HTTP HTTP GET --path-as-is # # Server-side HTTP/1.1 301 OK Content-Length: 6 Content-Type: text/html Location: ../%TESTNUMBER0002 -foo- HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 6 Content-Type: text/html -muu- HTTP/1.1 301 OK Content-Length: 6 Content-Type: text/html Location: ../%TESTNUMBER0002 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 6 Content-Type: text/html -muu- # # Client-side http --path-as-is with redirect, keeping dotdots http://%HOSTIP:%HTTPPORT/../../%TESTNUMBER --path-as-is -L # # Verify data after the test has been "shot" GET /../../%TESTNUMBER HTTP/1.1 Host: %HOSTIP:%HTTPPORT User-Agent: curl/%VERSION Accept: */* GET /../%TESTNUMBER0002 HTTP/1.1 Host: %HOSTIP:%HTTPPORT User-Agent: curl/%VERSION Accept: */*