Debug AnyCPU 2.0 186124f7-82fa-4562-8b87-33d53a84e8ba 2017.9.26.0 Documentation Documentation Documentation .NET Framework 4.0 ..\..\docs\ Documentation en-US OnlyWarningsAndErrors Website False True False False True 2 False Standard Blank False VS2013 False MemberName AsterNet Class Library %28Sandcastle documentation%29 AboveNamespaces AsterNet AsterNet FastAGI AsterNet FastAGI Command AsterNet FastAGI Mapping Strategies AsterNet IO AsterNet Manager AsterNet Manager Action AsterNet Manager Event AsterNet Manager Response AsterNet Util AsterNET is an open source .NET framework for Asterisk AMI and FastAGI. AsterNET allows you to talk to Asterisk AMI from any .NET application and create FastAGI applications in any .NET language. bin\Travis\ AsterNET {bc6e7dba-c05a-45fe-a2a3-b1637ce16274} True