Wed Sep 15 00:29:10 EDT 1999 I tuned ifacechk to be able to handle _huge_ numbers of packets. Perl was maxin' out at some point ... who cares. I fixed it with line #113: s/([0-9]+)([0-9]{9})/$2/g := just gimme the last 9 digits... work on that. This forces a rollover on 9 digits, simultaneously causing correct operation 999999999 out of 10000000000 times (assuming a 1 byte per second xfer rate and an update delay of 1 second). It also causes an error on the rollover (fixed after the next update. This is not an elegant solution, but, it is satisfactory for now. Tue Aug 24 12:14:38 EDT 1999 I just noticed a bug in ifacechk. The code that reverses the logical/physical devices doesn't work quite right. Apparently if /var/run/ contains 'ppp1', then it means that the physical device 'ppp0' is acting as the logical device 'ppp1'. That's news to me. The reversal was working before, because if both devices are up, the reversal is correct even counting my error. Did you know that Keppler made two glaring errors in his calculus, and the second cancled out the first? I guess I'm up there with greatness. ;) Tue Aug 24 12:07:07 EDT 1999 I added some better error checking. When one of my devices would go down, wmjiface would start showing me non-sense while the device is coming back up. If an error is detected, the exponential averaging get's cleared out. That helps to keep it from holding on to negative speeds for long periods. Wed Aug 18 02:22:43 EDT 1999 I finnally installed the weighted averaging I was talking about! exp_avg = (alpha*current_bps) + ((1-alpha)*last_average). This method is called exponetial averaging. I had to install a "beta pulldown," where alpha is equals beta iff the xfer_rate exactly equals 0. It gives a more realistic feel to the end of the xfer, rather than a drawn out approach to 0. That limit could go on for tens of minutes, since I used doubles (so the history will contain a more accurate approximation). Tue Aug 17 22:48:18 EDT 1999 Made a minor change that reverses my ppp devices when needed. The ppp devices are fcfs btw, I don't want the imaginary device, I want the real device. Tue Aug 17 03:47:06 EDT 1999 Somewhat drunkenly completed a change to ifacechk to remove the old tmp files. Ended up using a system() if ... /proc/dir exists check ... how ugly. but hey... I was already using /proc *smirk* Mon Aug 16 22:07:05 EDT 1999 noticed an ugly flaw in ifacechk. Every instance of ifacechk was overwriting every other's data ... I used perl's '$$' variable to seperate it out. The only trouble is that there will now be a huge buildup of the stat files after a while. How to resolve that? Mon Aug 16 22:06:15 EDT 1999 added a new switch (and the support for it). -D: now lists in/out at the same time. Mon Aug 16 20:06:18 EDT 1999 huge changes to the update loop in the form of more modularization. Tue Jul 20 11:08:38 EDT 1999 installed new date and version stuff in the makefile, and the print_help() Wed Jul 14 19:08:20 EDT 1999 It's new... There's no changes... besides it's existance.