# Replace all < > with appropriate data
autochecking       1      # 1 enables, 0 disables
viewallmessages    0      # 0 Shows both read and unread messages
#                           and 1 shows only unread messages
displaydelay	   2
scrollspeed        150
tempdir	           "/tmp"
#popserver          pop.free.fr
#port               110    # default port
#username           lbj
#password           42vm90cx
#mailcheckdelay     3     # default mail check time in minutes
#alias		   flb
#countunreadonly	   0
#mailclient	   "netscape -mail"

popserver	   aaricia.france.sun.com
port		   110
username	   test2
password	   test
alias		   a2
countunreadonly	   0
mailcheckdelay	   10
newmailcommand     "echo aa5 %T %t %f %s %m %n %S %a %P"
maxdlsize	   2000
mailclient	   "echo aa5 %T %t %f %s %m %n %S %a %P"

popserver	   aaricia.france.sun.com
port		   110
username	   test4
password	   test
alias		   4
countunreadonly	   0
mailcheckdelay	   1
newmailcommand	   "echo %c %C"
maxdlsize	   650
mailclient	   "echo %c %C"
selectedmesgcommand "echo %c %C"
mailseparator      "
From -

popserver	   aaricia.france.sun.com
port		   110
username	   test3
password	   test
alias		   aa3
countunreadonly	   0
mailcheckdelay	   1
newmailcommand	   "echo %f %s %m"
maxdlsize	   -1
mailclient         "echo %f %s %m"
selectedmesgcommand "emacs %C"