WMMon -------------------------------------------------------------- Authors...: Martijn Pieterse (pieterse@xs4all.nl) Antoine Nulle (warp@xs4all.nl) (Now maintained by the Window Maker Team.) Note......: Please mail bugreports, comments, suggestions, requests and flames to: wmaker-dev@googlegroups.com The official WMMon support website address: http://www.dockapps.net/wmmon Credits...: Bobby Mezaway (bobby@mezaway.org) for generously hosting our website! Dave Harden (dharden@wisewire.com) for the major speedup diffs! Description -------------------------------------------------------------- WMMon monitors the realtime CPU load as well the average system load and gives you some nice additional features too... WMMon currently provides: * Realtime CPU 'stress' meter; * Average systemload, like xload & wmavgload; * Average systemload graphic is autoscaling; * Hint lines change color as the systemload increases. - Green for multiples of 1 - Yellow for multiples of 10 - Red for multiples of 100 * Realtime Disk I/O 'stress' meter; * Average Disk I/O load grapic (autoscaling); * Realtime total Mem & Swap usage meters; * System uptime display; * Realtime cycling through all monitor modes; * Can lauch 3 user definable commands through ~/.wmmonrc; * Can be started multiple times; * Commandline options for help (-h), version (-v), start mode (-i & -s) and display (-d); There are some 'known' unfinished parts, be sure to read the TODO file, but we decided to release it early because of the high demand and many requests we got for this one ;) WMMon was developed on DEC Alpha machines running Linux/RedHat-5.0, but, WMMon has been intensively tested on x86 and 68K Linux machines too ;-) p.s. WMMon is still a Linux ONLY app, sorry about that :( Files -------------------------------------------------------------- README This file. INSTALL Installation instructions. HINTS Hints about what you can do with WMMon. BUGS Things you don't want to know ;-) CHANGES Description of changes. COPYING GNU General Public License Version 2. TODO Stuff we've planned for future WMMon releases. Bugs -------------------------------------------------------------- If you discover any bugs in this software, please send a bugreport to wmaker-dev@googlegroups.com and describe the problem as detailed as you can. Copyright -------------------------------------------------------------- WMMon.app is copyright (c) 1997, 1998 by Martijn Pieterse and Antoine Nulle and licensed through the GNU General Public License. Read the COPYING file for the complete GNU license.