/* WMGlobe 0.5 - All the Earth on a WMaker Icon * copyright (C) 1998,99 Jerome Dumonteil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ***************************************************************************/ /* * I used many functions of wmgeneral.c ("openXwindow") * for the main function of wmglobe.c * wmgeneral.c was taken from wmaker applet wmtune-1.0 : * Author: Martijn Pieterse (pieterse@xs4all.nl) * * wmglobe.c uses functions of : Xglobe, Xearth, wmgeneral, wmaker/wrlib ***************************************************************************/ #include "wmglobe.h" #include "cadre0.xbm" #include "cadre1.xbm" #include "cadre2.xbm" #ifdef DEFMAPOK #include "defmap.xpm" #include "defnimap.xpm" #endif /***************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned int borderwidth = 1; XClassHint classHint; char *wname = argv[0]; XTextProperty name; XGCValues gcv; unsigned long gcm; XWindowAttributes attributes; XColor color; RContext *ctx; XSizeHints mysizehints; XWMHints mywmhints; Pixel back_pix, fore_pix; char Geometry[256]; char *rond_bits; int dummy = 0; int ok, redoaction, wait_release, move_lat_flag; int xx, yy; /** initialisation *********************/ xx = 0; yy = 0; ok = FALSE; move_lat_flag = FALSE; redoaction = 0; wait_release = 0; setlocale(LC_TIME, ""); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", setlocale(LC_TIME, "")); #endif set_defaults(); cmdline(argc, argv); switch (typecadre) { case 1: rond_bits = cadre1_bits; break; case 2: rond_bits = cadre2_bits; break; default: rond_bits = cadre0_bits; } if (p_type == PTRANDOM) { dlat = 0; dlong = 0; } initmyconvert(); tdelay.tv_sec = (int) floor(delay); tdelay.tv_usec = (int) ((delay - tdelay.tv_sec) * 1000000); aml = (int) floor(ambient_light * 256); /****************************************************************************/ if (!(dpy = XOpenDisplay(dpy_name))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't open display \"%s\"\n", wname, XDisplayName(dpy_name)); exit(1); } ctx = myRCreateContext(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy), NULL); if (ctx->attribs->use_shared_memory) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stdout, "enleve les flags use_shared_memory\n"); #endif ctx->attribs->flags ^= RC_UseSharedMemory; ctx->attribs->use_shared_memory = FALSE; ctx->flags.use_shared_pixmap = 0; } #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stdout, "depth %d\n", ctx->depth); fflush(stdout); #endif /* * loading maps ............. * */ if (dayfile != NULL) { map = RLoadImage(ctx, dayfile, 0); if (!map) { fprintf(stdout, "pb map ! file not found ?\n"); exit(1); } } else { #ifdef DEFMAPOK map = RGetImageFromXPMData(ctx, defmap_xpm); if (!map) { fprintf(stdout, "pb def map ! file not found ?\n"); exit(1); } nightfile = NULL; use_nightmap = TRUE; } #else fprintf(stdout, "need a map !\n"); exit(1); } #endif if (use_nightmap) { if (nightfile != NULL) { mapnight = RLoadImage(ctx, nightfile, 0); if (!mapnight) { fprintf(stdout, "pb map night! file not found ?\n"); exit(1); } } else { #ifdef DEFMAPOK mapnight = RGetImageFromXPMData(ctx, defnimap_xpm); if (!mapnight) { fprintf(stdout, "pb def map night ! file not found ?\n"); exit(1); } } #else /* not very useful... */ use_nightmap = FALSE; } #endif } use_nmap_ini = use_nightmap; if (!oknimap) use_nightmap = FALSE; /* some other init ..................................... */ ratiox = (double) map->width / (2 * PI); ratioy = (double) map->height / PI; mratiox = (int) floor(ratiox * 256); mratioy = (int) floor(ratioy * 256); loadxpm(ctx->drawable); small = RCreateImage(DIAMETRE, DIAMETRE, 1); calcDistance(); /*...................................................... */ /* * first rendering of the earth */ recalc(0); do_something = FALSE; /************************************************************************* * well, here the problems begin : this code is a merge from wmgeneral and * some stuff of wmaker, should be rewritten ... ************************************************************************/ /* wmg */ XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, ctx->drawable, &attributes); if (!RConvertImage(ctx, small, &pix)) { fprintf(stdout, "error small->&pix\n"); puts(RMessageForError(RErrorCode)); exit(1); } wmg.pixmap = pix; wmg.mask = pix; mysizehints.flags = USSize | USPosition; mysizehints.x = 0; mysizehints.y = 0; color.pixel = 0; if (!XParseColor(dpy, attributes.colormap, "white", &color)) { fprintf(stdout, "wmglobe: can't parse white\n"); } else if (!XAllocColor(dpy, attributes.colormap, &color)) { fprintf(stdout, "wmglobe: can't allocate white\n"); } back_pix = color.pixel; XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, ctx->drawable, &attributes); color.pixel = 0; if (!XParseColor(dpy, attributes.colormap, "black", &color)) { fprintf(stdout, "wmglobe: can't parse black\n"); } else if (!XAllocColor(dpy, attributes.colormap, &color)) { fprintf(stdout, "wmglobe: can't allocate black\n"); } fore_pix = color.pixel; XWMGeometry(dpy, ctx->screen_number, Geometry, NULL, borderwidth, &mysizehints, &mysizehints.x, &mysizehints.y, &mysizehints.width, &mysizehints.height, &dummy); mysizehints.width = DIAMETRE; mysizehints.height = DIAMETRE; win = XCreateSimpleWindow(dpy, ctx->drawable, mysizehints.x, mysizehints.y, mysizehints.width, mysizehints.height, borderwidth, fore_pix, back_pix); iconwin = XCreateSimpleWindow(dpy, win, mysizehints.x, mysizehints.y, mysizehints.width, mysizehints.height, borderwidth, fore_pix, back_pix); /* Activate hints */ XSetWMNormalHints(dpy, win, &mysizehints); classHint.res_name = wname; classHint.res_class = wname; XSetClassHint(dpy, win, &classHint); XSelectInput(dpy, win, ButtonPressMask | ExposureMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask | StructureNotifyMask); XSelectInput(dpy, iconwin, ButtonPressMask | ExposureMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask | StructureNotifyMask); if (XStringListToTextProperty(&wname, 1, &name) == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "%s: can't allocate window name\n", wname); exit(1); } XSetWMName(dpy, win, &name); /* Create GC for drawing */ gcm = GCForeground | GCBackground | GCGraphicsExposures; gcv.foreground = fore_pix; gcv.background = back_pix; gcv.graphics_exposures = 0; NormalGC = XCreateGC(dpy, ctx->drawable, gcm, &gcv); /* ONLYSHAPE ON */ if (onlyshape) { pixmask = XCreateBitmapFromData(dpy, win, rond_bits, DIAMETRE, DIAMETRE); XShapeCombineMask(dpy, win, ShapeBounding, 0, 0, pixmask, ShapeSet); XShapeCombineMask(dpy, iconwin, ShapeBounding, 0, 0, pixmask, ShapeSet); } /* ONLYSHAPE OFF */ mywmhints.initial_state = option_iw; mywmhints.icon_window = iconwin; mywmhints.icon_x = mysizehints.x; mywmhints.icon_y = mysizehints.y; mywmhints.window_group = win; mywmhints.flags = StateHint | IconWindowHint | IconPositionHint | WindowGroupHint; XSetWMHints(dpy, win, &mywmhints); XSetCommand(dpy, win, argv, argc); XMapWindow(dpy, win); /****************************************************************************/ XCopyArea(dpy, wmg.pixmap, win, NormalGC, 0, 0, DIAMETRE, DIAMETRE, 0, 0); RedrawWindowXYWH(0, 0, DIAMETRE, DIAMETRE); /* * ================= MAIN LOOP ================== */ while (1) { while (XPending(dpy)) { XNextEvent(dpy, &Event); switch (Event.type) { case Expose: RedrawWindowXYWH(0, 0, DIAMETRE, DIAMETRE); break; case DestroyNotify: XCloseDisplay(dpy); exit(0); break; case ButtonPress: /* * earth rotate when clic left (1) , zooming when middle (2) * change screen to longitude / latitude when (3) */ switch (Event.xbutton.button) { case 1: #ifdef MOUSE_LAT_NO_SHIFT move_lat_flag = TRUE; #else if (Event.xbutton.state & ShiftMask) move_lat_flag = TRUE; else move_lat_flag = FALSE; #endif redoaction = 1; wait_release = 1; break; case 2: if (Event.xbutton.state & ShiftMask) redoaction = 2; else redoaction = 3; wait_release = 1; break; case 3: wait_release = 0; redoaction = 0; screen_back(); ok = TRUE; break; default: break; } break; case ButtonRelease: wait_release = 0; redoaction = 0; break; default: break; } } if (wait_release) { usleep(2 * VAL_USLEEP_SHORT); if (redoaction == 1) rotation_terre(Event.xbutton.x, Event.xbutton.y, move_lat_flag); else zooming(Event.xbutton.state & ShiftMask); ok = TRUE; } if (diftimev(tnext, getimev()).tv_sec < 0 || ok) { ok = FALSE; recalc(redoaction == 1); if (do_something) { if (!myRConvertImage(ctx, small, &pix)) { fprintf(stdout, "plante !?\n"); fprintf(stdout, RMessageForError(RErrorCode)); exit(1); } wmg.pixmap = pix; wmg.mask = pix; RedrawWindowXYWH(0, 0, DIAMETRE, DIAMETRE); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stdout, "draw\n"); #endif do_something = FALSE; } } usleep(VAL_USLEEP); } /* * Still wonder about freeing some memory for X */ return 0; }