
# A really crappy code to grab last 8 Kp values....

    require "ctime.pl";

    ($Year, $Month, $Day) = &year_month_day();

    if (-e "/tmp/DGD.txt"){

    if (-e "/tmp/curind.txt"){

    $grabcmd = "cd /tmp; wget --passive-ftp --tries 2 -q ftp://www.sec.noaa.gov/pub/indices/DGD.txt";
    system "$grabcmd";

    # ensure that there are at least 8 values available...
    %Kp = ();
    $Kp{190001011} = 999;
    $Kp{190001012} = 999;
    $Kp{190001013} = 999;
    $Kp{190001014} = 999;
    $Kp{190001015} = 999;
    $Kp{190001016} = 999;
    $Kp{190001017} = 999;
    $Kp{190001018} = 999;

    open(TmpFile, "/tmp/DGD.txt");
    while (<TmpFile>){
	if ($_ =~ /^\d{4} \d{2} \d{2}\s*\d*/ ){

	    $Date = $_;

	    s/^(\d{4}) (\d{2}) (\d{2}).*\s{2,}(.*)/\4/;
	    s/([ -]{0,1}\d{1,2})([ -]{0,1}\d{1,2})([ -]{0,1}\d{1,2})([ -]{0,1}\d{1,2})([ -]{0,1}\d{1,2})([ -]{0,1}\d{1,2})([ -]{0,1}\d{1,2})([ -]{0,1}\d{1,2})/\1 \2 \3 \4 \5 \6 \7 \8/;

	    $Date =~ s/^(\d{4}) (\d{2}) (\d{2}).*\s{2,}(.*)/\1\2\3/;
	    ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g, $h) = split(/\s{1,}/, $_);

	    $TimeTag = $Date*10 + 1; $Kp{$TimeTag} = $a;
	    $TimeTag = $Date*10 + 2; $Kp{$TimeTag} = $b;
	    $TimeTag = $Date*10 + 3; $Kp{$TimeTag} = $c;
	    $TimeTag = $Date*10 + 4; $Kp{$TimeTag} = $d;
	    $TimeTag = $Date*10 + 5; $Kp{$TimeTag} = $e;
	    $TimeTag = $Date*10 + 6; $Kp{$TimeTag} = $f;
	    $TimeTag = $Date*10 + 7; $Kp{$TimeTag} = $g;
	    $TimeTag = $Date*10 + 8; $Kp{$TimeTag} = $h;


    # Add in very latest stuff
    $grabcmd = "cd /tmp; wget --passive-ftp --tries 2 -q ftp://www.sec.noaa.gov/pub/latest/curind.txt";
    system "$grabcmd";
    %lmonstr = ( "Jan", 1, "Feb", 2, "Mar", 3, "Apr", 4, "May", 5, "Jun", 6, "Jul", 7, "Aug", 8, "Sep", 9, "Oct", 10, "Nov", 11, "Dec", 12);

@lval = ($lyear, $lmonstr{$lmon}, $ldom);
    open(TmpFile, "/tmp/curind.txt");
    while (<TmpFile>){
	if ($_ =~ /^:Geomagnetic_Values: (\d{4}) (.*) (\d{1,2})/){
		$y  = $_;
		$ms = $_;
		$d  = $_;

		$y  =~ s/^:Geomagnetic_Values: (\d{4}) (.*) (\d{1,2})/\1/;
		$ms =~ s/^:Geomagnetic_Values: (\d{4}) (.*) (\d{1,2})/\2/;
		$d  =~ s/^:Geomagnetic_Values: (\d{4}) (.*) (\d{1,2})/\3/;
	    	$tDate = $y*10000 + $lmonstr{$ms}*100 + $d;
	if ($_ =~ /.*\d/) {
		$Line = $_;

	if ($_ =~ /^\s{1,}[0-9e\.\+\-]{2,}\s{1,}[0-9e\.\+\-]{2,}\s{1,}[0-9e\.\+\-]{2,}\s{1,}[0-9e\.\+\-]{2,}\s{1,}[0-9e\.\+\-]{2,}\s{1,}[BCMX]{1,}[0-9\.]{1,}\s{1,}[0-9-]{1,}/){

		$FluxLine = $_;



    $Line =~ s/.*\s{3,}(.*)/\1/;
    ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g, $h) = split(/\s{1,}/, $Line);
    if ($tDate > 0) {
        $TimeTag = $tDate*10 + 1; $Kp{$TimeTag} = $a;
        $TimeTag = $tDate*10 + 2; $Kp{$TimeTag} = $b;
        $TimeTag = $tDate*10 + 3; $Kp{$TimeTag} = $c;
        $TimeTag = $tDate*10 + 4; $Kp{$TimeTag} = $d;
        $TimeTag = $tDate*10 + 5; $Kp{$TimeTag} = $e;
        $TimeTag = $tDate*10 + 6; $Kp{$TimeTag} = $f;
        $TimeTag = $tDate*10 + 7; $Kp{$TimeTag} = $g;
        $TimeTag = $tDate*10 + 8; $Kp{$TimeTag} = $h;
    } else {
        $Kp{190001011} = 999;
        $Kp{190001012} = 999;
        $Kp{190001013} = 999;
        $Kp{190001014} = 999;
        $Kp{190001015} = 999;
        $Kp{190001016} = 999;
        $Kp{190001017} = 999;
        $Kp{190001018} = 999;

    $n = 0;
    %Result = ();
    foreach $key  (reverse sort keys %Kp ) {
	if (($Kp{$key} >= 0)&&($n < 8)){
	    $Result{$key} = $Kp{$key};

    open(TmpFile, ">/tmp/LatestKp.txt");
    foreach $key  (sort keys %Result ) {
	if ($Result{$key} > 10) { $Result{$key} = -1; }
	printf TmpFile "$key $Result{$key}\n";

    $FluxLine =~ s/^\s*//;
    if ($FluxLine =~ /\d/){
        ($E1, $E2, $P1, $P2, $P3, $Xray, $junk) = split(/\s{1,}/, $FluxLine);

    } else {
	$E1 = -999;
	$E2 = -999;
	$P1 = -999;
	$P2 = -999;
	$P3 = -999;
	$Xray = "Z0.0";

    printf TmpFile "$E1\n";
    printf TmpFile "$E2\n";
    printf TmpFile "$P1\n";
    printf TmpFile "$P2\n";
    printf TmpFile "$P3\n";
    printf TmpFile "$Xray\n";

#    sort(List);
#    $Gif = "$List[$#List]";
#    $Latest = "http://swdcdb.kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dstdir/dst1/q/$Gif";
#    $grabcmd = "/u/mgh/wwwgrab/wwwgrab $Latest /n/tmp/polar/$Gif";
#    system "$grabcmd";
#    system "convert -crop 0x0 /n/tmp/polar/${Gif} /n/tmp/polar/Dst.rle";
#    system "fant -s .5 .5 -o /n/tmp/polar/Dst2.rle /n/tmp/polar/Dst.rle";
#    system "convert -frame 4x4 -gamma 3 -crop 0x0 -colors 256 /n/tmp/polar/Dst2.rle /n/leadbelly/belly3/PolarNRT/CEPPAD/IPS/LatestDst.gif";
#    open(TmpFile, ">/n/leadbelly/belly3/PolarNRT/CEPPAD/IPS/LatestDst.txt");
#    printf TmpFile "${Gif}\n";
#    close(TmpFile);
#    system "touch /n/leadbelly/belly3/PolarNRT/CEPPAD/IPS/LatestDst.txt";

sub year_month_day{

    local($ldate_string, $ldow, $lmon, $ldom, $ltim, $lyear, %lmonstr, $tzone, @lval);

    $ldate_string = &ctime(time);
    ($ldow, $lmon, $ldom, $ltim, $lyear) = split(" ", $ldate_string);

    %lmonstr = ( "Jan", 1, "Feb", 2, "Mar", 3, "Apr", 4, "May", 5, "Jun", 6, "Jul", 7, "Aug", 8, "Sep", 9, "Oct", 10, "Nov", 11, "Dec", 12);

    @lval = ($lyear, $lmonstr{$lmon}, $ldom);
