Action Privilege Synopsis ------ --------- -------- [ ] WaitEvent Wait for an event to occur --Queue Actions [ ] QueueReset Reset queue statistics [ ] QueueReload Reload a queue, queues, or any sub-section of a queue o [ ] QueueRule Queue Rules [ ] QueuePenalty agent,all Set the penalty for a queue member [ ] QueueLog agent,all Adds custom entry in queue_log [x] QueuePause agent,all Makes a queue member temporarily unavailable [x] QueueRemove agent,all Remove interface from queue. [x] QueueAdd agent,all Add interface to queue. [ ] QueueSummary Queue Summary [x] QueueStatus Queue Status [ ] Queues Queues -- Agent Actions [x] AgentLogoff agent,all Sets an agent as no longer logged in [x] Agents agent,all Lists agents and their status -- SKINNY Actions [ ] SKINNYshowline system,reportin Show SKINNY line (text format) [ ] SKINNYlines system,reportin List SKINNY lines (text format) [ ] SKINNYshowdevic system,reportin Show SKINNY device (text format) [ ] SKINNYdevices system,reportin List SKINNY devices (text format) -- Voicemail Actions [ ] VoicemailUsersL call,reporting, List All Voicemail User Information [x] MailboxCount call,reporting, Check Mailbox Message Count [x] MailboxStatus call,reporting, Check Mailbox -- SIP Actions [ ] SIPnotify system,all Send a SIP notify [ ] SIPshowregistry system,reportin Show SIP registrations (text format) [ ] SIPqualifypeer system,reportin Show SIP peer (text format) [x] SIPshowpeer system,reportin Show SIP peer (text format) [x] SIPpeers system,reportin List SIP peers (text format) -- IAX Actions [ ] IAXregistry system,reportin Show IAX registrations [ ] IAXnetstats system,reportin Show IAX Netstats [ ] IAXpeerlist system,reportin List IAX Peers [ ] IAXpeers system,reportin List IAX Peers -- Call Actions [ ] PlayDTMF call,all Play DTMF signal on a specific channel. [ ] Bridge call,all Bridge two channels already in the PBX [ ] Park call,all Park a channel [x] ParkedCalls List parked calls [x] Getvar call,reporting, Gets a Channel Variable [x] Setvar call,all Set Channel Variable [x] Originate originate,all Originate Call [ ] Atxfer call,all Attended transfer [ ] Redirect call,all Redirect (transfer) a call [x] Hangup system,call,all Hangup Channel [ ] SendText call,all Send text message to channel -- Monitor Actions [ ] UnpauseMonitor call,all Unpause monitoring of a channel [ ] PauseMonitor call,all Pause monitoring of a channel [x] ChangeMonitor call,all Change monitoring filename of a channel [x] StopMonitor call,all Stop monitoring a channel [x] Monitor call,all Monitor a channel -- AGI Actions [ ] AGI agi,all Add an AGI command to execute by Async AGI -- AstDB Actions [x] DBDelTree system,all Delete DB Tree [x] DBDel system,all Delete DB Entry [x] DBPut system,all Put DB Entry [x] DBGet system,reportin Get DB Entry -- System Actions [ ] ShowDialPlan config,reportin List dialplan [ ] ModuleCheck system,all Check if module is loaded [ ] ModuleLoad system,all Module management [ ] CoreShowChannel system,reportin List currently active channels [ ] Reload system,config,a Send a reload event [ ] CoreStatus system,reportin Show PBX core status variables [ ] CoreSettings system,reportin Show PBX core settings (version etc) [x] UpdateConfig config,all Update basic configuration [ ] CreateConfig config,all Creates an empty file in the configuration directory [ ] GetConfigJSON system,config,a Retrieve configuration (JSON format) [x] GetConfig system,config,a Retrieve configuration [ ] ListCategories config,all List categories in configuration file [ ] ListCommands List available manager commands [x] Command command,all Execute Asterisk CLI Command [x] AbsoluteTimeout system,call,all Set Absolute Timeout [x] ExtensionState call,reporting, Check Extension Status [x] Status system,call,rep Lists channel status -- Custom Event Actions [ ] UserEvent user,all Send an arbitrary event -- Manager Actions [x] Ping Keepalive command [x] Challenge Generate Challenge for MD5 Auth [x] Login Login Manager [x] Logoff Logoff Manager [x] Events Control Event Flow