How to compile and install fookb: 0. The best way The best way is to install Debian Linux and use apt-get to install precompiled version of fookb :) 1. Generating Makefile. ./configure You may use ``./configure --prefix some_dir'' if you wish to install fookb in ``some_dir'' -- not in ``/usr/local''. Icons will be placed under ``some_dir/share/fookb'', manual page under ``some_dir/man/man1'', fookb itself under ``some_dir/bin''. E.g.: ./configure --prefix /usr/local/stow/fookb 2. Compiling make If compilation was unsuccessful or you can get no satisfaction, read previous section. 3. Installing make install 4. Configuring fookb Copy to ~/.fookb and edit this file according to your desire. Instead of putting parameter in config file you may use the following command line parameters: --icon1 xpm_file_with_full_path --icon2 the same --icon3 the same --icon4 the same --iconboom the same You may also use --display command line parameter.