        untar the sources by typing something along the lines of

        zcat wmswallow.tar.Z|tar cvf -
        cd wmswallow
        make <platform>

        where platform is currently one out of
                xfree, solaris, solaris-gcc

        The xfree target works under linux and freebsd.

        Linux is tested best, since i'm hacking this stuff under linux (at
        home). I have access to several Solaris Workstations (some sparcs, and
        2 pcs) whith quite different Installations which i regularly use, so
        the solaris target will at least get some attention. Solaris users
        please read README.solaris for some hints.

        Other Unices might or might not get happy with the xfree target or
        some or other... I really think using autoconf/automake for this small
        app would be overkill. If you devise a proper patch for a different
        Unix-flavour, i will include it, but i might not be able to test it.
        (I have currently access to FreeBSD and AIX, in addition to my

        After compilation put the binary somewhere you like (e.g. in /usr/local/bin)
        and in case you want to delete the Sourcetree, you might want to copy the
        README to /usr/doc/wmswallow

        Now try
                wmswallow -h
        to get a basic idea how it works.