Installation instructions for wmCalClock.

wmCalClock requires the Xpm library (which should be available on
most machines with XFree86 installed).

1) gunzip wmCalClock-x.xx.tar.gz
1) tar -xvf wmCalClock-x.xx.tar
2) cd wmCalClock-x.xx/Src/
3) make 
4) make install (must be root) 
5) wmCalClock & (or 'wmCalClock -h' for help, or 'man wmCalClock' for the man page)


- On FreeBSD, you may need to use gmake.
- On Solaris 2.6, -lsocket is required (use the Solaris-specfic
  LIB line in the Makefile instead of the default one for Linux).
- On SGI/IRIX, use gmake (?) or the Makefile.sgi