/* WMix 3.0 -- a mixer using the OSS mixer API. * Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 timecop@japan.co.jp * Mixer code in version 3.0 based on mixer api library by * Daniel Richard G. , which in turn was based on * the mixer code in WMix 2.x releases. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "include/common.h" #include "include/mixer.h" #include "include/misc.h" #include "include/ui_x.h" #include "include/mmkeys.h" #include "include/config.h" #include "include/mixer-oss.h" #include "include/mixer-alsa.h" static Display *display; static bool button_pressed = false; static bool slider_pressed = false; static double prev_button_press_time = 0.0; static float display_height; static float display_width; static int mouse_drag_home_x; static int mouse_drag_home_y; static int idle_loop; /* local stuff */ static void signal_catch(int sig); static void button_press_event(XButtonEvent *event); static void button_release_event(XButtonEvent *event); static int key_press_event(XKeyEvent *event); static void motion_event(XMotionEvent *event); static void choose_api(int api); int main(int argc, char **argv) { XEvent event; int rr_event_base, rr_error_base; Bool have_randr; config_init(); parse_cli_options(argc, argv); config_read(); choose_api(config.api); mixer_init(config.mixer_device, config.verbose, (const char **)config.exclude_channel); mixer_set_channel(0); display = XOpenDisplay(config.display_name); if (display == NULL) { const char *name; if (config.display_name) { name = config.display_name; } else { name = getenv("DISPLAY"); if (name == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "wmix:error: Unable to open display, variable $DISPLAY not set\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } fprintf(stderr, "wmix:error: Unable to open display \"%s\"\n", name); return EXIT_FAILURE; } have_randr = XRRQueryExtension(display, &rr_event_base, &rr_error_base); if (have_randr) { int rr_mask = RRScreenChangeNotifyMask; XRRSelectInput(display, RootWindow(display, DefaultScreen(display)), rr_mask); } display_width = (float)DisplayWidth(display, DefaultScreen(display)) / 4.0; display_height = (float)DisplayHeight(display, DefaultScreen(display)) / 2.0; dockapp_init(display, have_randr); new_window("wmix", 64, 64); new_osd(60); if (config.mmkeys) mmkey_install(display); config_release(); blit_string("wmix " VERSION); scroll_text(3, 4, 57, true); ui_update(); /* add click regions */ add_region(1, 37, 36, 25, 25); /* knob */ add_region(2, 4, 42, 27, 15); /* balancer */ add_region(3, 2, 26, 7, 10); /* previous channel */ add_region(4, 10, 26, 7, 10); /* next channel */ add_region(5, 39, 14, 20, 7); /* mute toggle */ add_region(6, 4, 14, 13, 7); /* rec toggle */ add_region(10, 3, 4, 56, 7); /* re-scroll current channel name */ /* setup up/down signal handler */ create_pid_file(); signal(SIGUSR1, (void *) signal_catch); signal(SIGUSR2, (void *) signal_catch); while (true) { if (button_pressed || slider_pressed || (XPending(display) > 0)) { XNextEvent(display, &event); switch (event.type) { case KeyPress: if (key_press_event(&event.xkey)) idle_loop = 0; break; case Expose: redraw_window(); break; case ButtonPress: button_press_event(&event.xbutton); idle_loop = 0; break; case ButtonRelease: button_release_event(&event.xbutton); idle_loop = 0; break; case MotionNotify: /* process cursor change, or drag events */ motion_event(&event.xmotion); idle_loop = 0; break; case LeaveNotify: /* go back to standard cursor */ if ((!button_pressed) && (!slider_pressed)) set_cursor(NORMAL_CURSOR); break; case DestroyNotify: XCloseDisplay(display); return EXIT_SUCCESS; default: if (have_randr) { if (event.type == rr_event_base + RRScreenChangeNotify) { XRRUpdateConfiguration(&event); ui_rrnotify(); } } break; } } else { usleep(100000); if (mixer_tick) mixer_tick(); scroll_text(3, 4, 57, false); /* rescroll message after some delay */ if (idle_loop++ > 256) { scroll_text(3, 4, 57, true); idle_loop = 0; } /* get rid of OSD after a few seconds of idle */ if ((idle_loop > 15) && osd_mapped() && !button_pressed) { unmap_osd(); idle_loop = 0; } if (mixer_is_changed()) ui_update(); } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } static void signal_catch(int sig) { switch (sig) { case SIGUSR1: mixer_set_volume_rel(config.scrollstep); if (!osd_mapped()) map_osd(); if (osd_mapped()) update_osd(mixer_get_volume(), false); ui_update(); idle_loop = 0; break; case SIGUSR2: mixer_set_volume_rel(-config.scrollstep); if (!osd_mapped()) map_osd(); if (osd_mapped()) update_osd(mixer_get_volume(), false); ui_update(); idle_loop = 0; break; } } static void choose_api(int api) { if (api == 0) { mixer_init = &mixer_alsa_init; mixer_is_changed = &mixer_alsa_is_changed; mixer_get_channel_count = mixer_alsa_get_channel_count; mixer_get_channel = mixer_alsa_get_channel; mixer_get_channel_name = mixer_alsa_get_channel_name; mixer_get_short_name = mixer_alsa_get_short_name; mixer_set_channel = mixer_alsa_set_channel; mixer_set_channel_rel = mixer_alsa_set_channel_rel; mixer_get_volume = mixer_alsa_get_volume; mixer_set_volume = mixer_alsa_set_volume; mixer_set_volume_rel = mixer_alsa_set_volume_rel; mixer_get_balance = mixer_alsa_get_balance; mixer_set_balance = mixer_alsa_set_balance; mixer_set_balance_rel = mixer_alsa_set_balance_rel; mixer_toggle_mute = mixer_alsa_toggle_mute; mixer_toggle_rec = mixer_alsa_toggle_rec; mixer_is_muted = mixer_alsa_is_muted; mixer_is_stereo = mixer_alsa_is_stereo; mixer_is_rec = mixer_alsa_is_rec; mixer_can_rec = mixer_alsa_can_rec; mixer_tick = mixer_alsa_tick; } else if (api == 1) { mixer_init = &mixer_oss_init; mixer_is_changed = &mixer_oss_is_changed; mixer_get_channel_count = mixer_oss_get_channel_count; mixer_get_channel = mixer_oss_get_channel; mixer_get_channel_name = mixer_oss_get_channel_name; mixer_get_short_name = mixer_oss_get_short_name; mixer_set_channel = mixer_oss_set_channel; mixer_set_channel_rel = mixer_oss_set_channel_rel; mixer_get_volume = mixer_oss_get_volume; mixer_set_volume = mixer_oss_set_volume; mixer_set_volume_rel = mixer_oss_set_volume_rel; mixer_get_balance = mixer_oss_get_balance; mixer_set_balance = mixer_oss_set_balance; mixer_set_balance_rel = mixer_oss_set_balance_rel; mixer_toggle_mute = mixer_oss_toggle_mute; mixer_toggle_rec = mixer_oss_toggle_rec; mixer_is_muted = mixer_oss_is_muted; mixer_is_stereo = mixer_oss_is_stereo; mixer_is_rec = mixer_oss_is_rec; mixer_can_rec = mixer_oss_can_rec; mixer_tick = NULL; } } static void button_press_event(XButtonEvent *event) { double button_press_time = get_current_time(); int x = event->x; int y = event->y; bool double_click = false; /* handle wheel scrolling to adjust volume */ if (config.mousewheel) { if (event->button == config.wheel_button_up) { mixer_set_volume_rel(config.scrollstep); if (!osd_mapped()) map_osd(); if (osd_mapped()) update_osd(mixer_get_volume(), false); ui_update(); return; } if (event->button == config.wheel_button_down) { mixer_set_volume_rel(-config.scrollstep); if (!osd_mapped()) map_osd(); if (osd_mapped()) update_osd(mixer_get_volume(), false); ui_update(); return; } } if ((button_press_time - prev_button_press_time) <= 0.5) { double_click = true; prev_button_press_time = 0.0; } else prev_button_press_time = button_press_time; switch (check_region(x, y)) { case 1: /* on knob */ button_pressed = true; slider_pressed = false; mouse_drag_home_x = x; mouse_drag_home_y = y; if (double_click) { mixer_toggle_mute(); ui_update(); } break; case 2: /* on slider */ button_pressed = false; slider_pressed = true; mouse_drag_home_x = x; mouse_drag_home_y = y; if (double_click) { mixer_set_balance(0.0); ui_update(); } break; case 3: /* previous channel */ mixer_set_channel_rel(-1); blit_string(config.scrolltext ? mixer_get_channel_name() : mixer_get_short_name()); scroll_text(3, 4, 57, true); unmap_osd(); map_osd(); ui_update(); break; case 4: /* next channel */ mixer_set_channel_rel(1); blit_string(config.scrolltext ? mixer_get_channel_name() : mixer_get_short_name()); scroll_text(3, 4, 57, true); unmap_osd(); map_osd(); ui_update(); break; case 5: /* toggle mute */ mixer_toggle_mute(); ui_update(); break; case 6: /* toggle rec */ mixer_toggle_rec(); ui_update(); break; case 10: scroll_text(3, 4, 57, true); break; default: printf("unknown region pressed\n"); break; } } static int key_press_event(XKeyEvent *event) { if (event->keycode == mmkeys.raise_volume) { mixer_set_volume_rel(config.scrollstep); if (!osd_mapped()) map_osd(); if (osd_mapped()) update_osd(mixer_get_volume(), false); ui_update(); return 1; } if (event->keycode == mmkeys.lower_volume) { mixer_set_volume_rel(-config.scrollstep); if (!osd_mapped()) map_osd(); if (osd_mapped()) update_osd(mixer_get_volume(), false); ui_update(); return 1; } if (event->keycode == mmkeys.mute) { mixer_toggle_mute(); ui_update(); return 1; } /* Ignore other keys */ return 0; } static void button_release_event(XButtonEvent *event) { int x = event->x; int y = event->y; int region; region = check_region(x, y); if (region == 1) set_cursor(HAND_CURSOR); button_pressed = false; slider_pressed = false; } static void motion_event(XMotionEvent *event) { int x = event->x; int y = event->y; int region; if ((x == mouse_drag_home_x) && (y == mouse_drag_home_y)) return; region = check_region(x, y); if (button_pressed) { if (y != mouse_drag_home_y) { float delta; set_cursor(NULL_CURSOR); delta = (float)(mouse_drag_home_y - y) / display_height; knob_turn(delta); if (!osd_mapped()) map_osd(); if (osd_mapped()) update_osd(mixer_get_volume(), false); } XWarpPointer(display, None, event->window, x, y, 0, 0, mouse_drag_home_x, mouse_drag_home_y); return; } if (slider_pressed) { if (x != mouse_drag_home_x) { float delta; set_cursor(NULL_CURSOR); delta = (float)(x - mouse_drag_home_x) / display_width; slider_move(delta); } XWarpPointer(display, None, event->window, x, y, 0, 0, mouse_drag_home_x, mouse_drag_home_y); return; } if (region == 1) set_cursor(HAND_CURSOR); else if (region == 2) set_cursor(BAR_CURSOR); else set_cursor(NORMAL_CURSOR); }