======================================================================== AScd 0.13 CD player for Afterstep and Window Maker ======================================================================== MAINTAINER: Denis Bourez: - email: denis@rsn.fdn.fr - AScd home page: http://worldserver.oleane.com/rsn/ AScd ORIGINAL AUTHOR: Rob Malda: - email: malda@slashdot.org - WWW: http://CmdrTaco.net/ ======================================================================== DESCRIPTION: AScd is a CD player that can be "docked" on the Afterstep Wharf or the Window Maker dock. It uses libworkman to access CD drivers. ======================================================================== HISTORY: AScd 0.1 -> 0.6 --------------- The original code was taken by Rob Malda from asclock (Afterstep wharf module, by Beat Christen ) and from workbone (CD driver). AScd 0.7 -> 0.9 --------------- I removed all the workbone code (Linux specific): ascd could then be compiled on several UN*X flavors. I took a big part or the WorkMan (see at the end of this text) src and merged it with the ascd 0.4 interface. The WorkMan code was compiled as a library. AScd >= 0.10 ------------ WorkMan has splitted in 2 parts: the ui and the lib, named libworkman. So, AScd uses this brand new lib, instead of the one which was included in the AScd's archive. WorkMan's maintainer is Dirk Foersterling (milliByte@DeathsDoor.com). AScd >= 0.12 ------------ AScd no longer includes the pixmaps in the source files. It is now possible to change the pixmaps theme at run time. AScd now needs a directory where to store the pixmaps. The default is /usr/local/share/AScd. AScd >= 0.13 ------------ The theme files are now fully customizable. All theme directories are installed by default in /usr/local/share/AScd/Themes. ======================================================================== HOW TO COMPILE???? ======================================================================== You need to download, compile and install the WorkMan library. Please use the 99/05/05 snapshot wish can be found on the AScd's home page or on the primary ftp site for WorkMan: ftp://ftp.midwinter.com/WorkMan/snapshots/ ======================================================================== CONFIGURATION ======================================================================== Run ./configure This script will ask you a few questions about compilation-time options, and generate a "config.h" file matching your choices. The script will then run xmkmf to generate the Makefile. ======================================================================== COMPILATION/INSTALLATION ======================================================================== IMPORTANT NOTE: if you're upgrading from AScd 0.12, please remove everything in the AScd default directory (/usr/local/share/AScd) as the theme files are *not* compatible. make - If you want to try the program, just type ./ascd (try './ascd -help' to see the commandline options) If everything is ok, you can install the program and the man page: make install make install.man * installation for AfterStep -------------------------- Add a line in your ~/.steprc file: *Wharf - - Swallow "ascd" /usr/local/bin/ascd -device /dev/wcd0a & (customized to your system settings of course!) * installation for Window Maker ----------------------------- Launch ascd with the "+w" option. Dock ascd by dragging it to the dock. ======================================================================== CREDITS ======================================================================== Denis Bourez (denis@rsn.fdn.fr) http://worldserver.oleane.com/rsn/ Rob Malda (malda@slashdot.org) http://CmdrTaco.net/ The 0.12 *digits.xpm were taken and modified from wmitime, an excellent clock applet for Window Maker. Wmitime was written by Dave Clark (clarkd@skynet.ca) More info at: http://www.neotokyo.org. I added the lower case letters. The new 0.13 default font is fully 8bit compatible! It has been drawn by Stefan Zeiger (szeiger@novocode.com). ======================================================================== Denis Bourez, 05/17/1999