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AsterNET.FastAGI Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:AsterNET.FastAGI"]

Public classAGIChannel
Default implementation of the AGIChannel interface.
Public classAGIConnectionHandler
An AGIConnectionHandler is created and run by the AGIServer whenever a new socket connection from an Asterisk Server is received.
It reads the request using an AGIReader and runs the AGIScript configured to handle this type of request. Finally it closes the socket connection.
Public classAGIException
Abstract base class for all AGI specific exceptions.
Public classAGIHangupException
The AGIHangupException is thrown if the channel has been hang up while processing the AGIRequest.
Public classAGINetworkException
The AGINetworkException usally wraps an IOException denoting a network problem when talking to the Asterisk server.
Public classAGIReader
Public classAGIReply
Default implementation of the AGIReply interface.
Public classAGIRequest
Default implementation of the AGIRequest interface.
Public classAGIScript
The BaseAGIScript provides some convinience methods to make it easier to write custom AGIScripts.
Just extend it by your own AGIScripts.
Public classAGIWriter
Default implementation of the AGIWriter interface.
Public classAsteriskFastAGI
Public classInvalidCommandSyntaxException
An InvalidCommandSyntaxException is thrown when the reader receives a reply with status code 520.
Public classInvalidOrUnknownCommandException
An InvalidOrUnknownCommandException is thrown when the reader receives a reply with status code 510.
Public classMappingStrategy Obsolete.
A MappingStrategy that is configured via a resource bundle.
The resource bundle contains the script part of the url as key and the fully qualified class name of the corresponding AGIScript as value.
                    noopcommand = AsterNET.FastAGI.Command.NoopCommand
NoopCommand must implement the AGIScript interface and have a default constructor with no parameters.
Public interfaceIMappingStrategy
Public enumerationAGIReplyStatuses