using System;
namespace AsterNET.Manager.Action
/// Retrieves a the details about a given SIP peer.
/// For a PeerEntryEvent is sent by Asterisk containing the details of the peer
/// followed by a PeerlistCompleteEvent.
/// Available since Asterisk 1.2
public class SIPShowPeerAction : ManagerActionEvent
private string peer;
override public string Action
get { return "SIPShowPeer"; }
/// Get/Set the name of the peer to retrieve.
/// This parameter is mandatory.
public string Peer
get { return this.peer; }
set { this.peer = value; }
public override Type ActionCompleteEventClass()
return typeof(Event.PeerlistCompleteEvent);
/// Creates a new empty SIPShowPeerAction.
public SIPShowPeerAction()
/// Creates a new SIPShowPeerAction that requests the details about the given SIP peer.
public SIPShowPeerAction(string peer)
this.peer = peer;