#include "config.h" /* Copyright (C) 2002 Brad Jorsch <anomie@users.sourceforge.net> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #if TM_IN_SYS_TIME # if TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME # include <sys/time.h> # include <time.h> # else # if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H # include <sys/time.h> # else # include <time.h> # endif # endif #else #include <time.h> #endif #include <string.h> #include <limits.h> #include <math.h> #include <pcre.h> #include "forecast.h" #include "convert.h" #include "getLine.h" #include "die.h" /* Important variables */ static struct forecast **forecasts=NULL; static int num_forecasts=0; static pcre *date=NULL; static int ovecsize=1; static int changed=0; /* functions */ time_t find_next_time(char *file, char *pat, int minutes){ FILE *fp; char *s; time_t t, mintime; mintime=time(NULL)/60+15; if((fp=fopen(file, "r"))==NULL) return mintime; s=NULL; while(!feof(fp)){ getLine(&s, fp); if(strstr(s, pat)!=NULL) break; free(s); s=NULL; } fclose(fp); if(s==NULL) return mintime; t=parse_time_string(s)/60+minutes; free(s); return (t>mintime)?t:mintime; } time_t parse_time_string(char *s){ struct tm tm; int ovector[ovecsize]; int ovalue; char *e; int i; if(date==NULL){ date=pcre_compile("\\b(\\d+)/(\\d+)/(\\d+)\\s+(\\d\\d)(\\d\\d)\\s*UTC\\b", 0, (const char **)&e, &i, NULL); if(date==NULL){ warn("find_next PCRE error: %s at %i", e, i); return -1; } pcre_fullinfo(date, NULL, PCRE_INFO_CAPTURECOUNT, &ovecsize); ovecsize=(ovecsize+1)*3; return parse_time_string(s); } ovalue=pcre_exec(date, NULL, s, strlen(s), 0, 0, ovector, ovecsize); if(ovalue<=0) return -1; if(pcre_get_substring(s, ovector, ovalue, 1, (const char **)&e)<0) return 0; tm.tm_mon=atoi(e)-1; pcre_free_substring(e); if(pcre_get_substring(s, ovector, ovalue, 2, (const char **)&e)<0) return 0; tm.tm_mday=atoi(e); pcre_free_substring(e); if(pcre_get_substring(s, ovector, ovalue, 3, (const char **)&e)<0) return 0; tm.tm_year=atoi(e)-1900; pcre_free_substring(e); if(pcre_get_substring(s, ovector, ovalue, 4, (const char **)&e)<0) return 0; tm.tm_hour=atoi(e); pcre_free_substring(e); if(pcre_get_substring(s, ovector, ovalue, 5, (const char **)&e)<0) return 0; tm.tm_min=atoi(e); pcre_free_substring(e); tm.tm_sec=0; return mkgmtime(&tm); } void add_forecast(struct forecast *f, char *ID, char *station){ if((forecasts=realloc(forecasts, ++num_forecasts*sizeof(*forecasts)))==NULL) die("realloc in add_forecast"); if(ID==NULL){ memset(f->ID, '\0', 4); } else { strncpy(f->ID, ID, 3); f->ID[3]='\0'; } f->station=station; forecasts[num_forecasts-1]=f; changed=1; } void reset_forecast(struct forecast *f){ f->last_update=time(NULL); f->month=0; f->day=-1; f->year=SHRT_MIN; f->wday=-1; f->hour=-1; f->low=999; f->high=999; f->temp=999; f->dewpt=999; f->rh=-1; f->winddir=-1; f->windspeed=-1; f->heatindex=999; f->windchill=999; f->precipamt=-1; f->snowamt=-1; f->sky=-1; f->vis=7; f->obs=0; f->pcp_total=0; f->frz=0; f->snow=0; f->rain=0; f->tstorm=0; f->svtstorm=0; f->moon=NAN; f->time=-1; changed=1; } static int is_forecast_valid(const struct forecast *a){ return (a->ID[0]!='\0' && a->month>0 && a->month<=12 && a->day>0 && a->day<=31 && a->year!=SHRT_MIN); } static int is_forecast_current(struct forecast *f, time_t now){ time_t t; t=forecast_time(f); t+=(f->hour<0)?86399:3599; return t>now; } static int compar(const void *aa, const void *bb){ struct forecast *a=*(struct forecast **)aa; struct forecast *b=*(struct forecast **)bb; int i, j; /* First, any undefined forecast is greater than any defined forecast */ i=is_forecast_valid(a); j=is_forecast_valid(b); if(!i && !j) return 0; /* all undef forecasts are equal */ if(!i) return 1; if(!j) return -1; /* Any whole-day forecast is greater than any partial forecast */ if(a->hour<0 && b->hour>=0) return 1; if(a->hour>=0 && b->hour<0) return -1; /* Ok, compare dates now */ if(a->year>b->year) return 1; if(a->year<b->year) return -1; if(a->month>b->month) return 1; if(a->month<b->month) return -1; if(a->day>b->day) return 1; if(a->day<b->day) return -1; if(a->hour>b->hour) return 1; if(a->hour<b->hour) return -1; /* Last resort, sort in alphabetical order by ID */ return strcasecmp(a->ID, b->ID); } static void sort_forecasts(void){ if(forecasts==NULL) return; qsort(forecasts, num_forecasts, sizeof(struct forecast *), compar); changed=0; } time_t forecast_time(struct forecast *f){ struct tm tm; if(f->time!=-1) return f->time; tm.tm_year=f->year; tm.tm_mon=f->month-1; tm.tm_mday=f->day; tm.tm_hour=(f->hour<0)?0:f->hour; tm.tm_min=tm.tm_sec=0; return (f->time=mktime(&tm)); } static char current_ID[4]={ '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0' }; static int current_index=-1; static struct forecast *current=NULL; static time_t current_time=0; static int current_hour=0; static void set_current(int i){ current_index=i; if(i<0 || i>num_forecasts){ current=NULL; memset(current_ID, 0, 4); current_time=0; current_hour=0; } else { current=forecasts[i]; memcpy(current_ID, current->ID, 4); current_time=forecast_time(current); current_hour=current->hour; } } static void locate_current(void){ int i; time_t now, target; int target_hour; long curdiff=0; long tmpdiff; char target_ID[4]; now=time(NULL); if(!changed && current!=NULL && is_forecast_current(current, now)) return; sort_forecasts(); target=current_time; target_hour=current_hour; memcpy(target_ID, current_ID, 4); set_current(-1); for(i=0; i<num_forecasts; i++){ if(!is_forecast_valid(forecasts[i])) continue; if(!is_forecast_current(forecasts[i], now)) continue; tmpdiff=abs(forecast_time(forecasts[i])-target); if((target_hour<0 && forecasts[i]->hour>=0) || (target_hour>=0 && forecasts[i]->hour<0)) tmpdiff+=31556926; if(memcmp(forecasts[i]->ID, target_ID, 4)) tmpdiff++; if(current==NULL || tmpdiff<curdiff){ set_current(i); curdiff=tmpdiff; } } } struct forecast *current_forecast_get(void){ locate_current(); return current; } static inline int mod(int i, int n){ i=i%n; if(i<0) i+=n; return i; } void current_forecast_next(int dir){ int i; time_t now; if(num_forecasts==0) return; locate_current(); now=time(NULL); if(current_index<0 || current_index>num_forecasts) current_index=0; for(i=mod(current_index+dir, num_forecasts); ; i=mod(i+dir, num_forecasts)){ if(is_forecast_valid(forecasts[i]) && is_forecast_current(forecasts[i], now)){ set_current(i); return; } if(i==current_index){ set_current(-1); return; } } }