#include "config.h" /* Copyright (C) 2002 Brad Jorsch This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #if TM_IN_SYS_TIME # if TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME # include # include # else # if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H # include # else # include # endif # endif #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "wmweather+.h" #include "metar.h" #include "warnings.h" #include "download.h" #include "convert.h" #include "die.h" #include "sunzenith.h" #include "moon.h" #include "subst.h" /* Important variables */ static time_t metar_time=0; static char *metar_newfile=NULL; static char *metar_file=NULL; static char *metar_req[2]={ NULL, NULL }; struct current_weather current; /* Regular Expressions */ static pcre *station_time; static pcre *wind; static pcre *weather; static pcre *vis[4]; static pcre *temp; static pcre *pressure; static int ovecsize; /* prototypes */ static int parse_metar(char *file); /* functions */ static void reset_current(struct current_weather *c){ c->last_update=time(NULL); c->month=0; c->date=-1; c->time=-1; c->temp=999; c->rh=-1; c->winddir=-1; c->windspeed=-1; c->pressure=-1; c->heatindex=999; c->windchill=999; c->sky=-1; c->vis=7; c->obs=0; c->frz=0; c->snow=0; c->rain=0; c->tstorm=0; c->moon=NAN; } #define compile(var, re) \ var=pcre_compile(re, 0, (const char **)&e, &i, NULL); \ if(var==NULL) die("init_metar PCRE error: %s at %i", e, i); \ pcre_fullinfo(var, NULL, PCRE_INFO_CAPTURECOUNT, &i); \ if(i>ovecsize) ovecsize=i; void init_metar(void){ int i; char *e; struct subst_val subs[]={ { 's', STRING, &metar_station }, { 0, 0, 0 } }; snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "%s.metar.txt", metar_station); metar_file=get_pid_filename(bigbuf); snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "%s.new-metar.txt", metar_station); metar_newfile=get_pid_filename(bigbuf); if((metar_req[0]=subst(metar_uri, subs))==NULL) die("init_metar"); if(metar_post!=NULL && (metar_req[1]=subst(metar_post, subs))==NULL) die("init_metar"); metar_time=0; ovecsize=0; strncpy(bigbuf, metar_station, BIGBUF_LEN-25); bigbuf[BIGBUF_LEN-25]='\0'; strcat(bigbuf, " ((?:\\d\\d)?)(\\d\\d\\d\\d)Z( .* )"); compile(station_time, bigbuf); compile(wind, " (VRB|\\d\\d\\d)(\\d\\d\\d?)(?:G\\d\\d\\d?)?(KT|MPS|KMH)((?: \\d\\d\\dV\\d\\d\\d)?) "); compile(weather, " ((?:-|\\+|VC)?)((?:MI|PR|BC|DR|BL|SH|TS|FZ)?)((?:DZ|RA|SN|SG|IC|PE|PL|GR|GS|UP){0,3})((?:BR|FG|FU|VA|DU|SA|HZ|PY)?)((?:PO|SQ|FC|SS|DS)?)\\b"); compile(vis[0], " (\\d+)SM "); compile(vis[1], " (\\d+)/(\\d+)SM "); compile(vis[2], " (\\d+) (\\d+)/(\\d+)SM "); compile(vis[3], " (\\d{4})[NS]?[EW]? "); compile(temp, " (M?\\d\\d\\d?)/((?:M?\\d\\d\\d?)?) "); compile(pressure, " ([AQ])(\\d\\d\\d\\d) "); ovecsize=(ovecsize+1)*3; /* Remove stale file */ unlink(metar_file); unlink(metar_newfile); reset_current(¤t); current.last_update = 0; // This was not a real "update", just an init } #undef compile static void metar_callback(char *filename, void *v){ struct stat statbuf; if(stat(metar_newfile, &statbuf)>=0){ if(S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode) && statbuf.st_size!=0 && parse_metar(metar_newfile)){ rename(metar_newfile, metar_file); } else { unlink(metar_newfile); if(!parse_metar(metar_file)) reset_current(¤t); } } update_warnings(v!=NULL); } void metar_cleanup(void){ unlink(metar_newfile); unlink(metar_file); } void update_metar(int force){ time_t t; t=time(NULL)/60; if(!force && metar_time>t) return; metar_time=t+15; download_file(metar_newfile, metar_req[0], metar_req[1], force?DOWNLOAD_KILL_OTHER_REQUESTS:0, metar_callback, force?"":NULL); } #define get_substr(n, c) \ if(pcre_get_substring(s, ovector, ovalue, n, (const char **)&c)<0){ pcre_free_substring(s); return 0; } static int parse_metar(char *file){ FILE *fp; char *s, *c; int ovector[ovecsize]; int ovalue; int len; float f; int i, j; reset_current(¤t); if((fp=fopen(file, "r"))==NULL) return 0; len=fread(bigbuf, sizeof(char), BIGBUF_LEN-2, fp); fclose(fp); if(len<1) return 0; for(i=0; i0){ get_substr(4, c); if(c[0]!='\0'){ current.winddir=0; } else { pcre_free_substring(c); get_substr(1, c); if(c[0]=='V') current.winddir=0; else current.winddir=((int)((atoi(c)+11.25)/22.5))%16+1; } pcre_free_substring(c); get_substr(2, c); current.windspeed=atoi(c); pcre_free_substring(c); get_substr(3, c); if(c[0]=='M'){ /* MPS */ current.windspeed=mps2knots(current.windspeed); } else if(c[0]=='K' && c[1]=='M'){ /* KMH */ current.windspeed=kph2knots(current.windspeed); } } /* vis */ f=99; c=strstr(s, " M1/4SM "); if(c!=NULL){ f=0; goto wind_done; } ovalue=pcre_exec(vis[2], NULL, s, len, 0, 0, ovector, ovecsize); if(ovalue>0){ get_substr(2, c); i=atoi(c); pcre_free_substring(c); get_substr(3, c); j=atoi(c); pcre_free_substring(c); get_substr(1, c); f=atoi(c)+(float)i/j; pcre_free_substring(c); goto wind_done; } ovalue=pcre_exec(vis[1], NULL, s, len, 0, 0, ovector, ovecsize); if(ovalue>0){ get_substr(2, c); i=atoi(c); pcre_free_substring(c); get_substr(1, c); f=(float)atoi(c)/i; pcre_free_substring(c); goto wind_done; } ovalue=pcre_exec(vis[0], NULL, s, len, 0, 0, ovector, ovecsize); if(ovalue>0){ get_substr(1, c); f=atoi(c); pcre_free_substring(c); goto wind_done; } c=strstr(s, " CAVOK "); if(c!=NULL){ f=99; current.sky=0; goto wind_done; } ovalue=pcre_exec(vis[3], NULL, s, len, 0, 0, ovector, ovecsize); if(ovalue>0){ get_substr(1, c); f=m2mi(atoi(c)); pcre_free_substring(c); goto wind_done; } wind_done: if(f<=6) current.vis=6; if(f<=5) current.vis=5; if(f<3) current.vis=4; if(f<1) current.vis=3; if(f<=.5) current.vis=2; if(f<=.25) current.vis=1; /* temp, rh */ ovalue=pcre_exec(temp, NULL, s, len, 0, 0, ovector, ovecsize); if(ovalue>0){ get_substr(1, c); if(c[0]=='M') c[0]='-'; current.temp=atoi(c); pcre_free_substring(c); get_substr(2, c); if(c[0]!='\0'){ if(c[0]=='M') c[0]='-'; current.rh=rh_C(current.temp, atoi(c)); } pcre_free_substring(c); } /* pressure */ ovalue=pcre_exec(pressure, NULL, s, len, 0, 0, ovector, ovecsize); if(ovalue>0){ get_substr(2, c); i=atoi(c); pcre_free_substring(c); get_substr(1, c); if(c[0]=='Q'){ current.pressure=hPa2inHg(i); } else { current.pressure=i/100.0; } pcre_free_substring(c); } /* sky */ if(strstr(s, " SKC")!=NULL || strstr(s, " CLR")!=NULL) current.sky=0; if(strstr(s, " FEW")!=NULL) current.sky=1; if(strstr(s, " SCT")!=NULL) current.sky=2; if(strstr(s, " BKN")!=NULL) current.sky=3; if(strstr(s, " OVC")!=NULL || strstr(s, " VV")!=NULL) current.sky=4; /* obs, frz, snow, rain, tstorm */ /* There can be multiple weather chunks, so we while loop */ j=0; while((ovalue=pcre_exec(weather, NULL, s, len, j, 0, ovector, ovecsize))>0){{ char *in, *de, *pp, *ob, *ot; j=ovector[0]+1; get_substr(0, c); i=(c[1]=='\0'); pcre_free_substring(c); if(i) continue; get_substr(1, in); get_substr(2, de); get_substr(3, pp); get_substr(4, ob); get_substr(5, ot); #define IN(haystack, needle) ((needle[0]=='\0')?0:strstr(haystack, needle)) if(current.obs<1 && strcmp(de, "FZ") && IN("BR|FG", ob)) current.obs=1; if(current.obs<2 && IN("FU|VA|DU|SA|HZ|PY", ob)) current.obs=2; if(current.obs<3 && IN("PO|SS|DS", ot)) current.obs=3; if(current.obs<3 && IN("DR|BL", de) && (strstr(pp, "SN") || IN("DU|SA|PY", ob))) current.obs=3; if(!strcmp(ot, "FC")){ current.sky=5; current.obs=99; current.vis=7; } #undef IN i=66; if(in[0]=='-' || in[0]=='V') i=33; if(in[0]=='+') i=99; if(!strcmp(de, "SH")) i=33; if(current.frztm_mon+1; if(tm->tm_mdaytm_year--; } y=year=tm->tm_year; mon=current.month; day=current.date; time2=current.time; current.time=utc2local((int)current.time, ¤t.month, ¤t.date, &y, NULL); if(latitude!=999 && calcSolarZenith(latitude, longitude, year, mon, day, hm2min(time2))>90) current.moon=calc_moon(current.month, current.date, y, current.time); } return 1; } #undef get_substr