Installation instructions. ALPHA warning.. This is still in the alpha stage and has only been tested and compiled on a i386 Linux machine. There are two methods to install WMPop3, either a system install where all users have access to this file, OR a single user install which installs WMPop3 in the users home directory, this is useful if you have an account on someone else's computer. First thing you should do is the following: 1> Remember you are using this at your own risk. 2> tar zxvf wmpop3-0.xx.tgz 3> cd Method 1. System install A system install will place the WMPop3 binary in "/usr/local/pub", this can be done as follows (must be root for this ) : make install1 Method 2. Single user install A single user install will create a directory called wmpop3 in the users home directory, and copy the wmpop3 binary there. This install is as follows: make install2 Make sure you put this new directory in your path. This usually can be done by placing the following in your login shell setup file,( .bashrc, .bashrc_profile, .profile, etc ). PATH=$PATH:~/wmpop3