namespace AsterNET.Manager.Event { /// /// A CdrEvent is triggered when a call detail record is generated, usually at the end of a call.
/// To enable CdrEvents you have to add enabled = yes to the general section in /// cdr_manager.conf.
/// This event is implemented in cdr/cdr_manager.c ///
public class CdrEvent : ManagerEvent { public CdrEvent(ManagerConnection source) : base(source) { } public string AccountCode { get; set; } public string Src { get; set; } public string Destination { get; set; } public string DestinationContext { get; set; } public string CallerId { get; set; } public string DestinationChannel { get; set; } public string LastApplication { get; set; } public string LastData { get; set; } public string StartTime { get; set; } public string AnswerTime { get; set; } public string EndTime { get; set; } public long Duration { get; set; } public long BillableSeconds { get; set; } public string Disposition { get; set; } public string AmaFlags { get; set; } public string UserField { get; set; } } }