/* * wmmp3 * Copyright (c)1999 Patrick Crosby <xb@dotfiles.com>. * This software covered by the GPL. See COPYING file for details. * * main.c * * This is the main body of the application. Handles all initialization * plus the X event loop. * * $Id: main.c,v 1.11 1999/10/08 22:21:32 pcrosby Exp $ */ #include "main.h" #define B_STOP 0 #define B_PLAY 1 #define B_BACK 2 #define B_NEXT 3 #define B_PREV_DIR 4 #define B_RAND 5 #define B_NEXT_DIR 6 #define B_REPEAT 7 #define B_TITLE 8 void loadconfig(); void show_help(); void show_version(); int check_options(int argc, char *argv[]); int handle_button_press(int x, int y); void handle_button_release(int i); struct coord { int x; int y; int w; int h; }; /* from Steven Jorgensen */ void stripspace(char *s) { char *t; t = s + strlen(s) - 1; while (t > s && isspace(*t)) { t--; } t++; *t = '\0'; } int handle_button_press(int x, int y) { int i; i = CheckMouseRegion(x, y); switch (i) { case B_STOP: button_down(i); button_up(B_PLAY); /* raise play */ button_up(B_PREV_DIR); /* reactivate directory up/down */ button_up(B_NEXT_DIR); stop(); break; case B_PLAY: button_down(i); button_gray(B_PREV_DIR); /* gray out directory up/down */ button_gray(B_NEXT_DIR); user_play(); break; case B_BACK: button_down(i); back(); break; case B_NEXT: button_down(i); next(); break; case B_PREV_DIR: dir_up(i); break; case B_RAND: random_toggle(i); break; case B_NEXT_DIR: dir_down(i); break; case B_REPEAT: repeat_toggle(i); break; case B_TITLE: turn_on_scroll(); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "unknown button pressed\n"); } RedrawWindow(); return(i); } void handle_button_release(int i) { /* play stays down, don't mess with toggles */ /* ignore song title press too */ if (((i != B_PLAY) && (i != B_RAND)) && ((i != B_REPEAT) && (i != B_TITLE))) { if (!is_playing()) { button_up(i); RedrawWindow(); } else { /* don't undo gray of dir up/down */ if (((i == B_STOP) || (i == B_BACK)) || (i == B_NEXT)) { button_up(i); RedrawWindow(); } } } } void loadconfig() { struct passwd *pw; char *config_filename; FILE *fp; errno = 0; /* set defualts in case anything fails */ set_mpg123("/usr/local/bin/mpg123"); set_mp3ext(".mp3"); set_playlistext(".m3u"); pw = getpwuid(getuid()); /* don't forget about the string terminator... */ config_filename = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(pw->pw_dir) + 8)); sprintf(config_filename, "%s/.wmmp3", pw->pw_dir); fp = fopen(config_filename, "r"); if (fp != NULL) { char line[256]; char variable[256]; char value[256]; fgets(line, 256, fp); while (!feof(fp)) { if ((line[0] != '#') && (line[0] != '\n')) { if (sscanf(line, " %s = %[^\n]", variable, value) < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Malformed line in config file: %s\n", line); } else { if (strcmp(variable, "mpg123") == 0) { stripspace(value); set_mpg123(value); } else if (strcmp(variable, "mp3dir") == 0) { stripspace(value); add_mp3dir(value); } else if (strcmp(variable, "mp3dirname") == 0) { stripspace(value); add_mp3dirname(value); } else if (strcmp(variable, "mp3ext") == 0) { stripspace(value); set_mp3ext(value); } else if (strcmp(variable, "playlistext") == 0) { stripspace(value); set_playlistext(value); } else if (strcmp(variable, "alwaysscroll") == 0) { stripspace(value); set_alwaysscroll(value); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized variable in config file: %s\n", variable); } } } fgets(line, 256, fp); } fclose(fp); } else { fprintf(stderr, "open of %s failed: %s\n", config_filename, strerror(errno)); } free(config_filename); } void show_help() { printf("wmmp3 -- by Patrick Crosby -- Version %s\n", VERSION); printf("At this moment, there are no command line options that do\n"); printf("anything special:\n"); printf("\t-h,--help: print this message\n"); printf("\t-v,--version: print version info\n"); printf("All options are set in ~/.wmmp3. See sample.wmmp3 in the\n"); printf("distribution or http://dotfiles.com/software/ for more info.\n"); } void show_version() { printf("wmmp3 -- by Patrick Crosby -- Version %s\n", VERSION); } int check_options(int argc, char *argv[]) { int option_entered = 0; int i; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (streq(argv[i], "-h")) { option_entered = 1; show_help(); } else if (streq(argv[i], "--help")) { option_entered = 1; show_help(); } else if (streq(argv[i], "-v")) { option_entered = 1; show_version(); } else if (streq(argv[i], "--version")) { option_entered = 1; show_version(); } } return option_entered; } void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct coord pos[] = { {35, 34, 12, 11}, /* stop */ {46, 34, 12, 11}, /* play */ {35, 45, 12, 11}, /* back */ {46, 45, 12, 11}, /* next */ {6, 34, 12, 11}, /* prev_dir */ {17, 34, 12, 11}, /* random */ {6, 45, 12, 11}, /* next_dir */ {17, 45, 12, 11}, /* repeat */ {5, 18, 54, 12} /* song title */ }; char mask_bits[64 * 64]; int mask_width = 64; int mask_height = 64; XEvent Event; int i; int btn_num; if (check_options(argc, argv)) { exit(1); } loadconfig(); /* set up the display area for wmmp3 */ createXBMfromXPM(mask_bits, wmmp3_xpm, mask_width, mask_height); openXwindow(argc, argv, wmmp3_xpm, mask_bits, mask_width, mask_height); font_init(); draw_string("wmmp3", 5, 5); i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) AddMouseRegion(i, pos[i].x, pos[i].y, pos[i].x + pos[i].w, pos[i].y + pos[i].h); /* event loop */ while (1) { while (XPending(display)) { XNextEvent(display, &Event); switch (Event.type) { case Expose: RedrawWindow(); break; case ClientMessage: break; case DestroyNotify: XCloseDisplay(display); exit(0); case ButtonPress: btn_num = handle_button_press(Event.xbutton.x, Event.xbutton.y); break; case ButtonRelease: handle_button_release(btn_num); break; } } usleep(50000); } exit(0); }