# $Id: sample.wmbiffrc,v 1.18 2003/11/09 07:01:15 bluehal Exp $ # # See wmbiffrc(5) for more info. # # Global interval -- seconds between check mailboxes interval=60 # Global askpass -- choose a password acting program # that behaves like ssh-askpass. The default is # askpass = /usr/bin/ssh-askpass. # askpass is invoked on IMAP entries that have no password # below. # the commented version below is likely to work on RedHat # systems; wmbiff's default is likely to work on Debian # systems with ssh-askpass installed. #askpass = /usr/libexec/openssh/x11-ssh-askpass # If you'd like it to be visually distinct so that # you aren't confused with your normal passphrase: #askpass = /usr/bin/ssh-askpass -fg cyan -bg black -xrm '*Dialog.font: -b&h-lucida-medium-r-normal-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1' -xrm '*Dialog.title: WMBiff Password Entry' # If you're writing a better program for password prompting, # or that stores passwords cleverly, and don't like that # wmbiff adds 'password for wmbiff: user@site' to the command # line, you can use something like this: #askpass = /bin/echo mypassword ; true # If you's like to chain the password to another program, # such as kinit for Kerberos authentication, use (with the # ruby interpreter installed): askpass = /usr/bin/ssh-askpass -fg cyan -bg black -xrm '*Dialog.title: WMBiff Password Entry' | /usr/bin/ruby -e 'm = gets; IO.popen("/usr/bin/kinit > /dev/null", "w").puts(m); puts(m)' && true # Skin. A different source pixmap can be loaded dynamically. # If not a full path, wmbiff will search /usr/share/wmbiff:/usr/local/share/wmbiff:. # which is intended to keep the .wmbiffrc simple and portable to # different systems with wmbiff installed differently. # # default #skinfile=wmbiff-master-led.xpm # higher contrast for lower-color displays #skinfile=wmbiff-master-contrast.xpm # make your own derivative and submit it # to us at wmbiff-devel@lists.sourceforge.net ### First string ### # Label, that will be displayed label.0=Spool # Path to mailbox for UNIX-style mailboxes, # or pop3:user:password@mailserver[:port] for POP3 accounts # port are optional, default - 110 path.0=mbox:/var/mail/gb # Command, which will be executed for new mail in any watched mailbox globalnotify=my_play /home/gb/sounds/new_mail_has_arrived.wav # Command, which executed on new mail arrival, or special keyword 'beep' #notify.0=beep #notify.0=my_play /home/gb/sounds/new_mail_has_arrived.wav # Don't want any global notification for this mailbox notify.0=true # Command, which executed on left mouse click on label action.0=rxvt -name mutt -e mutt # Rescan interval; default to global interval # For POP3-accounts bigger values (>60sec) is recommended #interval.0=5 # Interval between mail auto-fetching; use 0 for disable (only # mouse right-clicking still worked) # use -1 for auto-fetching on new mail arrival #fetchinterval.0=300 # Command, which used for fetching mail. Leave commented out for full disable #fetchcmd.0=/usr/bin/fetchmail ### # NOTE: line under this line will not be parsed because the space before equal label.1 = MBOX # MBOX format: mbox:fullpathname path.1=mbox:/home/gb/mail/10_ksi-linux-list #notify.1=my_play /home/gb/sounds/new_mail_has_arrived.wav action.1=rxvt -name mutt -e mutt -f /home/gb/mail/10_ksi-linux-list # label.1 = MDIR # # Maildir format: maildir:fullpathname # path.1=maildir:/home/gb/Maildir/ # notify.1=my_play /home/gb/sounds/new_mail_has_arrived.wav # action.1=rxvt -name mutt -e mutt -f /home/gb/Maildir label.2=LICQ # LICQ format: licq:fullpathname path.2=licq:/home/person/.licq/history/1111111.history notify.2=beep action.2=licq& #or if you use gnomeicu: #label.2=ICQ #path.2=gicu:USER_UIN #notify.2=beep #action.2=gnomeicu-client show label.3=POP3 # pop3 format: pop3:user:password@server[:port] [auth] path.3=pop3:user:password@server apop #notify.3=my_play /home/gb/sounds/new_mail_has_arrived.wav action.3=rxvt -name mutt -e mutt -f /home/gb/mail/30_nftp-list interval.3=300 # 5 minutes fetchinterval.3=-1 fetchcmd.3=fetchmail label.4=IMAP4 # IMAP4 format: imap:user:password@server[/mailbox][:port] [auth] # mailbox is optional, default - INBOX # password is optional, default - ask using the askpass config # port is optional, default - 143 path.4=imap:user:password@server interval.4=300 # 5 minutes # label.4=IMAPS # Secure IMAP format: imaps:user:password@server[/mailbox][:port] [auth] # mailbox is optional, default - INBOX # password is optional, default - ask using the askpass config # port is optional, default - 993 # path.4=imaps:user:password@server cram-md5 # interval.4=300 # 5 minutes # Shell expansion. (can't be nested.) # path.4=mbox:/home/me/Mail/`ls -t1 /home/me/Mail/list-archive-* | head -1` # label.4=tick # Shell method # path.4=shell:::lpq | grep Queue | awk '{print $2}' # To check for security updates in debian path.4=shell:::/usr/lib/wmbiff/security.debian.rb # Ways wmbiff can drive MAC OS X Mail using AppleScript. # action.0 = osascript -e 'tell application "Mail"' -e 'set selected mailboxes of first message viewer to {mailbox "in-grads" of imap account "me@myaccount.org"}' -e 'activate' -e 'end tell' # action.1 = osascript -e 'tell application "Mail"' -e 'set selected mailboxes of first message viewer to {inbox}' -e 'activate' -e 'end tell'