/* * Copyright (C) 2002 Sven Schaepe <schaepe@rz.tu-ilmenau.de> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <linux/version.h> #include <X11/Xlib.h> #include <X11/xpm.h> #include <X11/extensions/shape.h> #include <libdockapp/wmgeneral.h> #include <libdockapp/misc.h> #include "wmsm-master.xpm" #define v_WMSM "0.2.1" /* scale */ #define xpm_scale_width 35 #define xpm_scale_height 7 /* type 1 */ #define xpm_scale_1_f_x 67 #define xpm_scale_1_f_y 5 #define xpm_scale_1_b_x 67 #define xpm_scale_1_b_y 13 /* type 2 */ #define xpm_scale_2_f_x 67 #define xpm_scale_2_f_y 21 #define xpm_scale_2_b_x 67 #define xpm_scale_2_b_y 29 /* digit */ #define digit_width 6 #define digit_height 7 /* green */ #define digit_1_x 5 #define digit_1_y 66 /* blue */ #define digit_2_x 5 #define digit_2_y 76 /* ativation point */ #define point_width 2 #define point_height 2 /* disable point */ #define point_disable_x 66 #define point_disable_y 37 /* enable point */ #define point_enable_x 68 #define point_enable_y 37 /* read position */ #define point_read_x 5 #define point_read_y 37 /* write position */ #define point_write_x 5 #define point_write_y 46 #define cpu_s_x 24 #define cpu_s_y 5 #define mem_s_x 24 #define mem_s_y 14 #define swap_s_x 24 #define swap_s_y 23 #define ior_s_x 24 #define ior_s_y 32 #define iow_s_x 24 #define iow_s_y 41 typedef struct { int cpu_idle; int cpu_use; long long r_diff_max; unsigned long long r_io; long long w_diff_max; unsigned long long w_io; int day; int hour; int min; int sec; } LAST; LAST last; char wmsm_mask_bits[64*64]; int wmsm_mask_width = 64; int wmsm_mask_height = 64; int scale_width; int scale_height; int scale_f_x; int scale_f_y; int scale_b_x; int scale_b_y; int mem_correction; char *dev_name; static void draw_digit(int value,int dx,int dy) { if(value>99) { copyXPMArea(9*digit_width+digit_2_x,digit_2_y,digit_width,digit_height,dx,dy); copyXPMArea(9*digit_width+digit_2_x,digit_2_y,digit_width,digit_height,dx+digit_width,dy); } else { copyXPMArea((value/10)*digit_width+digit_1_x,digit_1_y,digit_width,digit_height,dx,dy); copyXPMArea((value%10)*digit_width+digit_1_x,digit_1_y,digit_width,digit_height,dx+digit_width,dy); } RedrawWindowXY(0,0); } static void draw_uptime(int day,int hour,int min,int sec) { if(sec!=last.sec) { draw_digit(sec,48,51); last.sec=sec; if(min!=last.min) { draw_digit(min,34,51); last.min=min; if(hour!=last.hour) { draw_digit(hour,20,51); last.hour=hour; if(day!=last.day) { draw_digit(day,5,51); last.day=day; } } } } } static void draw_enable_point(int dx,int dy) { copyXPMArea(point_enable_x,point_enable_y,point_width,point_height,dx,dy); RedrawWindowXY(0,0); } static void draw_disable_point(int dx,int dy) { copyXPMArea(point_disable_x,point_disable_y,point_width,point_height,dx,dy); RedrawWindowXY(0,0); } static void draw_scale(int width,int dx,int dy) { copyXPMArea(scale_f_x,scale_f_y,width,scale_height,dx,dy); if(width<scale_width) { copyXPMArea(scale_b_x+width,scale_b_y,scale_width-width,scale_height,dx+width,dy); } RedrawWindowXY(0,0); } static int getDiskValue24(unsigned long long *r_io,unsigned long long *w_io) { FILE *file; char line[256]; char tag[32]; int major=0,disk=0,all_io=0,r_blk=0,w_blk=0; if((file=fopen("/proc/stat","r"))==NULL) { return -1; } while(fgets(line,sizeof(line),file)!=NULL) { sscanf(line,"%s",tag); if(strcmp(tag,"disk_io:")==0) { sscanf(line,"%s (%d,%d):(%d,%llu,%d,%llu,%d)",tag,&major,&disk,&all_io ,r_io,&r_blk,w_io,&w_blk); fclose(file); return 0; } } fclose(file); return -1; } static int getDiskValue26(unsigned long long *r_io,unsigned long long *w_io) { FILE *file; char line[256]; if((file=fopen("/proc/diskstats","r"))==NULL) { return -1; } while(fgets(line,sizeof(line),file)!=NULL) { int major,minor; char devName[40]; unsigned int reads,readMerges,readTicks; unsigned int writes,writeMerges,writeTicks; unsigned int inFlight,ioTicks,timeInQueue; unsigned long long readSectors,writeSectors; if(sscanf(line,"%4d %4d %s %u %u %llu %u %u %u %llu %u %u %u %u", &major,&minor,devName,&reads,&readMerges,&readSectors,&readTicks, &writes,&writeMerges,&writeSectors,&writeTicks,&inFlight,&ioTicks, &timeInQueue)==14) { *r_io=readSectors; *w_io=writeSectors; if(strcmp(devName,dev_name)==0) { fclose(file); return 0; } } } fclose(file); return -1; } static void get_values(int init,int kernelVersion) { FILE *file; char line[256]; char tag[32]; int user,nice,system,idle; unsigned long long r_io=0,w_io=0; int mem_total=0,mem_free=0,mem_cached=0,mem_buffers=0; int swap_total=0,swap_free=0; float uptime=0.0; file=fopen("/proc/stat","r"); while(fgets(line,sizeof(line),file)!=NULL) { sscanf(line,"%s",tag); if(strcmp(tag,"cpu")==0) { sscanf(line,"%s %d %d %d %d",tag,&user,&nice,&system,&idle); break; } } fclose(file); if(kernelVersion<KERNEL_VERSION(2,6,0)) { getDiskValue24(&r_io,&w_io); } else { getDiskValue26(&r_io,&w_io); } file=fopen("/proc/meminfo","r"); while(fgets(line,sizeof(line),file)!=NULL) { sscanf(line,"%s",tag); if(strcmp(tag,"MemTotal:")==0) { sscanf(line,"%s %d",tag,&mem_total); continue; } if(strcmp(tag,"MemFree:")==0) { sscanf(line,"%s %d",tag,&mem_free); continue; } if(strcmp(tag,"Cached:")==0) { sscanf(line,"%s %d",tag,&mem_cached); continue; } if(strcmp(tag,"Buffers:")==0) { sscanf(line,"%s %d",tag,&mem_buffers); continue; } if(strcmp(tag,"SwapTotal:")==0) { sscanf(line,"%s %d",tag,&swap_total); continue; } if(strcmp(tag,"SwapFree:")==0) { sscanf(line,"%s %d",tag,&swap_free); break; } } fclose(file); file=fopen("/proc/uptime","r"); fscanf(file,"%f",&uptime); fclose(file); if(init) { last.cpu_idle=idle; last.cpu_use=user+nice+system; last.r_diff_max=1; last.r_io=r_io; last.w_diff_max=1; last.w_io=w_io; } else { long long diff; long long diff1; int width; /* cpu */ diff=idle-last.cpu_idle; diff1=user+nice+system-last.cpu_use; width=diff1*scale_width/(diff+diff1+1); last.cpu_idle=idle; last.cpu_use=user+nice+system; draw_scale(width,cpu_s_x,cpu_s_y); /* r_io */ diff=r_io-last.r_io; if(diff>last.r_diff_max) { last.r_diff_max=diff; } width=abs(diff)*scale_width/last.r_diff_max; last.r_io=r_io; draw_scale(width,ior_s_x,ior_s_y); if(diff && !width) { draw_enable_point(point_read_x,point_read_y); } else { draw_disable_point(point_read_x,point_read_y); } /* w_io */ diff=w_io-last.w_io; if(diff>last.w_diff_max) { last.w_diff_max=diff; } width=abs(diff)*scale_width/last.w_diff_max; last.w_io=w_io; draw_scale(width,iow_s_x,iow_s_y); if(diff && !width) { draw_enable_point(point_write_x,point_write_y); } else { draw_disable_point(point_write_x,point_write_y); } /* mem */ if(!mem_total) { width=0; } else { if(mem_correction) { width=(mem_total-mem_free-mem_cached-mem_buffers)*scale_width/mem_total; } else { width=(mem_total-mem_free)*scale_width/mem_total; } } draw_scale(width,mem_s_x,mem_s_y); /* swap */ if(!swap_total) { width=0; } else { width=(swap_total-swap_free)*scale_width/swap_total; } draw_scale(width,swap_s_x,swap_s_y); /* uptime */ { int day,hour,min,sec; day=(int)uptime/(24*3600); uptime-=day*24*3600; hour=(int)uptime/3600; uptime-=hour*3600; min=(int)uptime/60; uptime-=min*60; sec=uptime; draw_uptime(day,hour,min,sec); } } } static void usage(char *progname) { fprintf(stdout,"%s-%s " "WindowMaker System Monitor\n" "\t-t <num> scale type num={1,2,3,4}\n" "\t-d <dev> device name without partion number, default: hda\n" "\t-m mem correction\n" "\t-h this\n" ,progname,v_WMSM); } int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { FILE *file; char line[256]; char xx[256]; int revision=0,release=0,patchlevel=0; XEvent event; int opt; scale_width=xpm_scale_width; scale_height=xpm_scale_height; scale_f_x=xpm_scale_2_f_x; scale_f_y=xpm_scale_2_f_y; scale_b_x=xpm_scale_1_b_x; scale_b_y=xpm_scale_1_b_y; mem_correction=0; dev_name="hda"; while((opt=getopt(argc,argv,"hmt:d:"))!=-1) { switch(opt) { case 'd': dev_name=optarg; break; case 'm': mem_correction=1; break; case 't': switch(atoi(optarg)) { case 4: scale_f_x=xpm_scale_2_f_x; scale_f_y=xpm_scale_2_f_y; scale_b_x=xpm_scale_2_b_x; scale_b_y=xpm_scale_2_b_y; break; case 3: scale_f_x=xpm_scale_1_f_x; scale_f_y=xpm_scale_1_f_y; scale_b_x=xpm_scale_1_b_x; scale_b_y=xpm_scale_1_b_y; break; case 2: scale_f_x=xpm_scale_1_f_x; scale_f_y=xpm_scale_1_f_y; scale_b_x=xpm_scale_2_b_x; scale_b_y=xpm_scale_2_b_y; break; case 1: default: scale_f_x=xpm_scale_2_f_x; scale_f_y=xpm_scale_2_f_y; scale_b_x=xpm_scale_1_b_x; scale_b_y=xpm_scale_1_b_y; } break; case 'h': default: usage(argv[0]); exit(0); } } file=fopen("/proc/version","r"); fgets(line,sizeof(line),file); sscanf(line,"%s %s %d.%d.%d%s",xx,xx,&revision,&release,&patchlevel,xx); fclose(file); createXBMfromXPM(wmsm_mask_bits,wmsm_master_xpm,wmsm_mask_width,wmsm_mask_height); openXwindow(argc,argv,wmsm_master_xpm,wmsm_mask_bits,wmsm_mask_width,wmsm_mask_height); RedrawWindowXY(0,0); get_values(1,(revision<<16)+(release<<8)+patchlevel); while(1) { while (XPending(display)) { XNextEvent(display, &event); switch (event.type) { case Expose: RedrawWindowXY(0,0); break; case DestroyNotify: XCloseDisplay(display); exit(0); } } get_values(0,(revision<<16)+(release<<8)+patchlevel); usleep(150000L); } }