#!/usr/bin/perl # Update http://windowmaker.org/dockapps from git # # Copyright 2014 Window Maker Developers Team # <wmaker-dev@lists.windowmaker.org> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # DESCRIPTION # # After every commit to the dockapps git repository, run this script to # update dockapps/dockapps.db, the plain text config file that stores all # of the information for the dockapps section of windowmaker.org. # # The script uses git to determine the version numbers and tarball download # urls. Everything else is pulled in from dockapps.db.in, which is # manually updated. # # The format of each dockapp entry in dockapps.db.in is: # # [dockapp name] # image = (file name of image; in double quotes and comma-separated if more # than one image) # description = (description, possibly taken from archive.org copy of # dockapps.windowmaker.org; in double quotes) # url = (use archive.org copy if original homepage no longer exists) # dockapps = (currently unused; id number from dockapps.windowmaker.org) # category = (category from dockapps.windowmaker.org) # # After generating a new dockapps.db, submit a patch for the whome git repo # to wmaker-dev@lists.windowmaker.org. use warnings; use strict; use Git::Repository; use POSIX; use Debian::Dpkg::Version; open DB, "dockapps.db.in" or die $!; my $db = do { local $/; <DB> }; close DB; my $r = Git::Repository->new(); my @tags = $r->run("tag"); my %dockapps; # If any earlier versions of a dockapp had an alternate name, e.g. a name change # or a fork which has since been blessed, add it to this hash as 'alt' => # 'main'. The alternate should still have its own entry in dockapps.db.in. my %alts = ( 'wmacpi-ng' => 'wmacpi' ); foreach my $tag (@tags) { $tag =~ /([\w\-+.]+)-([\w.]+)/; my $dockapp = $1; my $version = $2; my $ls = $r->run("ls-tree", $tag, $dockapp); #for older tags from before directory renaming if (!$ls) { $ls = $r->run("ls-tree", $tag, $tag); } #for wmfemon_1 if (!$ls) { $ls = $r->run("ls-tree", $tag, "$dockapp" . "_$version"); } #for alts if (!$ls) { $ls = $r->run("ls-tree", $tag, $alts{$dockapp}); } my $sha1 = (split(/\s/, $ls))[2]; $dockapps{$dockapp}{$version} = $sha1; } foreach my $dockapp (keys %dockapps) { if (grep {$_ eq $dockapp} keys %alts) { next; } my $latest_version = (sort by_version keys $dockapps{$dockapp})[-1]; if ($r->run("diff", "$dockapp-$latest_version", "HEAD", "--", $dockapp)) { my $commit = $r->run("log", "-1", "--pretty=format:%H", "--", $dockapp); my $date = strftime("%Y%m%d", localtime($r->run("log", "-1", "--pretty=format:%ct", "--", $dockapp))); #throw out dockapps whose last commit was stripping version names from dirs unless ($commit eq "eea379d83350ced6166099ebc8f41ff4e3fa1f42") { my $ls = $r->run("ls-tree", $commit, $dockapp); if (!$ls) { $ls = $r->run("ls-tree", $commit, "$dockapp-$latest_version"); } my $sha1 = (split(/\s/, $ls))[2]; $dockapps{$dockapp}{"$latest_version+$date"} = $sha1; } } } foreach my $dockapp (keys %dockapps) { my $versions = ""; foreach my $version (reverse sort by_version keys $dockapps{$dockapp}) { $versions .= "version-$version = " . $dockapps{$dockapp}{$version} . "\n"; } my $search = quotemeta "[$dockapp]\n"; $db =~ s/$search/[$dockapp]\n$versions/; } open DB, ">dockapps.db" or die $!; print DB $db; close DB; sub by_version { (my $left = $a) =~ s/(a|b|rc)/~$1/; (my $right = $b) =~ s/(a|b|rc)/~$1/; Debian::Dpkg::Version->new($left) <=> Debian::Dpkg::Version->new($right); }