Version Description -------------------------------------------------------------- 1.3b * Released 980513 * Splitted up WMPPP and WMiFS into separate programs. * WMiFS now uses our 'newstyle' shared dockapps code, it's quite rewritten again. * WMiFS now reads /proc/dev/net instead of /proc/net/route. * Changed the RC file parsing and handling again. * Now ignores DUMMY interface too :) * Fixed the 'Zombie' bug :) * Better 'execvp' code :) * Vastly reduced X CPU usage :) 1.2p1 * Released 980502 * Updated the docs, sorry, we forgot to update some of them, due to some last minute changes in the code the docs where incorrect on some parts (systemrc). * Updated the Makefile because the systemrc files went to the wrong location (due to above changes). * Updated the WMPPP rc files, again, due to some last minute changes in the code, WMPPP's rc files where no longer working properly. 1.2 * Released 980429 * Completely revamped the WMPPP & WMiFS GUI :) * Added 'forceleft, forcemiddle and forceright' options in WMiFS for 'real' multiuser systems, when 'force*' is detected in /etc/wmifsrc the user settings in ~/.wmifsrc are overridden (usefull for sites where users may not fiddle with pppd's options :) * WMPPP: Ditto, added 'force' facility here too * WMPPP: now correctly redisplays time when killed and restarted * WMPPP: timer now starts to run when the actual connection is made * WMPPP: added BAUD CONNECT value display * WMPPP: added 'getmodemspeed', a SUID proggie to read the CONNECT value from /var/log/messages * WMPPP: dropped the config GUI and added an .wmppprc file instead > motivation to do so: this way, WMPPP is much more platform and distribution independant :) * WMPPP: enhanced the status LED, yellow means dialing, green means online, red means error * WMPPP: added -display commandline option * WMPPP: added -t commandline option, default the timer will display HH:MM, -t will display MM:SS and switch to HH:MM after 60 minutes * WMiFS: added support for all interfaces in /proc/net/, now all interfaces are supported :) * WMiFS: added -display commandline option * WMiFS: added -w commandline option, this will draw the graph in our new 'waveform' look :) * WMiFS: fixed the coredump problems that occured on some systems with or without .wmifsrc file typo's, errors, etc. in the .wmifsrc file are now also being ignored/rejected, the worst thing that can happen now is that the scripts do not execute (i.e. luser error) ;-) * WMiFS: when monitoring a ppp interface, bytes are used to draw the graph, otherwise packets * WMiFS: made the RX/TX/Status LED box identical to the one in WMPPP, the right LED is the status LED, green means interface is working, red means error (interface down, NIC broken, etc.) 1.1 - Released 980407 - Added WMiFS, the no button more stats version - All ppp/eth load graphs are now autoscaling - Autosensing of all active ppp/eth interfaces - 99 hours --> 00 hours is now okay - Now detects already running WMPPP(s) - WMIFS has 'mousebutton' script launch support - Now reads pppsocket instead of /proc/dev/net - WMIFS reads ~/.wmifsrc (optional) 1.0 - Released 980315 - Total rewrite of WMPPP-1.0pre2 - WMPPP again redesigned improved timer display readability Some code cleanups 1.0pre7 - Not released, developers release Started writing documentation Enhanced Makefile Bugfixes 1.0pre6 - Not released, developers release Redesigned WMPPP's GUI Added failsave Yes/No disconnect requester Some code cleaning Configuration GUI is ready 1.0pre5 - Not released, developers release Bugfixes Enhanced configuration GUI 1.0pre4 - Not released, developers release Bugfixes Enhanced configuration GUI 1.0pre3 - Not released, developers release - WMPPP dialup frontend is now a with online timer. 1.0pre2 - Released 980115 First initial public release Bugfixes and some cosmetic stuff 0.5b - Not released, developers release Bugfixes and cosmetic changes 0.3b - Not released, developers release First working WMPPP version