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MailboxStatusAction Properties

The MailboxStatusAction type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAction
Get the name of this action, i.e. "MailboxStatus".
(Overrides ManagerActionAction.)
Public propertyActionId (Inherited from ManagerAction.)
Public propertyMailbox
Get/Set the name of the mailbox to query.
This can either be only the name of the mailbox or a string of the form mailboxnumber@context. If no context is specified "default" is assumed.
Multiple mailboxes may be given, separated by ','. In this case the action checks whether at least one of the given mailboxes has waiting messages.
This property is mandatory.
Example: "1234,1235@mycontext"
Public propertyProxyKey (Inherited from ManagerAction.)
Public propertyServer
Specify a server to which to send your commands (x.x.x.x or hostname).
This should match the server name specified in your config file's "host" entry. If you do not specify a server, the proxy will pick the first one it finds -- fine in single-server configurations.
(Inherited from ManagerAction.)
See Also