$! File: generate_vax_transfer.com $! $! File to generate and compile the VAX transfer vectors from reading in the $! Alpha/Itanium gnv_libcurl_symbols.opt file. $! $! This procedure patches the VAX Macro32 assembler to be case sensitive $! and then compiles the generated $! $! The output of this procedure is: $! gnv_libcurl_xfer.mar_exact $! gnv_libcurl_xfer.obj $! gnv_libcurl_xfer.opt $! macro32_exactcase.exe $! $! Copyright (C) John Malmberg $! $! Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any $! purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above $! copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. $! $! THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES $! WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF $! MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR $! ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES $! WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN $! ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT $! OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. $! $! SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC $! $!============================================================================ $! $! Save this so we can get back. $ default_dir = f$environment("default") $! $ on warning then goto all_exit $! $! Want hard tabs in the generated file. $ tab[0,8] = 9 $! $! This procedure is used on VAX only $ if (f$getsyi("HW_MODEL") .ge. 1024) $ then $ write sys$output "This procedure is only used on VAX." $ goto all_exit $ endif $! $! $! Get the libcurl version to generate the ident string. $! ident string is max of 31 characters. $! $ ident_string = "unknown" $ open/read cver [-.-.include.curl]curlver.h $cver_loop: $ read/end=cver_loop_end cver line_in $ line_in = f$edit(line_in, "COMPRESS,TRIM") $ if line_in .eqs. "" then goto cver_loop $ code = f$extract(0, 1, line_in) $ if code .nes. "#" then goto cver_loop $ directive = f$element(0, " ", line_in) $ if directive .nes. "#define" then goto cver_loop $ name = f$element(1, " ", line_in) $ if name .nes. "LIBCURL_VERSION" then goto cver_loop $ ident_string = f$element(2, " ", line_in) - "" - "" $cver_loop_end: $ close cver $! $ open/read aopt gnv_libcurl_symbols.opt $! $! Write out the header $ gosub do_header $! $ open/append vopt gnv_libcurl_xfer.mar_exact $ write vopt tab,".IDENT /", ident_string, "/" $! $ write vopt tab, ".PSECT LIBCURL_XFERVECTORS -" $ write vopt tab,tab,tab, "PIC,USR,CON,REL,GBL,SHR,EXE,RD,NOWRT,QUAD" $ write vopt "" $ write vopt tab, "SPARE", tab, "; never delete this spare" $ write vopt ";" $ write vopt ";", tab, "Exact case and upper case transfer vectors" $! $ alias_count = 0 $vector_loop: $! $! Read in symbol_vector $! $ read/end=vector_loop_end aopt line_in $ line = f$edit(line_in, "UNCOMMENT,COMPRESS,TRIM") $ if line .eqs. "" then goto vector_loop $! $ line_u = f$edit(line, "UPCASE") $ key = f$element(0, "=", line_u) $ if (key .eqs. "SYMBOL_VECTOR") $ then $ symbol_string = f$element(1, "=", line) - "(" $ symbol_type = f$element(2, "=", line_u) - ")" $ symbol_name = f$element(1, "/", symbol_string) $ if symbol_type .nes. "PROCEDURE" $ then $ write sys$output "%CURLBUILD-W-NOTPROC, " + - $ "This procedure can only handle procedure vectors" $ write sys$output - "Data vectors require manual construction for which this procedure or" $ write sys$output - "the shared library needs to be updated to resolve." $ write sys$output - "the preferred solution is to have a procedure return the address of the " $ write sys$output - "the variable instead of having a variable, as if the size of the variable " write sys$output - "changes, the symbol vector is no longer backwards compatible." $ endif $ if (symbol_name .eqs. "/") $ then $ symbol_name = symbol_string $ write vopt tab, symbol_type, tab, symbol_name $ else $ alias_count = alias_count + 1 $ symbol_alias = f$element(0, "/", symbol_string) $ write vopt - tab, "''symbol_type_U", tab, symbol_name, tab, symbol_alias $ endif $ endif $ goto vector_loop $vector_loop_end: $! $! End of pass one, second pass needed if aliases exist $ close aopt $! $ if alias_count .eq. 0 then goto finish_file $! $! Start pass 2, write stub routine header $! $ open/read aopt gnv_libcurl_symbols.opt $! $alias_loop: $! $! Read in symbol_vector $! $ read/end=alias_loop_end aopt line_in $ line = f$edit(line_in, "UNCOMMENT,COMPRESS,TRIM") $ if line .eqs. "" then goto alias_loop $! $ line_u = f$edit(line, "UPCASE") $ key = f$element(0, "=", line_u) $ if (key .eqs. "SYMBOL_VECTOR") $ then $ symbol_string = f$element(1, "=", line) - "(" $ symbol_type = f$element(2, "=", line_u) - ")" $ symbol_name = f$element(1, "/", symbol_string) $ if (symbol_name .eqs. "/") $ then $ symbol_name = symbol_string $ else $ alias_count = alias_count + 1 $ symbol_alias = f$element(0, "/", symbol_string) $ write vopt tab, ".ENTRY", tab, symbol_alias, ", ^M<>" $ endif $ endif $ goto alias_loop $! read in symbol_vector $! if not alias, then loop $! write out subroutine name $! $alias_loop_end: $! $ write vopt tab, "MOVL #1, R0" $ write vopt tab, "RET" $! $finish_file: $! $ write vopt "" $ write vopt tab, ".END" $! $ close aopt $ close vopt $! $! Patch the Macro32 compiler $!---------------------------- $ patched_macro = "sys$disk:[]macro32_exactcase.exe" $ if f$search(patched_macro) .eqs. "" $ then $ copy sys$system:macro32.exe 'patched_macro' $ patch @macro32_exactcase.patch $ endif $ define/user macro32 'patched_macro' $ macro/object=gnv_libcurl_xfer.obj gnv_libcurl_xfer.mar_exact $! $! Create the option file for linking the shared image. $ create gnv_libcurl_xfer.opt $ open/append lco gnv_libcurl_xfer.opt $ write lco "gsmatch=lequal,1,1" $ write lco "cluster=transfer_vector,,,''default_dir'gnv_libcurl_xfer" $ write lco "collect=libcurl_global, libcurl_xfervectors" $ close lco $! $! $ goto all_exit $! $! Process the header $do_header: $! $! Force the mode of the file to same as text editor generated. $ create gnv_libcurl_xfer.mar_exact $deck ; File: gnv_libcurl_xfer.mar_exact ; ; VAX transfer vectors ; ; This needs to be compiled with a specialized patch on Macro32 to make it ; preserve the case of symbols instead of converting it to uppercase. ; ; This patched Macro32 requires all directives to be in upper case. ; ; There are three sets of symbols for transfer vectors here. ; ; The first for upper case which matches the tradition method of generating ; VAX transfer vectors. ; ; The second is the exact case for compatibility with open source C programs ; that expect exact case symbols in images. These are separated because a ; previous kit had only upper case symbols. ; ; The third is the routine stub that is used to resolve part of the upper ; case transfer vectors, with exact case entry symbols. ; ; When you add routines, you need to add them after the second set of transfer ; vectors for both upper and exact case, and then additional entry points ; in upper case added to stub routines. ; ;************************************************************************* .TITLE libcurl_xfer - Transfer vector for libcurl .DISABLE GLOBAL ; ; Macro to generate a transfer vector entry ; .MACRO PROCEDURE NAME .EXTRN 'NAME .ALIGN QUAD .TRANSFER 'NAME .MASK 'NAME JMP 'NAME+2 .ENDM .MACRO PROCEDUREU NAME NAMEU .EXTRN 'NAME .ALIGN QUAD .TRANSFER 'NAMEU .MASK 'NAME JMP 'NAME+2 .ENDM ; ; ; Macro to reserve a spare entry. ; .MACRO SPARE .ALIGN QUAD .ALIGN QUAD .QUAD 0 .ENDM $EOD $! $! $ return $! $all_exit: $set def 'default_dir' $exit '$status'