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BlindTransferEvent Properties

The BlindTransferEvent type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAttributes
Store all unknown (without setter) keys from manager event.
Use in default Parse method [!:Parse(string key, string value)].
(Inherited from ManagerEvent.)
Public propertyBridgeCreator
Public propertyBridgeName
Public propertyBridgeNumChannels
Public propertyBridgeTechnology
Public propertyBridgeType
Public propertyBridgeUniqueId
Public propertyChannel
Get/Set the name of the channel.
(Inherited from ManagerEvent.)
Public propertyContext
Public propertyDateReceived
Get/Set the point in time this event was received from the Asterisk server.
Pseudo events that are not directly received from the asterisk server (for example ConnectEvent and DisconnectEvent) may return null.
(Inherited from ManagerEvent.)
Public propertyExtension
Public propertyIsExternal
Public propertyPrivilege
Get/Set the AMI authorization class of this event.
This is one or more of system, call, log, verbose, command, agent or user. Multiple privileges are separated by comma.
Note: This property is not available from Asterisk 1.0 servers.
(Inherited from ManagerEvent.)
Public propertyResult
Public propertyServer
Specify a server to which to send your commands (x.x.x.x or hostname).
This should match the server name specified in your config file's "host" entry. If you do not specify a server, the proxy will pick the first one it finds -- fine in single-server configurations.
(Inherited from ManagerEvent.)
Public propertySource
Event source.
(Inherited from ManagerEvent.)
Public propertyTimestamp
Returns the timestamp for this event.
The timestamp property is available in Asterisk since 1.4 if enabled in manager.conf by setting timestampevents = yes. In contains the time the event was generated in seconds since the epoch.
(Inherited from ManagerEvent.)
Public propertyTransfereeAccountCode
Public propertyTransfereeCallerIdName
Public propertyTransfereeCallerIdNum
Public propertyTransfereeChannel
Public propertyTransfereeChannelState
Public propertyTransfereeChannelStateDesc
Public propertyTransfereeConnectedLineName
Public propertyTransfereeConnectedLineNum
Public propertyTransfereeContext
Public propertyTransfereeExten
Public propertyTransfereeLanguage
Public propertyTransfereePriority
Public propertyTransfereeUniqueId
Public propertyTransfererAccountCode
Public propertyTransfererCallerIdName
Public propertyTransfererCallerIdNum
Public propertyTransfererChannel
Public propertyTransfererChannelState
Public propertyTransfererChannelStatedesc
Public propertyTransfererConnectedLineName
Public propertyTransfererConnectedLineNum
Public propertyTransfererContext
Public propertyTransfererLanguage
Public propertyTransfererPriority
Public propertyTransfererUniqueId
Public propertyUniqueId
Get/Set the unique id of the channel.
(Inherited from ManagerEvent.)
See Also