.TH wmressel 1x "March 2002" .SH NAME wmressel \- Dockable X11 Resolution Selector .SH SYNOPSIS .B wmressel [-h] [-v] [---display display] [-r] [-d] [-s <screen number> [-o]] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP wmressel is a simple dockable X11 Resolution Selector for Window Maker that displays current X11 resolution and lets you change it through a popup menu. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-h Display list of command-line options. .TP .B \-v Display version. .TP .B \--display <display> Use the designated X display. .TP .B \-r Show refresh rates in menu .TP .B \-d Show in menu if a mode is a Doublescan mode (D) .TP .B \-s <screen number> Show information about this screen .TP .B \-o Only show menu for selected screen .SH BUGS .PD 0 Displayed resolution isn't refreshed if it is changed by another application or through the use of Crtl-Alt-(+|-) shortcuts .PD 1 .SH TODO .PD 0 Add realtime update of displayed resolution .PD 1 .SH AUTHOR .PP wmressel was written by Sébastien Liénard <slix@gcu-squad.org> .PP It is based on gvidm by Matthew Mueller and wmtimer by Josh King <jking@dwave.net>