
2488 lines
83 KiB
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using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections;
2014-01-08 14:16:39 +00:00
using AsterNET.Manager.Action;
using AsterNET.Manager.Event;
using AsterNET.Manager.Response;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Text;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
2014-01-08 14:16:39 +00:00
using AsterNET.IO;
using AsterNET.Util;
2014-01-08 14:16:39 +00:00
namespace AsterNET.Manager
#region Event delegate
public delegate void ManagerEventHandler(object sender, ManagerEvent e);
public delegate void AgentCallbackLoginEventHandler(object sender, Event.AgentCallbackLoginEvent e);
public delegate void AgentCallbackLogoffEventHandler(object sender, Event.AgentCallbackLogoffEvent e);
public delegate void AgentCalledEventHandler(object sender, Event.AgentCalledEvent e);
public delegate void AgentCompleteEventHandler(object sender, Event.AgentCompleteEvent e);
public delegate void AgentConnectEventHandler(object sender, Event.AgentConnectEvent e);
public delegate void AgentDumpEventHandler(object sender, Event.AgentDumpEvent e);
public delegate void AgentLoginEventHandler(object sender, Event.AgentLoginEvent e);
public delegate void AgentLogoffEventHandler(object sender, Event.AgentLogoffEvent e);
public delegate void AgentsCompleteEventHandler(object sender, Event.AgentsCompleteEvent e);
public delegate void AgentsEventHandler(object sender, Event.AgentsEvent e);
public delegate void AlarmClearEventHandler(object sender, Event.AlarmClearEvent e);
public delegate void AlarmEventHandler(object sender, Event.AlarmEvent e);
2014-01-08 14:16:39 +00:00
public delegate void BridgeEventHandler(object sender, Event.BridgeEvent e);
public delegate void CdrEventHandler(object sender, Event.CdrEvent e);
public delegate void DBGetResponseEventHandler(object sender, Event.DBGetResponseEvent e);
public delegate void DialEventHandler(object sender, Event.DialEvent e);
2014-01-08 14:16:39 +00:00
public delegate void DTMFEventHandler(object sender, Event.DTMFEvent e);
public delegate void DNDStateEventHandler(object sender, Event.DNDStateEvent e);
public delegate void ExtensionStatusEventHandler(object sender, Event.ExtensionStatusEvent e);
public delegate void HangupEventHandler(object sender, Event.HangupEvent e);
public delegate void HoldedCallEventHandler(object sender, Event.HoldedCallEvent e);
public delegate void HoldEventHandler(object sender, Event.HoldEvent e);
public delegate void JoinEventHandler(object sender, Event.JoinEvent e);
public delegate void LeaveEventHandler(object sender, Event.LeaveEvent e);
public delegate void LinkEventHandler(object sender, Event.LinkEvent e);
public delegate void LogChannelEventHandler(object sender, Event.LogChannelEvent e);
public delegate void MeetMeJoinEventHandler(object sender, Event.MeetmeJoinEvent e);
public delegate void MeetMeLeaveEventHandler(object sender, Event.MeetmeLeaveEvent e);
public delegate void MeetMeTalkingEventHandler(object sender, Event.MeetmeTalkingEvent e);
public delegate void MessageWaitingEventHandler(object sender, Event.MessageWaitingEvent e);
public delegate void NewCallerIdEventHandler(object sender, Event.NewCallerIdEvent e);
public delegate void NewChannelEventHandler(object sender, Event.NewChannelEvent e);
public delegate void NewExtenEventHandler(object sender, Event.NewExtenEvent e);
public delegate void NewStateEventHandler(object sender, Event.NewStateEvent e);
public delegate void OriginateResponseEventHandler(object sender, Event.OriginateResponseEvent e);
public delegate void ParkedCallEventHandler(object sender, Event.ParkedCallEvent e);
public delegate void ParkedCallGiveUpEventHandler(object sender, Event.ParkedCallGiveUpEvent e);
public delegate void ParkedCallsCompleteEventHandler(object sender, Event.ParkedCallsCompleteEvent e);
public delegate void ParkedCallTimeOutEventHandler(object sender, Event.ParkedCallTimeOutEvent e);
public delegate void PeerEntryEventHandler(object sender, Event.PeerEntryEvent e);
public delegate void PeerlistCompleteEventHandler(object sender, Event.PeerlistCompleteEvent e);
public delegate void PeerStatusEventHandler(object sender, Event.PeerStatusEvent e);
public delegate void QueueEntryEventHandler(object sender, Event.QueueEntryEvent e);
public delegate void QueueMemberAddedEventHandler(object sender, Event.QueueMemberAddedEvent e);
public delegate void QueueMemberEventHandler(object sender, Event.QueueMemberEvent e);
public delegate void QueueMemberPausedEventHandler(object sender, Event.QueueMemberPausedEvent e);
public delegate void QueueMemberRemovedEventHandler(object sender, Event.QueueMemberRemovedEvent e);
public delegate void QueueMemberStatusEventHandler(object sender, Event.QueueMemberStatusEvent e);
public delegate void QueueParamsEventHandler(object sender, Event.QueueParamsEvent e);
public delegate void QueueStatusCompleteEventHandler(object sender, Event.QueueStatusCompleteEvent e);
public delegate void RegistryEventHandler(object sender, Event.RegistryEvent e);
public delegate void RenameEventHandler(object sender, Event.RenameEvent e);
2014-01-08 14:16:39 +00:00
public delegate void TransferEventHandler(object sender, Event.TransferEvent e);
public delegate void StatusCompleteEventHandler(object sender, Event.StatusCompleteEvent e);
public delegate void StatusEventHandler(object sender, Event.StatusEvent e);
public delegate void UnholdEventHandler(object sender, Event.UnholdEvent e);
public delegate void UnlinkEventHandler(object sender, Event.UnlinkEvent e);
public delegate void UnparkedCallEventHandler(object sender, Event.UnparkedCallEvent e);
public delegate void UserEventHandler(object sender, Event.UserEvent e);
2014-01-08 14:16:39 +00:00
public delegate void QueueCallerAbandonEventHandler(object sender, Event.QueueCallerAbandonEvent e);
public delegate void ZapShowChannelsCompleteEventHandler(object sender, Event.ZapShowChannelsCompleteEvent e);
public delegate void ZapShowChannelsEventHandler(object sender, Event.ZapShowChannelsEvent e);
public delegate void ConnectionStateEventHandler(object sender, Event.ConnectionStateEvent e);
2014-01-08 14:16:39 +00:00
public delegate void VarSetEventHandler(object sender, Event.VarSetEvent e);
public delegate void AGIExecHandler(object sender, Event.AGIExecEvent e);
public delegate void ConfbridgeStartEventHandler(object sender, Event.ConfbridgeStartEvent e);
public delegate void ConfbridgeJoinEventHandler(object sender, Event.ConfbridgeJoinEvent e);
public delegate void ConfbridgeLeaveEventHandler(object sender, Event.ConfbridgeLeaveEvent e);
public delegate void ConfbridgeEndEventHandler(object sender, Event.ConfbridgeEndEvent e);
public delegate void ConfbridgeTalkingEventHandler(object sender, Event.ConfbridgeTalkingEvent e);
public delegate void FailedACLEventHandler(object sender, Event.FailedACLEvent e);
public delegate void AttendedTransferEventHandler(object sender, Event.AttendedTransferEvent e);
public delegate void BlindTransferEventHandler(object sender, Event.BlindTransferEvent e);
public delegate void BridgeCreateEventHandler(object sender, Event.BridgeCreateEvent e);
public delegate void BridgeDestroyEventHandler(object sender, Event.BridgeDestroyEvent e);
public delegate void BridgeEnterEventHandler(object sender, Event.BridgeEnterEvent e);
public delegate void BridgeLeaveEventHandler(object sender, Event.BridgeLeaveEvent e);
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public delegate void DialBeginEventHandler(object sender, Event.DialBeginEvent e);
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2016-09-20 13:29:46 +00:00
/// <summary>
/// Default implemention of the ManagerConnection interface.
/// </summary>
public class ManagerConnection
#region Variables
private Logger logger = Logger.Instance();
private long actionIdCount = 0;
private string hostname;
private int port;
private string username;
private string password;
private SocketConnection mrSocket;
private Thread mrReaderThread;
private ManagerReader mrReader;
private int defaultResponseTimeout = 2000;
private int defaultEventTimeout = 5000;
private int sleepTime = 50;
private bool keepAlive = true;
private bool keepAliveAfterAuthenticationFailure = false;
private string protocolIdentifier;
private AsteriskVersion asteriskVersion;
private Dictionary<int, IResponseHandler> responseHandlers;
private Dictionary<int, IResponseHandler> pingHandlers;
private Dictionary<int, IResponseHandler> responseEventHandlers;
private int pingInterval = 10000;
private object lockSocket = new object();
private object lockHandlers = new object();
private bool enableEvents = true;
private string version = string.Empty;
private Encoding socketEncoding = Encoding.ASCII;
private bool reconnected = false;
private bool reconnectEnable = false;
private int reconnectCount;
private Dictionary<int, ConstructorInfo> registeredEventClasses;
private Dictionary<int, int> registeredEventHandlers;
private event ManagerEventHandler internalEvent;
private bool fireAllEvents = false;
private Thread callerThread;
/// <summary> Default Fast Reconnect retry counter.</summary>
private int reconnectRetryFast = 5;
/// <summary> Default Maximum Reconnect retry counter.</summary>
private int reconnectRetryMax = 10;
/// <summary> Default Fast Reconnect interval in milliseconds.</summary>
private int reconnectIntervalFast = 5000;
/// <summary> Default Slow Reconnect interval in milliseconds.</summary>
private int reconnectIntervalMax = 10000;
public char[] VAR_DELIMITER = { '|' };
2014-01-08 14:16:39 +00:00
/// <summary>
/// Allows you to specifiy how events are fired. If false (default) then
/// events will be fired in order. Otherwise events will be fired as they arrive and
/// control logic in your application will need to handle synchronization.
/// </summary>
public bool UseASyncEvents = false;
#region Events
/// <summary>
/// An UnhandledEvent is triggered on unknown event.
/// </summary>
public event ManagerEventHandler UnhandledEvent;
/// <summary>
/// An AgentCallbackLogin is triggered when an agent is successfully logged in.
/// </summary>
public event AgentCallbackLoginEventHandler AgentCallbackLogin;
/// <summary>
/// An AgentCallbackLogoff is triggered when an agent that previously logged in is logged of.<br/>
/// </summary>
public event AgentCallbackLogoffEventHandler AgentCallbackLogoff;
/// <summary>
/// An AgentCalled is triggered when an agent is ring.<br/>
/// To enable AgentCalled you have to set eventwhencalled = yes in queues.conf.<br/>
/// </summary>
public event AgentCalledEventHandler AgentCalled;
/// <summary>
/// An AgentCompleteEvent is triggered when at the end of a call if the caller was connected to an agent.
/// </summary>
public event AgentCompleteEventHandler AgentComplete;
/// <summary>
/// An AgentConnectEvent is triggered when a caller is connected to an agent.
/// </summary>
public event AgentConnectEventHandler AgentConnect;
/// <summary>
/// An AgentDumpEvent is triggered when an agent dumps the caller while listening to the queue announcement.
/// </summary>
public event AgentDumpEventHandler AgentDump;
/// <summary>
/// An AgentLoginEvent is triggered when an agent is successfully logged in using AgentLogin.
/// </summary>
public event AgentLoginEventHandler AgentLogin;
/// <summary>
/// An AgentCallbackLogoffEvent is triggered when an agent that previously logged in using AgentLogin is logged of.
/// </summary>
public event AgentLogoffEventHandler AgentLogoff;
/// <summary>
/// An AgentsCompleteEvent is triggered after the state of all agents has been reported in response to an AgentsAction.
/// </summary>
public event AgentsCompleteEventHandler AgentsComplete;
/// <summary>
/// An AgentsEvent is triggered for each agent in response to an AgentsAction.
/// </summary>
public event AgentsEventHandler Agents;
/// <summary>
/// An AlarmEvent is triggered when a Zap channel leaves alarm state.
/// </summary>
public event AlarmClearEventHandler AlarmClear;
2014-01-08 14:16:39 +00:00
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public event BridgeEventHandler Bridge;
/// <summary>
/// An AlarmEvent is triggered when a Zap channel enters or changes alarm state.
/// </summary>
public event AlarmEventHandler Alarm;
/// <summary>
/// A CdrEvent is triggered when a call detail record is generated, usually at the end of a call.
/// </summary>
public event CdrEventHandler Cdr;
public event DBGetResponseEventHandler DBGetResponse;
/// <summary>
/// A Dial is triggered whenever a phone attempts to dial someone.<br/>
/// </summary>
public event DialEventHandler Dial;
2014-01-08 14:16:39 +00:00
public event DTMFEventHandler DTMF;
/// <summary>
/// A DNDStateEvent is triggered by the Zap channel driver when a channel enters or leaves DND (do not disturb) state.
/// </summary>
public event DNDStateEventHandler DNDState;
/// <summary>
/// An ExtensionStatus is triggered when the state of an extension changes.<br/>
/// </summary>
public event ExtensionStatusEventHandler ExtensionStatus;
/// <summary>
/// A Hangup is triggered when a channel is hung up.<br/>
/// </summary>
public event HangupEventHandler Hangup;
/// <summary>
/// A HoldedCall is triggered when a channel is put on hold.<br/>
/// </summary>
public event HoldedCallEventHandler HoldedCall;
/// <summary>
/// A Hold is triggered by the SIP channel driver when a channel is put on hold.<br/>
/// </summary>
public event HoldEventHandler Hold;
/// <summary>
/// A Join is triggered when a channel joines a queue.<br/>
/// </summary>
public event JoinEventHandler Join;
/// <summary>
/// A Leave is triggered when a channel leaves a queue.<br/>
/// </summary>
public event LeaveEventHandler Leave;
/// <summary>
/// A Link is triggered when two voice channels are linked together and voice data exchange commences.<br/>
/// Several Link events may be seen for a single call. This can occur when Asterisk fails to setup a
/// native bridge for the call.This is when Asterisk must sit between two telephones and perform
/// CODEC conversion on their behalf.
/// </summary>
public event LinkEventHandler Link;
/// <summary>
/// A LogChannel is triggered when logging is turned on or off.<br/>
/// </summary>
public event LogChannelEventHandler LogChannel;
/// <summary>
/// A MeetMeJoin is triggered if a channel joins a meet me conference.<br/>
/// </summary>
public event MeetMeJoinEventHandler MeetMeJoin;
/// <summary>
/// A MeetMeLeave is triggered if a channel leaves a meet me conference.<br/>
/// </summary>
public event MeetMeLeaveEventHandler MeetMeLeave;
// public event MeetMeStopTalkingEventHandler MeetMeStopTalking;
/// <summary>
/// A MeetMeTalkingEvent is triggered when a user starts talking in a meet me conference.<br/>
/// To enable talker detection you must pass the option 'T' to the MeetMe application.
/// </summary>
public event MeetMeTalkingEventHandler MeetMeTalking;
/// <summary>
/// A MessageWaiting is triggered when someone leaves voicemail.<br/>
/// </summary>
public event MessageWaitingEventHandler MessageWaiting;
/// <summary>
/// A NewCallerId is triggered when the caller id of a channel changes.<br/>
/// </summary>
public event NewCallerIdEventHandler NewCallerId;
/// <summary>
/// A NewChannel is triggered when a new channel is created.<br/>
/// </summary>
public event NewChannelEventHandler NewChannel;
/// <summary>
/// A NewExten is triggered when a channel is connected to a new extension.<br/>
/// </summary>
public event NewExtenEventHandler NewExten;
/// <summary>
/// A NewState is triggered when the state of a channel has changed.<br/>
/// </summary>
public event NewStateEventHandler NewState;
// public event OriginateEventHandler Originate;
/// <summary>
/// An OriginateFailure is triggered when the execution of an OriginateAction failed.
/// </summary>
// public event OriginateFailureEventHandler OriginateFailure;
/// <summary>
/// An OriginateSuccess is triggered when the execution of an OriginateAction succeeded.
/// </summary>
// public event OriginateSuccessEventHandler OriginateSuccess;
/// <summary>
/// An OriginateResponse is triggered when the execution of an Originate.
/// </summary>
public event OriginateResponseEventHandler OriginateResponse;
/// <summary>
/// A ParkedCall is triggered when a channel is parked (in this case no
/// action id is set) and in response to a ParkedCallsAction.<br/>
/// </summary>
public event ParkedCallEventHandler ParkedCall;
/// <summary>
/// A ParkedCallGiveUp is triggered when a channel that has been parked is hung up.<br/>
/// </summary>
public event ParkedCallGiveUpEventHandler ParkedCallGiveUp;
/// <summary>
/// A ParkedCallsComplete is triggered after all parked calls have been reported in response to a ParkedCallsAction.
/// </summary>
public event ParkedCallsCompleteEventHandler ParkedCallsComplete;
/// <summary>
/// A ParkedCallTimeOut is triggered when call parking times out for a given channel.<br/>
/// </summary>
public event ParkedCallTimeOutEventHandler ParkedCallTimeOut;
/// <summary>
/// A PeerEntry is triggered in response to a SIPPeersAction or SIPShowPeerAction and contains information about a peer.<br/>
/// </summary>
public event PeerEntryEventHandler PeerEntry;
/// <summary>
/// A PeerlistComplete is triggered after the details of all peers has been reported in response to an SIPPeersAction or SIPShowPeerAction.<br/>
/// </summary>
public event PeerlistCompleteEventHandler PeerlistComplete;
/// <summary>
/// A PeerStatus is triggered when a SIP or IAX client attempts to registrer at this asterisk server.<br/>
/// </summary>
public event PeerStatusEventHandler PeerStatus;
2014-01-08 14:16:39 +00:00
/// <summary>
/// A QueueEntryEvent is triggered in response to a QueueStatusAction and contains information about an entry in a queue.
/// </summary>
public event QueueCallerAbandonEventHandler QueueCallerAbandon;
/// <summary>
/// A QueueEntryEvent is triggered in response to a QueueStatusAction and contains information about an entry in a queue.
/// </summary>
public event QueueEntryEventHandler QueueEntry;
/// <summary>
/// A QueueMemberAddedEvent is triggered when a queue member is added to a queue.
/// </summary>
public event QueueMemberAddedEventHandler QueueMemberAdded;
/// <summary>
/// A QueueMemberEvent is triggered in response to a QueueStatusAction and contains information about a member of a queue.
/// </summary>
public event QueueMemberEventHandler QueueMember;
/// <summary>
/// A QueueMemberPausedEvent is triggered when a queue member is paused or unpaused.
/// </summary>
public event QueueMemberPausedEventHandler QueueMemberPaused;
/// <summary>
/// A QueueMemberRemovedEvent is triggered when a queue member is removed from a queue.
/// </summary>
public event QueueMemberRemovedEventHandler QueueMemberRemoved;
/// <summary>
/// A QueueMemberStatusEvent shows the status of a QueueMemberEvent.
/// </summary>
public event QueueMemberStatusEventHandler QueueMemberStatus;
/// <summary>
/// A QueueParamsEvent is triggered in response to a QueueStatusAction and contains the parameters of a queue.
/// </summary>
public event QueueParamsEventHandler QueueParams;
/// <summary>
/// A QueueStatusCompleteEvent is triggered after the state of all queues has been reported in response to a QueueStatusAction.
/// </summary>
public event QueueStatusCompleteEventHandler QueueStatusComplete;
/// <summary>
/// A Registry is triggered when this asterisk server attempts to register
/// as a client at another SIP or IAX server.<br/>
/// </summary>
public event RegistryEventHandler Registry;
/// <summary>
/// A RenameEvent is triggered when the name of a channel is changed.
/// </summary>
public event RenameEventHandler Rename;
/// <summary>
/// A StatusCompleteEvent is triggered after the state of all channels has been reported in response to a StatusAction.
/// </summary>
public event StatusCompleteEventHandler StatusComplete;
/// <summary>
/// A StatusEvent is triggered for each active channel in response to a StatusAction.
/// </summary>
public event StatusEventHandler Status;
2014-01-08 14:16:39 +00:00
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public event TransferEventHandler Transfer;
/// <summary>
/// An UnholdEvent is triggered by the SIP channel driver when a channel is no longer put on hold.
/// </summary>
public event UnholdEventHandler Unhold;
/// <summary>
/// An UnlinkEvent is triggered when a link between two voice channels is discontinued, for example, just before call completion.
/// </summary>
public event UnlinkEventHandler Unlink;
/// <summary>
/// A UnparkedCallEvent is triggered when a channel that has been parked is resumed.
/// </summary>
public event UnparkedCallEventHandler UnparkedCall;
/// <summary>
/// A ZapShowChannelsEvent is triggered on UserEvent in dialplan.
/// </summary>
public event UserEventHandler UserEvents;
/// <summary>
/// A ZapShowChannelsCompleteEvent is triggered after the state of all zap channels has been reported in response to a ZapShowChannelsAction.
/// </summary>
public event ZapShowChannelsCompleteEventHandler ZapShowChannelsComplete;
/// <summary>
/// A ZapShowChannelsEvent is triggered in response to a ZapShowChannelsAction and shows the state of a zap channel.
/// </summary>
public event ZapShowChannelsEventHandler ZapShowChannels;
/// <summary>
/// A ConnectionState is triggered after Connect/Disconnect/Reload/Shutdown events.
/// </summary>
public event ConnectionStateEventHandler ConnectionState;
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/// <summary>
/// When a variable is set
/// </summary>
public event VarSetEventHandler VarSet;
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/// <summary>
/// AgiExec is execute
/// </summary>
public event AGIExecHandler AGIExec;
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2014-01-08 14:16:39 +00:00
/// <summary>
/// This event is sent when the first user requests a conference and it is instantiated
/// </summary>
public event ConfbridgeStartEventHandler ConfbridgeStart;
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2014-01-08 14:16:39 +00:00
/// <summary>
/// This event is sent when a user joins a conference - either one already in progress or as the first user to join a newly instantiated bridge.
/// </summary>
public event ConfbridgeJoinEventHandler ConfbridgeJoin;
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2014-01-08 14:16:39 +00:00
/// <summary>
/// This event is sent when a user leaves a conference.
/// </summary>
public event ConfbridgeLeaveEventHandler ConfbridgeLeave;
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2014-01-08 14:16:39 +00:00
/// <summary>
/// This event is sent when the last user leaves a conference and it is torn down.
/// </summary>
public event ConfbridgeEndEventHandler ConfbridgeEnd;
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2014-01-08 14:16:39 +00:00
/// <summary>
/// This event is sent when the conference detects that a user has either begin or stopped talking.
/// </summary>
public event ConfbridgeTalkingEventHandler ConfbridgeTalking;
2014-01-03 16:39:46 +00:00
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public event FailedACLEventHandler FailedACL;
public event AttendedTransferEventHandler AttendedTransfer;
public event BlindTransferEventHandler BlindTransfer;
public event BridgeCreateEventHandler BridgeCreate;
public event BridgeDestroyEventHandler BridgeDestroy;
public event BridgeEnterEventHandler BridgeEnter;
public event BridgeLeaveEventHandler BridgeLeave;
2016-09-20 13:29:46 +00:00
/// <summary>
/// Raised when a dial action has started.<br/>
/// </summary>
public event DialBeginEventHandler DialBegin;
2016-09-20 13:29:46 +00:00
#region Constructor - ManagerConnection()
/// <summary> Creates a new instance.</summary>
public ManagerConnection()
callerThread = Thread.CurrentThread;
socketEncoding = Encoding.ASCII;
responseHandlers = new Dictionary<int, IResponseHandler>();
pingHandlers = new Dictionary<int, IResponseHandler>();
responseEventHandlers = new Dictionary<int, IResponseHandler>();
registeredEventClasses = new Dictionary<int, ConstructorInfo>();
registeredEventHandlers = new Dictionary<int, int>();
#region Event mapping table
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 0, typeof(AgentCallbackLoginEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 1, typeof(AgentCallbackLogoffEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 2, typeof(AgentCalledEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 3, typeof(AgentCompleteEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 4, typeof(AgentConnectEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 5, typeof(AgentDumpEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 6, typeof(AgentLoginEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 7, typeof(AgentLogoffEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 8, typeof(AgentsCompleteEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 9, typeof(AgentsEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 10, typeof(AlarmClearEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 11, typeof(AlarmEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 12, typeof(CdrEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 14, typeof(DBGetResponseEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 15, typeof(DialEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 17, typeof(DNDStateEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 18, typeof(ExtensionStatusEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 19, typeof(HangupEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 20, typeof(HoldedCallEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 21, typeof(HoldEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 22, typeof(JoinEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 23, typeof(LeaveEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 24, typeof(LinkEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 25, typeof(LogChannelEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 26, typeof(MeetmeJoinEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 27, typeof(MeetmeLeaveEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 28, typeof(MeetmeTalkingEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 29, typeof(MessageWaitingEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 30, typeof(NewCallerIdEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 31, typeof(NewChannelEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 32, typeof(NewExtenEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 33, typeof(NewStateEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 34, typeof(OriginateResponseEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 35, typeof(ParkedCallEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 36, typeof(ParkedCallGiveUpEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 37, typeof(ParkedCallsCompleteEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 38, typeof(ParkedCallTimeOutEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 39, typeof(PeerEntryEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 40, typeof(PeerlistCompleteEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 41, typeof(PeerStatusEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 42, typeof(QueueEntryEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 43, typeof(QueueMemberAddedEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 44, typeof(QueueMemberEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 45, typeof(QueueMemberPausedEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 46, typeof(QueueMemberRemovedEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 47, typeof(QueueMemberStatusEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 48, typeof(QueueParamsEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 49, typeof(QueueStatusCompleteEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 50, typeof(RegistryEvent));
2014-01-08 14:16:39 +00:00
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 51, typeof(QueueCallerAbandonEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 52, typeof(RenameEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 54, typeof(StatusCompleteEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 55, typeof(StatusEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 56, typeof(UnholdEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 57, typeof(UnlinkEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 58, typeof(UnparkedCallEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 59, typeof(UserEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 60, typeof(ZapShowChannelsCompleteEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 61, typeof(ZapShowChannelsEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 62, typeof(ConnectEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 62, typeof(DisconnectEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 62, typeof(ReloadEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 62, typeof(ShutdownEvent));
2014-01-08 14:16:39 +00:00
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 63, typeof(BridgeEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 64, typeof(TransferEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 65, typeof(DTMFEvent));
2013-03-15 19:26:36 +00:00
2014-01-08 14:16:39 +00:00
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 70, typeof(VarSetEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 80, typeof(AGIExecEvent));
2014-01-03 16:39:46 +00:00
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 81, typeof(ConfbridgeStartEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 82, typeof(ConfbridgeJoinEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 83, typeof(ConfbridgeLeaveEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 84, typeof(ConfbridgeEndEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 85, typeof(ConfbridgeTalkingEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 86, typeof(FailedACLEvent));
2013-08-21 10:31:26 +00:00
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 87, typeof(AttendedTransferEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 88, typeof(BridgeCreateEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 89, typeof(BridgeDestroyEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 90, typeof(BridgeEnterEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 91, typeof(BridgeLeaveEvent));
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 92, typeof(BlindTransferEvent));
2016-09-20 13:29:46 +00:00
Helper.RegisterEventHandler(registeredEventHandlers, 93, typeof(DialBeginEvent));
2016-09-20 13:29:46 +00:00
2016-09-20 13:29:46 +00:00
this.internalEvent += new ManagerEventHandler(internalEventHandler);
#region Constructor - ManagerConnection(hostname, port, username, password)
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new instance with the given connection parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hostname">the hosname of the Asterisk server to connect to.</param>
/// <param name="port">the port where Asterisk listens for incoming Manager API connections, usually 5038.</param>
/// <param name="username">the username to use for login</param>
/// <param name="password">the password to use for login</param>
public ManagerConnection(string hostname, int port, string username, string password)
: this()
this.hostname = hostname;
this.port = port;
this.username = username;
this.password = password;
#region Constructor - ManagerConnection(hostname, port, username, password, Encoding socketEncoding)
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new instance with the given connection parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hostname">the hosname of the Asterisk server to connect to.</param>
/// <param name="port">the port where Asterisk listens for incoming Manager API connections, usually 5038.</param>
/// <param name="username">the username to use for login</param>
/// <param name="password">the password to use for login</param>
/// <param name="socketEncoding">text encoding to asterisk input/output stream</param>
public ManagerConnection(string hostname, int port, string username, string password, Encoding encoding)
: this()
this.hostname = hostname;
this.port = port;
this.username = username;
this.password = password;
this.socketEncoding = encoding;
/// <summary>
/// Default Fast Reconnect retry counter.
/// </summary>
public int ReconnectRetryFast
get { return reconnectRetryFast; }
set { reconnectRetryFast = value; }
/// <summary> Default Maximum Reconnect retry counter.</summary>
public int ReconnectRetryMax
get { return reconnectRetryMax; }
set { reconnectRetryMax = value; }
/// <summary> Default Fast Reconnect interval in milliseconds.</summary>
public int ReconnectIntervalFast
get { return reconnectIntervalFast; }
set { reconnectIntervalFast = value; }
/// <summary> Default Slow Reconnect interval in milliseconds.</summary>
public int ReconnectIntervalMax
get { return reconnectIntervalMax; }
set { reconnectIntervalMax = value; }
#region CallerThread
internal Thread CallerThread
get { return callerThread; }
#region internalEventHandler(object sender, ManagerEvent e)
private void internalEventHandler(object sender, ManagerEvent e)
int eventHash = e.GetType().Name.GetHashCode();
if (registeredEventHandlers.ContainsKey(eventHash))
switch (registeredEventHandlers[eventHash])
#region A-C
case 0:
if (AgentCallbackLogin != null)
AgentCallbackLogin(this, (AgentCallbackLoginEvent)e);
case 1:
if (AgentCallbackLogoff != null)
AgentCallbackLogoff(this, (AgentCallbackLogoffEvent)e);
case 2:
if (AgentCalled != null)
AgentCalled(this, (Event.AgentCalledEvent)e);
case 3:
if (AgentComplete != null)
AgentComplete(this, (Event.AgentCompleteEvent)e);
case 4:
if (AgentConnect != null)
AgentConnect(this, (Event.AgentConnectEvent)e);
case 5:
if (AgentDump != null)
AgentDump(this, (Event.AgentDumpEvent)e);
case 6:
if (AgentLogin != null)
AgentLogin(this, (Event.AgentLoginEvent)e);
case 7:
if (AgentLogoff != null)
AgentLogoff(this, (Event.AgentLogoffEvent)e);
case 8:
if (AgentsComplete != null)
AgentsComplete(this, (AgentsCompleteEvent)e);
case 9:
if (Agents != null)
Agents(this, (AgentsEvent)e);
case 10:
if (AlarmClear != null)
AlarmClear(this, (AlarmClearEvent)e);
case 11:
if (Alarm != null)
Alarm(this, (AlarmEvent)e);
case 12:
if (Cdr != null)
Cdr(this, (CdrEvent)e);
#region D-L
case 14:
if (DBGetResponse != null)
DBGetResponse(this, (DBGetResponseEvent)e);
case 15:
if (Dial != null)
Dial(this, (DialEvent)e);
case 17:
if (DNDState != null)
DNDState(this, (DNDStateEvent)e);
case 18:
if (ExtensionStatus != null)
ExtensionStatus(this, (ExtensionStatusEvent)e);
case 19:
if (Hangup != null)
Hangup(this, (HangupEvent)e);
case 20:
if (HoldedCall != null)
HoldedCall(this, (HoldedCallEvent)e);
case 21:
if (Hold != null)
Hold(this, (HoldEvent)e);
case 22:
if (Join != null)
Join(this, (JoinEvent)e);
case 23:
if (Leave != null)
Leave(this, (LeaveEvent)e);
case 24:
if (Link != null)
Link(this, (LinkEvent)e);
case 25:
if (LogChannel != null)
LogChannel(this, (LogChannelEvent)e);
#region M-P
case 26:
if (MeetMeJoin != null)
MeetMeJoin(this, (MeetmeJoinEvent)e);
case 27:
if (MeetMeLeave != null)
MeetMeLeave(this, (MeetmeLeaveEvent)e);
case 28:
if (MeetMeTalking != null)
MeetMeTalking(this, (MeetmeTalkingEvent)e);
case 29:
if (MessageWaiting != null)
MessageWaiting(this, (MessageWaitingEvent)e);
case 30:
if (NewCallerId != null)
NewCallerId(this, (NewCallerIdEvent)e);
case 31:
if (NewChannel != null)
NewChannel(this, (NewChannelEvent)e);
case 32:
if (NewExten != null)
NewExten(this, (NewExtenEvent)e);
case 33:
if (NewState != null)
NewState(this, (NewStateEvent)e);
case 34:
if (OriginateResponse != null)
OriginateResponse(this, (OriginateResponseEvent)e);
case 35:
if (ParkedCall != null)
ParkedCall(this, (ParkedCallEvent)e);
case 36:
if (ParkedCallGiveUp != null)
ParkedCallGiveUp(this, (ParkedCallGiveUpEvent)e);
case 37:
if (ParkedCallsComplete != null)
ParkedCallsComplete(this, (ParkedCallsCompleteEvent)e);
case 38:
if (ParkedCallTimeOut != null)
ParkedCallTimeOut(this, (ParkedCallTimeOutEvent)e);
case 39:
if (PeerEntry != null)
PeerEntry(this, (PeerEntryEvent)e);
case 40:
if (PeerlistComplete != null)
PeerlistComplete(this, (PeerlistCompleteEvent)e);
case 41:
if (PeerStatus != null)
PeerStatus(this, (PeerStatusEvent)e);
#region Q-Z
case 42:
if (QueueEntry != null)
QueueEntry(this, (QueueEntryEvent)e);
case 43:
if (QueueMemberAdded != null)
QueueMemberAdded(this, (QueueMemberAddedEvent)e);
case 44:
if (QueueMember != null)
QueueMember(this, (QueueMemberEvent)e);
case 45:
if (QueueMemberPaused != null)
QueueMemberPaused(this, (QueueMemberPausedEvent)e);
case 46:
if (QueueMemberRemoved != null)
QueueMemberRemoved(this, (QueueMemberRemovedEvent)e);
case 47:
if (QueueMemberStatus != null)
QueueMemberStatus(this, (QueueMemberStatusEvent)e);
case 48:
if (QueueParams != null)
QueueParams(this, (QueueParamsEvent)e);
case 49:
if (QueueStatusComplete != null)
QueueStatusComplete(this, (QueueStatusCompleteEvent)e);
case 50:
if (Registry != null)
Registry(this, (RegistryEvent)e);
2014-01-08 14:16:39 +00:00
case 51:
if (QueueCallerAbandon != null)
QueueCallerAbandon(this, (QueueCallerAbandonEvent)e);
case 52:
if (Rename != null)
Rename(this, (RenameEvent)e);
case 54:
if (StatusComplete != null)
StatusComplete(this, (StatusCompleteEvent)e);
case 55:
if (Status != null)
Status(this, (StatusEvent)e);
case 56:
if (Unhold != null)
Unhold(this, (UnholdEvent)e);
case 57:
if (Unlink != null)
Unlink(this, (UnlinkEvent)e);
case 58:
if (UnparkedCall != null)
UnparkedCall(this, (UnparkedCallEvent)e);
case 59:
if (UserEvents != null)
UserEvents(this, (UserEvent)e);
case 60:
if (ZapShowChannelsComplete != null)
ZapShowChannelsComplete(this, (ZapShowChannelsCompleteEvent)e);
case 61:
if (ZapShowChannels != null)
ZapShowChannels(this, (ZapShowChannelsEvent)e);
case 62:
if (ConnectionState != null)
ConnectionState(this, (ConnectionStateEvent)e);
2014-01-08 14:16:39 +00:00
case 63:
if (Bridge != null)
Bridge(this, (BridgeEvent)e);
case 64:
if (Transfer != null)
Transfer(this, (TransferEvent)e);
case 65:
if (DTMF != null)
DTMF(this, (DTMFEvent)e);
case 70:
if (VarSet != null)
VarSet(this, (VarSetEvent)e);
case 80:
if (AGIExec != null)
AGIExec(this, (AGIExecEvent)e);
case 81:
if (ConfbridgeStart != null)
ConfbridgeStart(this, (ConfbridgeStartEvent)e);
case 82:
if (ConfbridgeJoin != null)
ConfbridgeJoin(this, (ConfbridgeJoinEvent)e);
case 83:
if (ConfbridgeLeave != null)
ConfbridgeLeave(this, (ConfbridgeLeaveEvent)e);
case 84:
if (ConfbridgeEnd != null)
ConfbridgeEnd(this, (ConfbridgeEndEvent)e);
case 85:
if (ConfbridgeTalking != null)
ConfbridgeTalking(this, (ConfbridgeTalkingEvent)e);
case 86:
if (FailedACL != null)
FailedACL(this, (FailedACLEvent)e);
case 87:
if (AttendedTransfer != null)
AttendedTransfer(this, (AttendedTransferEvent) e);
case 88:
if (BridgeCreate != null)
BridgeCreate(this, (BridgeCreateEvent) e);
case 89:
if (BridgeDestroy != null)
BridgeDestroy(this, (BridgeDestroyEvent)e);
case 90:
if (BridgeEnter != null)
BridgeEnter(this, (BridgeEnterEvent)e);
case 91:
if (BridgeLeave != null)
BridgeLeave(this, (BridgeLeaveEvent)e);
case 92:
if (BlindTransfer != null)
BlindTransfer(this, (BlindTransferEvent)e);
2016-09-20 13:29:46 +00:00
case 93:
if (DialBegin != null)
DialBegin(this, (DialBeginEvent)e);
if (UnhandledEvent != null)
UnhandledEvent(this, e);
if (fireAllEvents && UnhandledEvent != null)
UnhandledEvent(this, e);
#region FireAllEvents
/// <summary>
/// If this property set to <b>true</b> then ManagerConnection send all unassigned events to UnhandledEvent handler,<br/>
/// if set to <b>false</b> then all unassgned events lost and send only UnhandledEvent.<br/>
/// Default: <b>false</b>
/// </summary>
public bool FireAllEvents
get { return this.fireAllEvents; }
set { this.fireAllEvents = value; }
#region PingInterval
/// <summary>
/// Timeout from Ping to Pong. If no Pong received send Disconnect event. Set to zero to disable.
/// </summary>
public int PingInterval
get { return pingInterval; }
set { pingInterval = value; }
#region Hostname
/// <summary> Sets the hostname of the asterisk server to connect to.<br/>
/// Default is localhost.
/// </summary>
public string Hostname
get { return hostname; }
set { hostname = value; }
#region Port
/// <summary>
/// Sets the port to use to connect to the asterisk server. This is the port
/// specified in asterisk's manager.conf file.<br/>
/// Default is 5038.
/// </summary>
public int Port
get { return port; }
set { port = value; }
#region UserName
/// <summary>
/// Sets the username to use to connect to the asterisk server. This is the
/// username specified in asterisk's manager.conf file.
/// </summary>
public string Username
get { return username; }
set { username = value; }
#region Password
/// <summary>
/// Sets the password to use to connect to the asterisk server. This is the
/// password specified in asterisk's manager.conf file.
/// </summary>
public string Password
get { return password; }
set { password = value; }
#region DefaultResponseTimeout
/// <summary> Sets the time in milliseconds the synchronous method
/// will wait for a response before throwing a TimeoutException.<br/>
/// Default is 2000.
/// </summary>
public int DefaultResponseTimeout
get { return defaultResponseTimeout; }
set { defaultResponseTimeout = value; }
#region DefaultEventTimeout
/// <summary> Sets the time in milliseconds the synchronous method
/// will wait for a response and the last response event before throwing a TimeoutException.<br/>
/// Default is 5000.
/// </summary>
public int DefaultEventTimeout
get { return defaultEventTimeout; }
set { defaultEventTimeout = value; }
#region SleepTime
/// <summary> Sets the time in milliseconds the synchronous methods
/// SendAction(Action.ManagerAction) and
/// SendAction(Action.ManagerAction, long) will sleep between two checks
/// for the arrival of a response. This value should be rather small.<br/>
/// The sleepTime attribute is also used when checking for the protocol
/// identifer.<br/>
/// Default is 50.
/// </summary>
/// <deprecated> this has been replaced by an interrupt based response checking approach.</deprecated>
public int SleepTime
get { return sleepTime; }
set { sleepTime = value; }
#region KeepAliveAfterAuthenticationFailure
/// <summary> Set to true to try reconnecting to ther asterisk serve
/// even if the reconnection attempt threw an AuthenticationFailedException.<br/>
/// Default is false.
/// </summary>
public bool KeepAliveAfterAuthenticationFailure
set { keepAliveAfterAuthenticationFailure = value; }
get { return keepAliveAfterAuthenticationFailure; }
#region KeepAlive
/// <summary>
/// Should we attempt to reconnect when the connection is lost?<br/>
/// This is set to true after successful login and to false after logoff or after an authentication failure when keepAliveAfterAuthenticationFailure is false.
/// </summary>
public bool KeepAlive
get { return keepAlive; }
set { keepAlive = value; }
#region SocketEncoding
/// <summary>
/// Socket Encoding - default ASCII
/// </summary>
public Encoding SocketEncoding
get { return socketEncoding; }
set { socketEncoding = value; }
#region Version
public string Version
get { return version; }
#region AsteriskVersion
public AsteriskVersion AsteriskVersion
get { return asteriskVersion; }
#region login(timeout)
/// <summary>
/// Does the real login, following the steps outlined below.<br/>
/// Connects to the asterisk server by calling connect() if not already connected<br/>
/// Waits until the protocol identifier is received. This is checked every sleepTime ms but not longer than timeout ms in total.<br/>
/// Sends a ChallengeAction requesting a challenge for authType MD5.<br/>
/// When the ChallengeResponse is received a LoginAction is sent using the calculated key (MD5 hash of the password appended to the received challenge).<br/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="timeout">the maximum time to wait for the protocol identifier (in ms)</param>
/// <throws>
/// AuthenticationFailedException if username or password are incorrect and the login action returns an error or if the MD5
/// hash cannot be computed. The connection is closed in this case.
/// </throws>
/// <throws>
/// TimeoutException if a timeout occurs either while waiting for the
/// protocol identifier or when sending the challenge or login
/// action. The connection is closed in this case.
/// </throws>
private void login(int timeout)
enableEvents = false;
if (reconnected)
logger.Error("Login during reconnect state.");
throw new AuthenticationFailedException("Unable login during reconnect state.");
reconnectEnable = false;
DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
if (connect())
// Increase delay after connection up to 500 ms
Thread.Sleep(10 * sleepTime); // 200 milliseconds delay
Thread.Sleep(4 * sleepTime); // 200 milliseconds delay
{ }
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(protocolIdentifier) && timeout > 0 && Helper.GetMillisecondsFrom(start) > timeout)
throw new TimeoutException("Timeout waiting for protocol identifier");
} while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(protocolIdentifier));
ChallengeAction challengeAction = new ChallengeAction();
Response.ManagerResponse response = SendAction(challengeAction, defaultResponseTimeout * 2);
if (response is ChallengeResponse)
ChallengeResponse challengeResponse = (ChallengeResponse)response;
string key, challenge = challengeResponse.Challenge;
Util.MD5Support md = Util.MD5Support.GetInstance();
if (challenge != null)
if (password != null)
key = Helper.ToHexString(md.DigestData);
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Error("Unable to create login key using MD5 Message Digest.", ex);
throw new AuthenticationFailedException("Unable to create login key using MD5 Message Digest.", ex);
Action.LoginAction loginAction = new Action.LoginAction(username, "MD5", key);
Response.ManagerResponse loginResponse = SendAction(loginAction);
if (loginResponse is Response.ManagerError)
throw new AuthenticationFailedException(loginResponse.Message);
// successfully logged in so assure that we keep trying to reconnect when disconnected
reconnectEnable = keepAlive;
logger.Info("Successfully logged in");
asteriskVersion = determineVersion();
logger.Info("Determined Asterisk version: " + asteriskVersion);
enableEvents = true;
ConnectEvent ce = new ConnectEvent(this);
ce.ProtocolIdentifier = this.protocolIdentifier;
else if (response is ManagerError)
throw new ManagerException("Unable login to Asterisk - " + response.Message);
throw new ManagerException("Unknown response during login to Asterisk - " + response.GetType().Name + " with message " + response.Message);
#region determineVersion()
protected internal AsteriskVersion determineVersion()
Response.ManagerResponse response;
response = SendAction(new Action.CommandAction("core show version"), defaultResponseTimeout * 2);
if (response is Response.CommandResponse)
foreach (string line in ((Response.CommandResponse)response).Result)
foreach (Match m in Common.ASTERISK_VERSION.Matches(line))
if (m.Groups.Count >= 2)
version = m.Groups[1].Value;
if (version.StartsWith("1.4."))
VAR_DELIMITER = new char[] { '|' };
return AsteriskVersion.ASTERISK_1_4;
else if (version.StartsWith("1.6."))
VAR_DELIMITER = new char[] { '|' };
return Manager.AsteriskVersion.ASTERISK_1_6;
else if (version.StartsWith("1.8."))
VAR_DELIMITER = new char[] { '|' };
return Manager.AsteriskVersion.ASTERISK_1_8;
else if (version.StartsWith("10."))
VAR_DELIMITER = new char[] { '|' };
return Manager.AsteriskVersion.ASTERISK_10;
else if (version.StartsWith("11."))
VAR_DELIMITER = new char[] { ',' };
return Manager.AsteriskVersion.ASTERISK_11;
else if (version.StartsWith("12."))
VAR_DELIMITER = new char[] { ',' };
return Manager.AsteriskVersion.ASTERISK_12;
2014-10-28 21:22:14 +00:00
else if (version.StartsWith("13."))
VAR_DELIMITER = new char[] { ',' };
2014-10-28 21:22:14 +00:00
return Manager.AsteriskVersion.ASTERISK_13;
throw new ManagerException("Unknown Asterisk version " + version);
Response.ManagerResponse showVersionFilesResponse = SendAction(new Action.CommandAction("show version files"), defaultResponseTimeout * 2);
if (showVersionFilesResponse is Response.CommandResponse)
IList showVersionFilesResult = ((Response.CommandResponse)showVersionFilesResponse).Result;
if (showVersionFilesResult != null && showVersionFilesResult.Count > 0)
string line1;
line1 = (string)showVersionFilesResult[0];
if (line1 != null && line1.StartsWith("File"))
return AsteriskVersion.ASTERISK_1_2;
return AsteriskVersion.ASTERISK_1_0;
#region connect()
protected internal bool connect()
bool result = false;
bool startReader = false;
lock (lockSocket)
if (mrSocket == null)
logger.Info("Connecting to {0}:{1}", hostname, port);
mrSocket = new SocketConnection(hostname, port, socketEncoding);
result = mrSocket.IsConnected;
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Info("Connect - Exception : {0}", ex.Message);
result = false;
if (result)
if (mrReader == null)
mrReader = new ManagerReader(this);
mrReaderThread = new Thread(mrReader.Run) { IsBackground = true, Name = "ManagerReader-" + DateTime.Now.Second };
mrReader.Socket = mrSocket;
startReader = true;
mrReader.Socket = mrSocket;
mrSocket = null;
if (startReader)
return IsConnected();
#region disconnect()
/// <summary> Closes the socket connection.</summary>
private void disconnect(bool withDie)
lock (lockSocket)
if (withDie)
reconnectEnable = false;
reconnected = false;
enableEvents = true;
if (mrReader != null)
if (withDie)
mrReader.Die = true;
mrReader = null;
mrReader.Socket = null;
if (this.mrSocket != null)
mrSocket = null;
#region reconnect(bool init)
/// <summary>
/// Reconnects to the asterisk server when the connection is lost.<br/>
/// While keepAlive is true we will try to reconnect.
/// Reconnection attempts will be stopped when the logoff() method
/// is called or when the login after a successful reconnect results in an
/// AuthenticationFailedException suggesting that the manager
/// credentials have changed and keepAliveAfterAuthenticationFailure is not set.<br/>
/// This method is called when a DisconnectEvent is received from the reader.
/// </summary>
private void reconnect(bool init)
logger.Warning("reconnect (init: {0}), reconnectCount:{1}", init, reconnectCount);
if (init)
reconnectCount = 0;
else if (reconnectCount++ > reconnectRetryMax)
reconnectEnable = false;
if (reconnectEnable)
logger.Warning("Try reconnect.");
enableEvents = false;
reconnected = true;
int retryCount = 0;
while (reconnectEnable && !mrReader.Die)
if (retryCount >= reconnectRetryMax)
reconnectEnable = false;
if (retryCount < reconnectRetryFast)
// Try to reconnect quite fast for the first times
// this succeeds if the server has just been restarted
logger.Info("Reconnect delay : {0}, retry : {1}", reconnectIntervalFast, retryCount);
// slow down after unsuccessful attempts assuming a shutdown of the server
logger.Info("Reconnect delay : {0}, retry : {1}", reconnectIntervalMax, retryCount);
catch (ThreadInterruptedException)
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Info("Reconnect delay exception : ", ex.Message);
logger.Info("Try connect.");
if (connect())
catch(Exception ex)
logger.Info("Connect exception : ", ex.Message);
if (!reconnectEnable)
logger.Info("Can't reconnect.");
enableEvents = true;
reconnected = false;
fireEvent(new DisconnectEvent(this));
#region createInternalActionId()
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new unique internal action id based on the hash code of this connection and a sequence.
/// </summary>
private string createInternalActionId()
return this.GetHashCode() + "_" + (this.actionIdCount++);
#region Login()
/// <summary>
/// Logs in to the Asterisk manager using asterisk's MD5 based
/// challenge/response protocol. The login is delayed until the protocol
/// identifier has been received by the reader.
/// </summary>
/// <throws> AuthenticationFailedException if the username and/or password are incorrect</throws>
/// <throws> TimeoutException if no response is received within the specified timeout period</throws>
/// <seealso cref="Action.ChallengeAction"/>
/// <seealso cref="Action.LoginAction"/>
public void Login()
/// <summary>
/// Log in to the Asterisk manager using asterisk's MD5 based
/// challenge/response protocol. The login is delayed until the protocol
/// identifier has been received by the reader.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="timeout">Timeout in milliseconds to login.</param>
public void Login(int timeout)
#region IsConnected()
/// <summary> Returns true if there is a socket connection to the
/// asterisk server, false otherwise.
/// </summary>
/// <returns> true if there is a socket connection to the
/// asterisk server, false otherwise.
/// </returns>
public bool IsConnected()
bool result = false;
lock (lockSocket)
result = mrSocket != null && mrSocket.IsConnected;
return result;
#region Logoff()
/// <summary>
/// Sends a LogoffAction and disconnects from the server.
/// </summary>
public void Logoff()
lock (lockSocket)
// stop reconnecting when we got disconnected
reconnectEnable = false;
if (mrReader != null && mrSocket != null)
mrReader.IsLogoff = true;
SendAction(new Action.LogoffAction());
{ }
#region SendAction(action)
/// <summary>
/// Send Action with default timeout.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="action"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Response.ManagerResponse SendAction(Action.ManagerAction action)
return SendAction(action, defaultResponseTimeout);
#region SendAction(action, timeout)
/// <summary>
/// Send action ans with timeout (milliseconds)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="action">action to send</param>
/// <param name="timeout">timeout in milliseconds</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Response.ManagerResponse SendAction(ManagerAction action, int timeOut)
AutoResetEvent autoEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
ResponseHandler handler = new ResponseHandler(action, autoEvent);
int hash = SendAction(action, handler);
bool result = autoEvent.WaitOne(timeOut <= 0 ? -1 : timeOut, true);
if (result)
return handler.Response;
throw new TimeoutException("Timeout waiting for response to " + action.Action);
#region SendAction(action, responseHandler)
public int SendAction(ManagerAction action, ResponseHandler responseHandler)
if (action == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Unable to send action: action is null.");
if (mrSocket == null)
throw new SystemException("Unable to send " + action.Action + " action: not connected.");
// if the responseHandler is null the user is obviously not interested in the response, thats fine.
string internalActionId = string.Empty;
if (responseHandler != null)
internalActionId = createInternalActionId();
responseHandler.Hash = internalActionId.GetHashCode();
SendToAsterisk(action, internalActionId);
return responseHandler != null ? responseHandler.Hash : 0;
#region SendEventGeneratingAction(action)
public ResponseEvents SendEventGeneratingAction(ManagerActionEvent action)
return SendEventGeneratingAction(action, defaultEventTimeout);
#region SendEventGeneratingAction(action, timeout)
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="action"></param>
/// <param name="timeout">wait timeout in milliseconds</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ResponseEvents SendEventGeneratingAction(ManagerActionEvent action, int timeout)
if (action == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Unable to send action: action is null.");
else if (action.ActionCompleteEventClass() == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Unable to send action: ActionCompleteEventClass is null.");
else if (!typeof(ResponseEvent).IsAssignableFrom(action.ActionCompleteEventClass()))
throw new ArgumentException("Unable to send action: ActionCompleteEventClass is not a ResponseEvent.");
if (mrSocket == null)
throw new SystemException("Unable to send " + action.Action + " action: not connected.");
AutoResetEvent autoEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
ResponseEventHandler handler = new ResponseEventHandler(this, action, autoEvent);
string internalActionId = createInternalActionId();
handler.Hash = internalActionId.GetHashCode();
SendToAsterisk(action, internalActionId);
bool result = autoEvent.WaitOne(timeout <= 0 ? -1 : timeout, true);
if (result)
return handler.ResponseEvents;
throw new EventTimeoutException("Timeout waiting for response or response events to " + action.Action, handler.ResponseEvents);
#region Response Handler helpers
private void AddResponseHandler(IResponseHandler handler)
lock (lockHandlers)
if (handler.Action is PingAction)
pingHandlers[handler.Hash] = handler;
responseHandlers[handler.Hash] = handler;
private void AddResponseEventHandler(IResponseHandler handler)
lock (lockHandlers)
responseEventHandlers[handler.Hash] = handler;
internal void RemoveResponseHandler(IResponseHandler handler)
int hash = handler.Hash;
if (hash != 0)
lock (lockHandlers)
if (responseHandlers.ContainsKey(hash))
internal void RemoveResponseEventHandler(IResponseHandler handler)
int hash = handler.Hash;
if (hash != 0)
lock (lockHandlers)
if (responseEventHandlers.ContainsKey(hash))
private IResponseHandler GetRemoveResponseHandler(int hash)
IResponseHandler handler = null;
if (hash != 0)
lock (lockHandlers)
if (responseHandlers.ContainsKey(hash))
handler = responseHandlers[hash];
return handler;
private IResponseHandler GetRemoveResponseEventHandler(int hash)
IResponseHandler handler = null;
if (hash != 0)
lock (lockHandlers)
if (responseEventHandlers.ContainsKey(hash))
handler = responseEventHandlers[hash];
return handler;
private IResponseHandler GetResponseHandler(int hash)
IResponseHandler handler = null;
if (hash != 0)
lock (lockHandlers)
if (responseHandlers.ContainsKey(hash))
handler = responseHandlers[hash];
return handler;
private IResponseHandler GetResponseEventHandler(int hash)
IResponseHandler handler = null;
if (hash != 0)
lock (lockHandlers)
if (responseEventHandlers.ContainsKey(hash))
handler = responseEventHandlers[hash];
return handler;
#region SendToAsterisk(ManagerAction action, string internalActionId)
internal void SendToAsterisk(ManagerAction action, string internalActionId)
if (mrSocket == null)
throw new SystemException("Unable to send action: socket is null");
string buffer = BuildAction(action, internalActionId);
logger.Debug("Sent action : '{0}' : {1}", internalActionId, action);
if (sa == null)
sa = new SendToAsteriskDelegate(sendToAsterisk);
private delegate void SendToAsteriskDelegate(string buffer);
private SendToAsteriskDelegate sa = null;
private void sendToAsterisk(string buffer)
#region BuildAction(action)
public string BuildAction(Action.ManagerAction action)
return BuildAction(action, null);
#region BuildAction(action, internalActionId)
public string BuildAction(ManagerAction action, string internalActionId)
MethodInfo getter;
object value;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
string valueAsString = string.Empty;
if (typeof(Action.ProxyAction).IsAssignableFrom(action.GetType()))
sb.Append(string.Concat("ProxyAction: ", action.Action, Common.LINE_SEPARATOR));
sb.Append(string.Concat("Action: ", action.Action, Common.LINE_SEPARATOR));
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(internalActionId))
valueAsString = action.ActionId;
valueAsString = string.Concat(internalActionId, Common.INTERNAL_ACTION_ID_DELIMITER, action.ActionId);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueAsString))
sb.Append(string.Concat("ActionID: ", valueAsString, Common.LINE_SEPARATOR));
Dictionary<string, MethodInfo> getters = Helper.GetGetters(action.GetType());
foreach (string name in getters.Keys)
string nameLower = name.ToLower(Helper.CultureInfo);
if (nameLower == "class" || nameLower == "action" || nameLower == "actionid")
getter = getters[name];
Type propType = getter.ReturnType;
if (!(propType == typeof(string)
|| propType == typeof(bool)
|| propType == typeof(double)
|| propType == typeof(DateTime)
|| propType == typeof(int)
|| propType == typeof(long)
|| propType == typeof(Dictionary<string, string>)
value = getter.Invoke(action, new object[] { });
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
logger.Error("Unable to retrieve property '" + name + "' of " + action.GetType(), ex);
throw new ManagerException("Unable to retrieve property '" + name + "' of " + action.GetType(), ex);
catch (TargetInvocationException ex)
logger.Error("Unable to retrieve property '" + name + "' of " + action.GetType(), ex);
throw new ManagerException("Unable to retrieve property '" + name + "' of " + action.GetType(), ex);
if (value == null)
if (value is string)
valueAsString = (string)value;
if (valueAsString.Length == 0)
else if (value is bool)
valueAsString = ((bool)value ? "true" : "false");
else if (value is DateTime)
valueAsString = value.ToString();
else if (value is IDictionary)
valueAsString = Helper.JoinVariables((IDictionary)value, Common.LINE_SEPARATOR, ": ");
if (valueAsString.Length == 0)
valueAsString = value.ToString();
sb.Append(string.Concat(name, ": ", valueAsString, Common.LINE_SEPARATOR));
IActionVariable actionVar = action as IActionVariable;
if ( actionVar != null )
var variables = actionVar.GetVariables();
if ( variables != null && variables.Count > 0 )
sb.Append( string.Concat( "Variable: ", Helper.JoinVariables( actionVar.GetVariables(), VAR_DELIMITER, "=" ), Common.LINE_SEPARATOR ) );
return sb.ToString();
#region GetProtocolIdentifier()
public string GetProtocolIdentifier()
return this.protocolIdentifier;
#region RegisterUserEventClass(class)
/// <summary>
/// Register User Event Class
/// </summary>
/// <param name="userEventClass"></param>
public void RegisterUserEventClass(Type userEventClass)
Helper.RegisterEventClass(registeredEventClasses, userEventClass);
#region DispatchResponse(response)
/// <summary>
/// This method is called by the reader whenever a ManagerResponse is
/// received. The response is dispatched to the associated <see cref="IManagerResponseHandler"/>ManagerResponseHandler.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="response">the response received by the reader</param>
/// <seealso cref="ManagerReader" />
internal void DispatchResponse(Dictionary<string, string> buffer)
logger.Debug("Dispatch response packet : {0}", Helper.JoinVariables(buffer, ", ", ": "));
DispatchResponse(buffer, null);
internal void DispatchResponse(ManagerResponse response)
logger.Debug("Dispatch response : {0}", response);
DispatchResponse(null, response);
internal void DispatchResponse(Dictionary<string, string> buffer, ManagerResponse response)
string responseActionId = string.Empty;
string actionId = string.Empty;
IResponseHandler responseHandler = null;
if (buffer != null)
if (buffer["response"].ToLower(Helper.CultureInfo) == "error")
response = new ManagerError(buffer);
else if (buffer.ContainsKey("actionid"))
actionId = buffer["actionid"];
if (response != null)
actionId = response.ActionId;
2014-01-08 14:16:39 +00:00
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(actionId))
int hash = Helper.GetInternalActionId(actionId).GetHashCode();
responseActionId = Helper.StripInternalActionId(actionId);
responseHandler = GetRemoveResponseHandler(hash);
if (response != null)
response.ActionId = responseActionId;
if (responseHandler != null)
if (response == null)
ManagerActionResponse action = responseHandler.Action as ManagerActionResponse;
if (action == null || (response = action.ActionCompleteResponseClass() as ManagerResponse) == null)
response = Helper.BuildResponse(buffer);
Helper.SetAttributes(response, buffer);
response.ActionId = responseActionId;
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Error("Unexpected exception in responseHandler {0}\n{1}", response, ex);
throw new ManagerException("Unexpected exception in responseHandler " + responseHandler.GetType().FullName, ex);
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2014-01-08 14:16:39 +00:00
if (response == null && buffer.ContainsKey("ping") && buffer["ping"] == "Pong")
response = Helper.BuildResponse(buffer);
foreach (ResponseHandler pingHandler in pingHandlers.Values)
if (!reconnected)
if (response == null)
response = Helper.BuildResponse(buffer);
response.ActionId = responseActionId;
logger.Info("Reconnected - DispatchEvent : " + response);
#region Support background reconnect
if (response is ChallengeResponse)
string key = null;
if (response.IsSuccess())
ChallengeResponse challengeResponse = (ChallengeResponse)response;
string challenge = challengeResponse.Challenge;
Util.MD5Support md = Util.MD5Support.GetInstance();
if (challenge != null)
if (password != null)
key = Helper.ToHexString(md.DigestData);
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Error("Unable to create login key using MD5 Message Digest", ex);
key = null;
bool fail = true;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
Action.LoginAction loginAction = new Action.LoginAction(username, "MD5", key);
SendAction(loginAction, null);
fail = false;
catch { }
if (fail)
if (keepAliveAfterAuthenticationFailure)
else if (response is ManagerError)
if (keepAliveAfterAuthenticationFailure)
else if (response is ManagerResponse)
if (response.IsSuccess())
reconnected = false;
enableEvents = true;
reconnectEnable = keepAlive;
ConnectEvent ce = new ConnectEvent(this);
ce.Reconnect = true;
ce.ProtocolIdentifier = protocolIdentifier;
else if (keepAliveAfterAuthenticationFailure)
#region DispatchEvent(...)
/// <summary>
/// This method is called by the reader whenever a ManagerEvent is received.
/// The event is dispatched to all registered ManagerEventHandlers.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">the event received by the reader</param>
/// <seealso cref="ManagerReader"/>
internal void DispatchEvent(Dictionary<string, string> buffer)
ManagerEvent e = Helper.BuildEvent(registeredEventClasses, this, buffer);
internal void DispatchEvent(ManagerEvent e)
logger.Debug("Dispatching event: {0}", e);
if (e is ResponseEvent)
ResponseEvent responseEvent = (ResponseEvent)e;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(responseEvent.ActionId) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(responseEvent.InternalActionId))
ResponseEventHandler eventHandler = (ResponseEventHandler)GetResponseEventHandler(responseEvent.InternalActionId.GetHashCode());
if (eventHandler != null)
catch (SystemException ex)
logger.Error("Unexpected exception", ex);
throw ex;
#region ConnectEvent
if (e is ConnectEvent)
string protocol = ((ConnectEvent)e).ProtocolIdentifier;
logger.Info("Connected via {0}", protocol);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(protocol) && protocol.StartsWith("Asterisk Call Manager"))
this.protocolIdentifier = protocol;
this.protocolIdentifier = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(protocol) ? "Empty" : protocol);
logger.Warning("Unsupported protocol version '{0}'. Use at your own risk.", protocol);
if (reconnected)
logger.Info("Send Challenge action.");
ChallengeAction challengeAction = new ChallengeAction();
SendAction(challengeAction, null);
catch(Exception ex)
logger.Info("Send Challenge fail : ", ex.Message);
if (reconnected && e is DisconnectEvent)
((DisconnectEvent)e).Reconnect = true;
else if (!reconnected && reconnectEnable && (e is DisconnectEvent || e is ReloadEvent || e is ShutdownEvent))
((ConnectionStateEvent)e).Reconnect = true;
private void eventComplete(IAsyncResult result)
private void fireEvent(ManagerEvent e)
if (enableEvents && internalEvent != null)
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internalEvent.BeginInvoke(this, e, new AsyncCallback(eventComplete), null);
internalEvent.Invoke(this, e);