Fork 0

244 lines
6.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include <assert.h>
#include <dockapp.h>
#include "buttonbar.h"
#include "xobjects.h"
#include "pixmaps.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "menu.h"
/* item number for last known highlight position */
static int OldPos = -1 ;
/* Graphic context used to draw highlight */
static GC HighlightGC = 0 ;
/* position where bar will be shown next time */
static int BarX=0, BarY=0 ;
extern void ButtonBar_Build (void)
int i, n ;
int h, j, w ;
int width, height ;
GC imgOp ;
GC maskOp ;
XGCValues gc ;
Pixmap image, mask ;
int x, y ;
int x0, y0 ;
XSetWindowAttributes wa ;
n = Menu_GetNbEntries () ;
assert (n > 0) ;
h = Menu_GetNbRows () ;
w = Menu_GetNbColumns () ;
width = TileXSize * w ;
height = TileYSize * h ;
ButtonBarWindow = XCreateSimpleWindow (
DADisplay, DefaultRootWindow (DADisplay), 0, 0, width, height, 0,
BlackPixel (DADisplay, DefaultScreen (DADisplay)),
BlackPixel (DADisplay, DefaultScreen (DADisplay))) ;
ButtonBarImage = XCreatePixmap (DADisplay, ButtonBarWindow,
width, height, DADepth) ;
imgOp = XCreateGC (DADisplay, ButtonBarWindow, 0, & gc) ;
HighlightBehindMask = XCreatePixmap (DADisplay, ButtonBarWindow,
width, height, 1) ;
maskOp = XCreateGC (DADisplay, HighlightBehindMask, 0, & gc) ;
/* first apply tile to whole bar */
for (i=0; i<w; i++)
for (j=0; j<h; j++)
XCopyArea (DADisplay, TileImage, ButtonBarImage, imgOp, 0, 0,
TileXSize, TileYSize, TileXSize*i, TileYSize*j) ;
/* initialize "behind" mask to all 1's */
XSetFunction (DADisplay, maskOp, GXset) ;
XFillRectangle (DADisplay, HighlightBehindMask, maskOp,
0, 0, width, height) ;
/* and copy behind mask cells from highlight mask */
if (HighlightMask != 0)
XSetFunction (DADisplay, maskOp, GXcopy) ;
for (i=0; i<w; i++)
for (j=0; j<h; j++)
XCopyArea (DADisplay, HighlightMask, HighlightBehindMask,
0, 0, TileXSize, TileYSize, TileXSize*i, TileYSize*j) ;
/* then apply each pixmap of menu entry */
/* and build a global invert mask for highlight "behind" */
for (i=0; i<n; i++)
Pixmaps_FindLoad (Menu_GetEntryPixmap (i),
& image, & mask, & width, & height) ;
/* center pixmap within its cell */
x = (width >= TileXSize ? 0 : (TileXSize-width)/2) ;
y = (height >= TileYSize ? 0 : (TileYSize-height)/2) ;
/* use GC to draw with pixmap's mask in the right cell */
x0 = TileXSize*(i/h) ;
y0 = TileYSize*(i%h) ;
gc.clip_x_origin = x0 + x ;
gc.clip_y_origin = y0 + y ;
gc.clip_mask = mask ; /* may be None */
XChangeGC (DADisplay, imgOp,
GCClipXOrigin | GCClipYOrigin | GCClipMask, & gc) ;
XCopyArea (DADisplay, image, ButtonBarImage, imgOp, 0, 0,
width, height, gc.clip_x_origin, gc.clip_y_origin) ;
/* update highlight behind mask: cell &= ~iconmask */
if (HighlightBehind && mask != None)
/* use "andInverted" (dst &= ~src) */
XSetFunction (DADisplay, maskOp, GXandInverted) ;
XCopyArea (DADisplay, mask, HighlightBehindMask, maskOp,
0, 0, width, height, gc.clip_x_origin, gc.clip_y_origin) ;
/* or highlight behind cell &= 0 if no mask */
if (HighlightBehind && mask == None)
XSetFunction (DADisplay, maskOp, GXclear) ;
XFillRectangle (DADisplay, HighlightBehindMask, maskOp,
gc.clip_x_origin, gc.clip_y_origin, width, height) ;
XFreePixmap (DADisplay, image) ;
if (mask != 0) XFreePixmap (DADisplay, mask) ;
XFreeGC (DADisplay, imgOp) ;
XFreeGC (DADisplay, maskOp) ;
wa.background_pixmap = ButtonBarImage ;
wa.event_mask = ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask ;
if (! ClickOnly) wa.event_mask |= EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask ;
if (HighlightImage != 0) wa.event_mask |= PointerMotionMask ;
wa.override_redirect = True ;
XChangeWindowAttributes (DADisplay, ButtonBarWindow,
CWBackPixmap | CWEventMask | CWOverrideRedirect, & wa) ;
extern void ButtonBar_SetPositionFromDockApp (int dockx, int docky,
int dockw, int dockh)
int xMid, scrWidth, h, scrHeight ;
int x, y ;
(void) dockh;
/* compute y */
scrHeight = DisplayHeight (DADisplay, DefaultScreen (DADisplay)) ;
y = docky ;
h = TileYSize * Menu_GetNbRows () ;
if (y + h >= scrHeight)
y = scrHeight - h ;
/* compute x */
scrWidth = DisplayWidth (DADisplay, DefaultScreen (DADisplay)) ;
xMid = dockx + dockw/2 ;
if (xMid*2 < scrWidth)
/* we are rather on left, expand to right */
x = dockx + dockw ;
/* we are rather on right, expand to left */
x = dockx - TileXSize * Menu_GetNbColumns () ;
BarX = x ;
BarY = y ;
extern void ButtonBar_Show (void)
XMoveWindow (DADisplay, ButtonBarWindow, BarX, BarY) ;
XMapRaised (DADisplay, ButtonBarWindow) ;
static void BuildHighlightGC (void)
XGCValues gc ;
gc.clip_mask = HighlightBehindMask ;
HighlightGC = XCreateGC (DADisplay, DAWindow,
GCClipMask, & gc) ;
extern void ButtonBar_Highlight (int col, int row)
int h ;
int newPos ;
if (HighlightImage == 0) return ;
h = Menu_GetNbRows () ;
newPos = col*h + row ;
if (newPos != OldPos)
int x, y ;
XGCValues gc ;
/* first clear old highlight position */
ButtonBar_Unhighlight () ;
/* don't draw highlight on empty slots */
if (newPos >= Menu_GetNbEntries ()) return ;
/* compute new draw position */
x = col * TileXSize ;
y = row * TileYSize ;
/* and draw it */
if (HighlightGC == 0) BuildHighlightGC () ;
gc.clip_x_origin = HighlightBehind ? 0 : x ;
gc.clip_y_origin = HighlightBehind ? 0 : y ;
XChangeGC (DADisplay, HighlightGC,
GCClipXOrigin | GCClipYOrigin, & gc) ;
XCopyArea (DADisplay, HighlightImage, ButtonBarWindow,
HighlightGC, 0, 0, TileXSize, TileYSize, x, y) ;
OldPos = newPos ;
extern void ButtonBar_Unhighlight (void)
int x, y, h ;
if (HighlightImage == 0 || OldPos < 0) return ;
2015-01-24 18:05:45 +00:00
h = Menu_GetNbRows () ;
x = (OldPos / h) * TileXSize ;
y = (OldPos % h) * TileYSize ;
XClearArea (DADisplay, ButtonBarWindow,
x, y, TileXSize, TileYSize, False) ;
OldPos = -1 ;
extern void ButtonBar_Hide (void)
XUnmapWindow (DADisplay, ButtonBarWindow) ;
OldPos = -1 ;
extern void ButtonBar_Rebuild (void)
XDestroyWindow (DADisplay, ButtonBarWindow) ;
if (HighlightGC != 0)
XFreeGC (DADisplay, HighlightGC) ;
HighlightGC = 0 ;
OldPos = -1 ;
ButtonBar_Build () ;