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$Id: CHANGELOG,v 1.2 2001/04/21 18:29:33 bergo Exp $
2.0.2 (Apr 21 2001)
* fixed minor bug when generating files with the
"don't generate login password pairs" option
turned on (a CONNECT line was not being added)
2.0.1 (Mar 3 2001)
* fixed minor bug: the installation script now creates
the /etc/ppp/peers directory if it is missing.
2.0.0 (Feb 22 2001)
* Revamped the way the GUI manages config files, now pppd
files go under /etc/ppp/peers (and you'll have to
exercise your root password sometimes when configuring
ISP info). Configuration now goes under ~/.yawmppp2
* Changed RX/TX leds for arrows in the Window Maker applet.
* Dropped old named-based DNS support
* Added support for the usepeerdns option in pppd.
1.2.1 (Apr 12 2000)
* Increased Modem Init Strings maximum size from 64 to
256 characters.
1.2.0 (Apr 3 2000)
* Fixed bug regarding user names made up of digits
* Added the yawmppp.thin applet.
* Made the -caution option default.
* Bug fix: now modem init strings may contain spaces.
* Bug fix: the config applet wasn't recognizing the first
init string, it was putting ATZ always. As no one has
complained about it, I'm surprised to know that ATZ is
good for everyone :)
1.1.3 (Mar 24 2000)
* Fixed bug in Help system (memory buffer for man pages was too
small and the Configuration program dumped core). Now the
buffers are initialized with 128K instead of 64K and will grow
on demand. Thanks to Thomas Hood for reporting this one.
* Added the -caution and -paranoid command line options, meant to
help PCMCIA & APM users.
* Minor documentation fixes.
1.1.2 (Mar 20 2000)
* Added the online help (er... man) system.
* Tried to fix a compilation bug that happened with Debian regarding the
double inclusion of linux/socket.h and sys/socket.h. I don't have
a Debian system to test, so I don't know for sure if it will work
right now (Debian only).
* Added the --with-x-include-dirs= option to the configure script. This
should be helpful for FreeBSD users.
* Due to the change below, changed the caption on the
"Post-login conversation" button to "Additional conversation".
* Added the "Don't generate login/password pairs" checkbox to help people
with even stranger ISP conversations. I can't keep it simple if ISPs can't.
* Fixed bug in expect/send pair parsing, now usernames, passwords,
and all expected/sent strings may contain spaces and escaped
quotes (\").
* Fixed stop.* script generation (missing space between
quote and bracket, thanks to Igor Marinovic for reporting
* Fixed W,X,Y,Z characters which were apeearing swapped on the
dock applet display.
1.1.1 (Mar 11 2000)
* Fixed small bug in configure script that would prevent
yawmppp from building in some FreeBSD systems.
1.1.0 (Mar 7 2000)
* Added tooltips to most widgets in the PPP page.
* Added capability for more multiple expect/send pairs in the
* Added support for PAP/CHAP related options in the pppd
command line (the secrets must still be set manually in
the secret files, read the FAQ for furhter information)
1.0.1 (Feb 29 2000)
* Added "user <username>" to command line of pppd,
which may help PAPers and CHAPers.
* Some of the options shown with yawmppp -h were
bogus. Took them out.
1.0.0 (Feb 14 2000)
* First public release