> Exclude channel from control .TP \fB\-f\fR <\fIfile\fP> Use config file instead of .I ~/.wmixrc .TP \fB\-h\fR Display list of command\-line options .TP \fB\-m\fR <\fIdevice\fP> Use specified mixer device instead of .I /dev/mixer .TP \fB\-v\fR Verbose start, report detected channels . .SH CONFIGURATION FILE If readable, the file \fI~/.wmixrc\fP (or the file specified through \fB\-f\fR option) is read on startup. It may contains one configuration command per line: .TP mousewheel=<\fI0\fP|\fI1\fP> when set to \fI0\fP, disable the volume control through mouse wheel (default=\fI1\fP) .TP osd=<\fI0\fP|\fI1\fP> when set to \fI0\fP, disable display of the volume in an OSD like fashion (default=\fI1\fP) .TP osdcolor=<\fIcolor\fP> specify the color to use for OSD volume display. It can be the name of a color (see \fI/usr/share/X11/rgb.txt\fP) or an RGB specification (as \fBrgb:\fP<\fIred\fP>/<\fIgreen\fP>/<\fIblue\fP> with hexadecimal numbers) as expected by X11 (default=\fIgreen\fP) .TP scrolltext=<\fI0\fP|\fI1\fP> when set to \fI0\fP, disable text scrolling to display the name of current selected channel, use static short name instead (default=\fI1\fP) .TP wheelbtn1=<\fIbutton\fP> .TQ wheelbtn2=<\fIbutton\fP> defines the buttons events associated in X11 to the mouse wheel, with \fIbtn1\fP for up and \fIbtn2\fP for down (default: btn1=\fI4\fP and btn2=\fI5\fP) .TP wheelstep=<\fIpercentage\fP> sets the volume change step when using the mouse wheel, specified as a percentage of the total volume range (i.e.: 1\~<\~\fIvalue\fP\~<\~100, default=\fI3\fP) .br For compatibility, values between 0.0 and 1.0 will be considered as a raw percentage .LP . .SH FILES .TP .I ~/.wmixrc User configuration file (change with option .BR \-f ) .LP See \fI/usr/share/doc/wmix/README.gz\fP for more information . .SH AUTHORS This man page was written by Fredrik Steen for the Debian distribution. .PP wmix was written by Tim, timecop