.TH WMCALCLOCK 1 "16 December 1998" .SH NAME WMCALCLOCK \- Dockable Calendar Clock .SH SYNOPSIS .B wmCalClock [-h] [-display <Display>] [-b <Volume>] [-e <Command>] [-24] [-s] [-S] [-L <Longitude>] [-l] [-tc <color>] [-bc <color>] [-tekton] [-comicsans] [-arial] [-luggerbug] [-jazz] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP wmCalClock is a simple Calendar Clock with anti-aliased text and drop-shadows. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-h Display list of command-line options. .TP .B \-display [display] Use an alternate X Display. .TP .B \-b <Volume> Beep on the hour with specified volume (between -100 and 100). .TP .B \-e <Command> Command to execute via double click of mouse button 1. (Use quotes if your command has white space in it). .TP .B \-24 Show time in 24-hour format instead of default 12-hour AM/PM format. .TP .B \-s Show Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time (GMST) in 24-hour format. .TP .B \-S Dont show seconds. .TP .B \-L <Longitude> Show Local Sidereal Time (LST) in 24-hour format. Longitude is in degrees (- for West + for East). .TP .B \-l Force use of lower color pixmap to conserve colors. On displays with <= 8 bits, the low color Pixmap will always be used. .TP .B \-tc <color> Change color of time-field digits. .TP .B \-bc <color> Change color of time-field background. .TP .B \-tekton Use the Tekton font for time field. .TP .B \-arial Use the Arial (i.e. Helvetica) font for time field. .TP .B \-jazz Use the JazzPoster font for time field. .TP .B \-luggerbug Use the LuggerBug font for time field. .TP .B \-comicsans Use the ComicSans font for time field. .SH BUGS Who knows? (Let me know if you find any). .SH AUTHOR Michael G. Henderson <mghenderson@lanl.gov>