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AsterNET.Manager.Response Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:AsterNET.Manager.Response"]

Public classChallengeResponse
Corresponds to a ChallengeAction and contains the challenge needed to log in using challenge/response.
Public classCommandResponse
Corresponds to a CommandAction.
Asterisk's handling of the command action is generelly quite hairy. It sends a "Response: Follows" line followed by the raw output of the command including empty lines. At the end of the command output a line containing "--END COMMAND--" is sent. The reader parses this response into a CommandResponse object to hide these details.
Public classExtensionStateResponse
Public classGetConfigResponse
Response that is received when sending a GetConfigAction.
Asterisk's response to the GetConfig command is ugly, and requires some parsing of attributes. This class lazily parses its own attributes to hide the ugly details. If the file requested exists but does not contain at least a line with a category, the ResponseBuilder won't create an instance of GetConfigResponse, as it won't know what the empty response is.
Public classMailboxCountResponse
A MailboxCountResponse is sent in response to a MailboxCountAction and contains the number of old and new messages in a mailbox.
Public classMailboxStatusResponse
A MailboxStatusResponse is sent in response to a MailboxStatusAction and indicates if a set of mailboxes contains waiting messages.
Public classManagerError
Represents an "Response: Error" response received from the asterisk server. The cause for the error is given in the message attribute.
Public classManagerResponse
Represents a response received from the Asterisk server as the result of a previously sent ManagerAction.
The response can be linked with the action that caused it by looking the action id attribute that will match the action id of the corresponding action.
Public classOriginateResponse