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This app was Re-engineered from an app called wmstock. I have attached the
original credits. My goal was to make a super easy to use dock app lib.
It's very very limited... It's easy to use though!
I also severly plagerized wmstock's INSTALL instructions.
Jettero Heller
------------------------------ Attachment -------------------------------------
The inspiration and some of the code for wmstock came from wmWeather (v1.30),
an excellent dock application. wmWeather was written by Mike Henderson
and it is available from:
*** I no longer use this PERL package, but I did take some code from it,
and used it for versions 0.01 and 0.02 ***
I also used some code from the Finance::YahooQuotes PERL Module, which is
written by Dj Padzensky <djpadz@padz.net> The Finance::YahooQuote home page can
be found at http://www.padz.net/~djpadz/YahooQuote/
As I learned more about writing dock apps, I produced more and more of
my own code, and fixed what I believe were engineering flaws in wmWeather,
however, I recommend to anyone who wants to get started in dock app programming
to start with wmWeather, and perhaps also check out this page:
http://www.inria.fr/koala/lehors/xpm.html (info about XPMs)
Also, for those of you using XPMs in your code, I found its easier to start
with someone elses XPM, use your favorite text editor to rename the
variables in the structure, and then a picture editor (xpaint) to edit the
image. For me, I had to work with the image as a ppm in xpaint, and then
run ppmtoxpm to convert the image.
Thanks to these people for helping fix/identify bugs
Bug Date Credit
No ticker name 06/21/99 Keldon Jones (keldon@umr.edu) - my
roommate, wrote a 20 byte patch.
Various fixes 06/24/99 Thomas Ribbrock - wrote a large patch
to fix lots of stuff!