asclock - afterstep clock

the best clock for the best X-windowmanager!

      26 August 1996
      by Beat Christen, bchriste@iiic.ethz.ch


     the latest release should be available from


     1. Check in the Imakefile if all LIBS are ok for your system.
     2. `configure`
     3. `make` (Send me the output if this fails)

     -  If you are using 'Wharf', and only a part (48x48) of the clock is
        visible, then
        you need AfterStep 0.98Beta Prerelease 4 and you have to set the
        'MaxSwallow' keyword for 'asclock'.

TODO  (for version 1.1)
    - proper colorhandling for shaped clock. (too many colors used!)
    - inclusion of asclock into Wharf
    - language loading at run-time

    Please send me language customized 'month.xpm' and 'weekday.xpm' files.
    I prefer uuencoded mail.

    Beat Christen

    Shape Extensions     Dan Weeks
    and man page

    language specific    Carlos Canau
    files                Frank Larsen
                         Andy Lo A Foe
			 Dan Weeks
                         Emanuele Caratti
                         Jorgen Pehrson
                         and many more. look at the changes for the
                         respective names.
    26-Aug-96  - czech added
    13-Aug-96  - french added
     6-Aug-96  - spanish added (thanks to David Lazaro Saz khelekir@encomix.es)
               - hungarian added
                 (thanks to Gyula Matics mgyula@garfield.sch.bme.hu)
               - breton added (thanks to Jean-Pierre.Messager@univ-brest.fr)

    30-Jul-96  - ClassHints added (patch by Peter Parnes peppar@cdt.luth.se)

    23-Jul-96  - swedish added (by Jorgen Pehrson d93jpe@blg.du.se)

     4-Jul-96  - italian added (by Emanuele Caratti)
               - improved configure

    21-Jun-96  - '-iconic' state added
               - usleep did not exist on Solaris 2.4: changed to poll()
               - better error messages

     8-Jun-96  - '-noblink' feature added
               - final switch to imake

    30-May-96  - am/pm should not show 0:00 am/pm but 12:00 am/pm
               - portuguese weekday resized
               - man page (by Dan Weeks)

    25-May-96  - '-geometry' is now '-position' and it _works_ !!!
               - in AM/PM mode, no leading one was visible...
               - '-led' command line option added

    24-May-96  - asclock can start an executable: as default you get a
                 message on console
               - command line options added (-exe, -geometry, -shape, -12, -24)
               - Shape-Extension (by Dan Weeks)
               - now it's a Build script
               - dutch added (by Andy Lo A Foe <arloafoe@cs.vu.nl>)
               - norwegian added (by Frank Larsen <frankrl@stud.cs.uit.no>)

    22-May-96  - obscure, not necessary XRaiseWindow removed :)
               - error-message if Xpm-conversion failed
               - name changed to 'afterstep clock'
               - blinking optimized
               - color selection in Configure
               - color led added (by James Robinson <jimr@simons-rock.edu>)
               - portuguese added (by Carlos Canau <canau@dawn.EUnet.pt>)
               - Makefile improvements
               - Configure is now for sh

    20-May-96  - english support added (by Dan Weeks <dan@mango.sfasu.edu>)
	       - Language configure script
	       - german weekday widened to same size as english...
               - Makefile changes for Solaris

    18-May-96  - 8bit greyscale support added
               - slightly moved the time-led's
               - no bmclock directory was created while decompressing