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AGIScriptGetOption Method (String, String, Int32)
Plays the given file, and waits for the user to press one of the given digits. If none of the esacpe digits is pressed while streaming the file it waits for the specified timeout still waiting for the user to press a digit.

Namespace: AsterNET.FastAGI
Assembly: AsterNET (in AsterNET.dll) Version: (
protected char GetOption(
	string file,
	string escapeDigits,
	int timeout


Type: SystemString
the name of the file to stream, must not include extension.
Type: SystemString
contains the digits that the user is expected to press.
Type: SystemInt32
the timeout in seconds to wait if none of the defined esacpe digits was presses while streaming.

Return Value

Type: Char
the DTMF digit pressed or 0x0 if none was pressed.
See Also