using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using AsterNET.Manager.Event; namespace AsterNET.Manager.Action { /// /// The OriginateAction generates an outgoing call to the extension in the given /// context with the given priority or to a given application with optional /// parameters.
/// If you want to connect to an extension use the properties context, exten and /// priority. If you want to connect to an application use the properties /// application and data if needed. Note that no call detail record will be /// written when directly connecting to an application, so it may be better to /// connect to an extension that starts the application you wish to connect to.
/// The response to this action is sent when the channel has been answered and /// asterisk starts connecting it to the given extension. So be careful not to /// choose a too short timeout when waiting for the response.
/// If you set async to true Asterisk reports an OriginateSuccess- /// and OriginateFailureEvents. The action id of these events equals the action /// id of this OriginateAction. ///
/// /// public class OriginateAction : ManagerActionEvent, IActionVariable { private Dictionary variables; #region Action /// /// Get the name of this action, i.e. "Originate". /// public override string Action { get { return "Originate"; } } #endregion #region Account /// /// Get/Set the account code to use for the originated call. /// The account code is included in the call detail record generated for this call and will be used for billing. /// public string Account { get; set; } #endregion #region CallerId /// /// Get/Set the caller id to set on the outgoing channel. /// public string CallerId { get; set; } #endregion #region Channel /// /// Get/Set Channel on which to originate the call (The same as you specify in the Dial application command)
/// This property is required. ///
public string Channel { get; set; } #endregion #region Context /// /// Get/Set the name of the context of the extension to connect to. /// If you set the context you also have to set the exten and priority properties. /// public string Context { get; set; } #endregion #region Exten /// /// Get/Ser the extension to connect to. /// If you set the extension you also have to set the context and priority properties. /// public string Exten { get; set; } #endregion #region Priority /// /// Get /Set the priority of the extension to connect to. /// If you set the priority you also have to set the context and exten properties. /// public string Priority { get; set; } #endregion #region Application /// /// Get/Set Application to use on connect (use Data for parameters) /// public string Application { get; set; } #endregion #region Data /// /// Get/Set the parameters to pass to the application. /// Data if Application parameter is user /// /// Sets the parameters to pass to the application. public string Data { get; set; } #endregion #region Async /// /// Get/Set true if this is a fast origination.
/// For the origination to be asynchronous (allows multiple calls to be generated without waiting for a response). ///
/// Will send OriginateSuccess- and OriginateFailureEvents. ///
public bool Async { get; set; } #endregion #region ActionCompleteEventClass public override Type ActionCompleteEventClass() { return typeof (OriginateResponseEvent); } #endregion #region Timeout /// /// Get/Set the timeout for the origination in milliseconds.
/// The channel must be answered within this time, otherwise the origination /// is considered to have failed and an OriginateFailureEvent is generated.
/// If not set, Asterisk assumes a default value of 30000 meaning 30 seconds. ///
public int Timeout { get; set; } #endregion #region Variable /// /// Get/Set the variables to set on the originated call.
/// Variable assignments are of the form "VARNAME=VALUE". You can specify /// multiple variable assignments separated by the '|' character.
/// Example: "VAR1=abc|VAR2=def" sets the channel variables VAR1 to "abc" and VAR2 to "def". ///
[Obsolete("Don't use this anymore - the delimiter is not server context aware", true)] public string Variable { get { return null; /* return Helper.JoinVariables(variables, Common.GET_VAR_DELIMITER(this.Server), "="); */ } set { /* variables = Helper.ParseVariables(variables, value, Common.GET_VAR_DELIMITER(this.Server)); */ } } #endregion #region GetVariables() /// /// Get the variables dictionary to set on the originated call. /// public Dictionary GetVariables() { return variables; } #endregion #region SetVariables(IDictionary vars) /// /// Set the variables dictionary to set on the originated call. /// public void SetVariables(Dictionary vars) { variables = vars; } #endregion #region GetVariable(string name, string val) /// /// Gets a variable on the originated call. Replaces any existing variable with the same name. /// public string GetVariable(string key) { if (variables == null) return string.Empty; return variables[key]; } #endregion #region SetVariable(string name, string val) /// /// Sets a variable dictionary on the originated call. Replaces any existing variable with the same name. /// public void SetVariable(string key, string value) { if (variables == null) variables = new Dictionary(); if (variables.ContainsKey(key)) variables[key] = value; else variables.Add(key, value); } #endregion } }