2020-09-04 13:02:20 -05:00

104 lines
3.7 KiB

// regional forecast and observations
// type 0 = observations, 1 = first forecast, 2 = second forecast
// makes use of global data retrevial through RegionalForecastData
/* globals WeatherDisplay, utils, STATUS, icons, UNITS, draw, navigation, luxon, RegionalForecastData */
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
class RegionalForecast extends WeatherDisplay {
constructor(navId,elemId, weatherParameters, period) {
// store the period, see above
this.period = period;
// pre-load background image (returns promise)
this.backgroundImage = utils.image.load('images/BackGround5_1.png');
// get the data and update the promise
// get the data from the globally shared object
async getData(weatherParameters) {
// pre-load the base map (returns promise)
let src = 'images/Basemap2.png';
if (weatherParameters.State === 'HI') {
src = 'images/HawaiiRadarMap4.png';
} else if (weatherParameters.State === 'AK') {
src = 'images/AlaskaRadarMap6.png';
this.baseMap = utils.image.load(src); = await RegionalForecastData.updateData(weatherParameters);
async drawCanvas() {
// break up data into useful values
const {regionalData: data, sourceXY, offsetXY} =;
// fixed offset for all y values when drawing to the map
const mapYOff = 90;
const {DateTime} = luxon;
// draw the header graphics
this.context.drawImage(await this.backgroundImage, 0, 0);
draw.horizontalGradientSingle(this.context, 0, 30, 500, 90, draw.topColor1, draw.topColor2);
draw.triangle(this.context, 'rgb(28, 10, 87)', 500, 30, 450, 90, 500, 90);
// draw the appropriate title
if (this.period === 0) {
draw.titleText(this.context, 'Regional', 'Observations');
} else {
let forecastDate = DateTime.local();
// four conditions to evaluate based on whether the first forecast is for daytime and the requested period
const firstIsDay = data[0][1].daytime;
if (firstIsDay && this.period === 1) forecastDate ={days: 1});
if (firstIsDay && this.period === 2); // no change, shown for consistency
if (!firstIsDay && this.period === 1); // no change, shown for consistency
if (!firstIsDay && this.period === 2) forecastDate ={days: 1});
// get the name of the day
const dayName = forecastDate.toLocaleString({weekday: 'long'});
// draw the title
if (data[0][this.period].daytime) {
draw.titleText(this.context, 'Forecast for', dayName);
} else {
draw.titleText(this.context, 'Forecast for', dayName + ' Night');
// draw the map
this.context.drawImage(await this.baseMap, sourceXY.x, sourceXY.y, (offsetXY.x * 2), (offsetXY.y * 2), 0, mapYOff, 640, 312);
await Promise.all( city => {
const period = city[this.period];
// draw the icon if possible
const icon = icons.getWeatherRegionalIconFromIconLink(period.icon, !period.daytime);
if (icon) {
this.gifs.push(await utils.image.superGifAsync({
src: icon,
max_width: 42,
loop_delay: 100,
auto_play: true,
canvas: this.canvas,
x: period.x,
y: period.y - 15+mapYOff,
// City Name
draw.text(this.context, 'Star4000', '20px', '#ffffff', period.x - 40, period.y - 15+mapYOff,, 2);
// Temperature
let temperature = period.temperature;
if (navigation.units() === UNITS.metric) temperature = Math.round(utils.units.fahrenheitToCelsius(temperature));
draw.text(this.context, 'Star4000 Large Compressed', '28px', '#ffff00', period.x - (temperature.toString().length * 15), period.y + 20+mapYOff, temperature, 2);