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Hints for WMIFS
WMiFS supports commandline options, 'wmifs -h' prints help
about them.
WMiFS has a special -i option, this way you can force
WMiFS to monitor a particular interface like:
wmifs -i eth0 &
wmifs -i ppp0 &
wmifs -i lo &
Without the -i option (wmifs &) WMiFS automagicly
grabs the default interface and will display the
name and statistics of that interface.
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You can cycle in realtime through all available
active interfaces by simply clicking with the left
mousebutton on the interface name gadget in the
upperleft corner of WMiFS...
Note: The 'lo' interface is an exception, 'lo' ONLY
works when invoked from the commandline (wmifs -i lo),
lo was mainly build in for testing purposes ;-)
WindowMaker users simply drag and drop the WMiFS dock.app on
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the WindowMaker Dock (preferred) or on the Fiend, and then
press the rightmouse button on the outer edges of WMiFS and
then enable 'Autolaunch' from the Dock/Fiend popup menu.
Afterstep users put the following in their .steprc
"Wharf wmifs - MaxSwallow "wmifs" wmifs -i eth0 -w &".
Note: the small pixmap placement bug is in Wharf, please
notify the AfterStep developers if you want to see
this fixed!
Other WindowManagers
For other windowmanagers, WMiFS runs nicely as 64x64 pixel
shaped icon on your desktop.
p.s. FVWM can swallow it too, so we've heard ;-)
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Dragging WMiFS
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Be sure to drag WMIFS on it's outer edges, it's a bit
picky due to the large gfx pixmap it keeps ;-)
Setting up the WMiFS RC file
WMIFS can (optionally) launch your ppp scripts with a simple
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left mouse click on the interface statistics display.
You may define your settings in ~/.wmifsrc like:
left: /home/foobar/MyPPP-connect-script
middle: /home/foobar/MyPPP-disconnect-script
right: /home/foobar/MyPPP-reconnect-script
Note: If you run a site where users may not fiddle with the
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PPP scripts, read INSTALL > Info For Site Admins!
Creating PPP dialup scripts
Because a very good PPP HowTo already exists,
it's quite pointless for us to explain to you
how you should and can make them...
Read the PPP HowTo, and you'll see that it's
very easy to create your own PPP scripts ;-)
Permissions to allow non-root WMPPP connections
WMiFS will connect just fine when run as root, but if you want
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to run WMiFS as a non-root user, there are a few files and
programs to make permissions changes to.
WMiFS needs access to the device file your modem is on, so if
you use COM1, then the modem device file you use is /dev/cua0.
Change the permissions so that it is world read/writable:
chmod 666 /dev/cua0
The pppd daemon also makes calls to the kernel which require root
permissions. The pppd daemon must be owned by root, and then have
it's set-user-id bit turned on. This way, the pppd daemon will
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always run as SUID root. Change the owner and SUID bit like:
chown root.root pppd
chmod +s pppd