427 lines
13 KiB
427 lines
13 KiB
// base weather display class
import STATUS, { calcStatusClass, statusClasses } from './status.mjs';
import { DateTime } from '../vendor/auto/luxon.mjs';
import { elemForEach } from './utils/elem.mjs';
import {
msg, displayNavMessage, isPlaying, updateStatus,
} from './navigation.mjs';
class WeatherDisplay {
constructor(navId, elemId, name, defaultEnabled) {
// navId is used in messaging and sort order
this.navId = navId;
this.elemId = undefined;
this.data = undefined;
this.loadingStatus = STATUS.loading;
this.name = name ?? elemId;
this.getDataCallbacks = [];
this.stillWaitingCallbacks = [];
this.defaultEnabled = defaultEnabled;
this.okToDrawCurrentConditions = true;
this.okToDrawCurrentDateTime = true;
this.showOnProgress = true;
// default navigation timing
this.timing = {
totalScreens: 1,
baseDelay: 9000, // 5 seconds
delay: 1, // 1*1second = 1 second total display time
this.navBaseCount = 0;
this.screenIndex = -1; // special starting condition
// store elemId once
if (this.isEnabled) {
} else {
// get any templates
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
generateCheckbox(defaultEnabled = true) {
// no checkbox if progress
if (this.elemId === 'progress') return false;
// get the saved status of the checkbox
let savedStatus = window.localStorage.getItem(`display-enabled: ${this.elemId}`);
if (savedStatus === null) savedStatus = defaultEnabled;
if (savedStatus === 'true' || savedStatus === true) {
this.isEnabled = true;
} else {
this.isEnabled = false;
// refresh (or initially store the state of the checkbox)
window.localStorage.setItem(`display-enabled: ${this.elemId}`, this.isEnabled);
// create a checkbox in the selected displays area
const label = document.createElement('label');
label.for = `${this.elemId}-checkbox`;
label.id = `${this.elemId}-label`;
const checkbox = document.createElement('input');
checkbox.type = 'checkbox';
checkbox.value = true;
checkbox.id = `${this.elemId}-checkbox`;
checkbox.name = `${this.elemId}-checkbox`;
checkbox.checked = this.isEnabled;
checkbox.addEventListener('change', (e) => this.checkboxChange(e));
const span = document.createElement('span');
span.innerHTML = this.name;
const alert = document.createElement('span');
alert.innerHTML = '!!!';
label.append(checkbox, span, alert);
this.checkbox = label;
return label;
checkboxChange(e) {
// update the state
this.isEnabled = e.target.checked;
// store the value for the next load
window.localStorage.setItem(`display-enabled: ${this.elemId}`, this.isEnabled);
// calling get data will update the status and actually get the data if we're set to enabled
// set data status and send update to navigation module
setStatus(value) {
this.status = value;
id: this.navId,
status: this.status,
// update coloring of checkbox at bottom of page
if (!this.checkbox) return;
get status() {
return this.loadingStatus;
set status(state) {
this.loadingStatus = state;
storeElemId(elemId) {
// only create it once
if (this.elemId) return;
this.elemId = elemId;
// get necessary data for this display
getData(weatherParameters) {
// clear current data
this.data = undefined;
// store weatherParameters locally in case we need them later
if (weatherParameters) this.weatherParameters = weatherParameters;
// set status
if (this.isEnabled) {
} else {
return false;
// recalculate navigation timing (in case it was modified in the constructor)
return true;
// return any data requested before it was available
getDataCallback() {
// call each callback
this.getDataCallbacks.forEach((fxn) => fxn(this.data));
// clear the callbacks
this.getDataCallbacks = [];
drawCanvas() {
// clean up the first-run flag in screen index
if (this.screenIndex < 0) this.screenIndex = 0;
finishDraw() {
// draw date and time
if (this.okToDrawCurrentDateTime) {
// auto clock refresh
if (!this.dateTimeInterval) {
setInterval(() => this.drawCurrentDateTime(), 100);
drawCurrentDateTime() {
// only draw if canvas is active to conserve battery
if (!this.active) return;
// Get the current date and time.
const now = DateTime.local();
// time = "11:35:08 PM";
const time = now.toLocaleString(DateTime.TIME_WITH_SECONDS).padStart(11, ' ');
if (this.lastTime !== time) {
elemForEach('.date-time.time', (elem) => { elem.innerHTML = time.toUpperCase(); });
this.lastTime = time;
const date = now.toFormat(' ccc LLL ') + now.day.toString().padStart(2, ' ');
if (this.lastDate !== date) {
elemForEach('.date-time.date', (elem) => { elem.innerHTML = date.toUpperCase(); });
this.lastDate = date;
// show/hide the canvas and start/stop the navigation timer
showCanvas(navCmd) {
// reset timing if enabled
// if a nav command is present call it to set the screen index
if (navCmd === msg.command.firstFrame) this.navNext(navCmd);
if (navCmd === msg.command.lastFrame) this.navPrev(navCmd);
hideCanvas() {
get active() {
return this.elem.offsetHeight !== 0;
get enabled() {
return this.isEnabled;
// navigation timings
// totalScreens = total number of screens that are available
// baseDelay = ms to delay before re-evaluating screenIndex
// delay: three options
// integer = each screen will display for this number of baseDelays
// [integer, integer, ...] = screenIndex 0 displays for integer[0]*baseDelay, etc.
// [{time, si}, ...] = time as above, si is specific screen index to display during this interval
// if the array forms are used totalScreens is overwritten by the size of the array
navBaseTime() {
// see if play is active and screen is active
if (!isPlaying() || !this.active) return;
// increment the base count
this.navBaseCount += 1;
// call base count change if available for this function
if (this.baseCountChange) this.baseCountChange(this.navBaseCount);
// handle base count/screen index changes
async updateScreenFromBaseCount() {
// get the next screen index
const nextScreenIndex = this.screenIndexFromBaseCount();
// special cases for first and last frame
// must compare with false as nextScreenIndex could be 0 which is valid
if (nextScreenIndex === false) {
// test for no change and exit early
if (nextScreenIndex === this.screenIndex) return;
// test for -1 (no screen displayed yet)
if (nextScreenIndex === -1) {
this.screenIndex = 0;
} else {
this.screenIndex = nextScreenIndex;
// call the appropriate screen index change method
if (!this.screenIndexChange) {
await this.drawCanvas();
} else {
// take the three timing formats shown above and break them into arrays for consistent usage in navigation functions
// this.timing.fullDelay = [end of screen index 0 in base counts, end of screen index 1...]
// this.timing.screenIndexes = [screen index to use during this.timing.fullDelay[0], screen index to use during this.timing.fullDelay[1], ...]
calcNavTiming() {
if (this.timing === false) return;
// update total screens
if (Array.isArray(this.timing.delay)) this.timing.totalScreens = this.timing.delay.length;
// if the delay is provided as a single value, expand it to a series of the same value
let intermediateDelay = [];
if (typeof this.timing.delay === 'number') {
for (let i = 0; i < this.timing.totalScreens; i += 1) intermediateDelay.push(this.timing.delay);
} else {
// map just the delays to the intermediate block
intermediateDelay = this.timing.delay.map((delay) => {
if (typeof delay === 'object') return delay.time;
return delay;
// calculate the cumulative end point of each delay
let sum = 0;
this.timing.fullDelay = intermediateDelay.map((val) => {
const calc = sum + val;
sum += val;
return calc;
// generate a list of screen either sequentially if not provided in an object or from the object
if (Array.isArray(this.timing.delay) && typeof this.timing.delay[0] === 'object') {
// extract screen indexes from objects
this.timing.screenIndexes = this.timing.delay.map((delay) => delay.si);
} else {
// generate sequential screen indexes
this.timing.screenIndexes = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.timing.totalScreens; i += 1) this.timing.screenIndexes.push(i);
// navigate to next screen
navNext(command) {
// check for special 'first frame' command
if (command === msg.command.firstFrame) {
} else {
// set the base count to the next available frame
const newBaseCount = this.timing.fullDelay.find((delay) => delay > this.navBaseCount);
this.navBaseCount = newBaseCount;
// navigate to previous screen
navPrev(command) {
// check for special 'last frame' command
if (command === msg.command.lastFrame) {
this.navBaseCount = this.timing.fullDelay[this.timing.totalScreens - 1] - 1;
} else {
// find the highest fullDelay that is less than the current base count
const newBaseCount = this.timing.fullDelay.reduce((acc, delay) => {
if (delay < this.navBaseCount) return delay;
return acc;
}, 0);
// if the new base count is zero then we're already at the first screen
if (newBaseCount === 0 && this.navBaseCount === 0) {
this.navBaseCount = newBaseCount;
// get the screen index for the current base count, returns false if past end of timing array (go to next screen, stop timing)
screenIndexFromBaseCount() {
// test for timing enabled
if (!this.timing) return 0;
if (this.timing.totalScreens === 0) return false;
// find the first timing in the timing array that is greater than the base count
if (this.timing && !this.timing.fullDelay) this.calcNavTiming();
const timingIndex = this.timing.fullDelay.findIndex((delay) => delay > this.navBaseCount);
if (timingIndex === -1) return false;
return this.timing.screenIndexes[timingIndex];
// start and stop base counter
startNavCount() {
if (!this.navInterval) this.navInterval = setInterval(() => this.navBaseTime(), this.timing.baseDelay);
resetNavBaseCount() {
this.navBaseCount = 0;
this.screenIndex = -1;
// reset the timing so we don't short-change the first screen
if (this.navInterval) {
this.navInterval = undefined;
sendNavDisplayMessage(message) {
id: this.navId,
type: message,
loadTemplates() {
this.templates = {};
this.elem = document.getElementById(`${this.elemId}-html`);
if (!this.elem) return;
const templates = this.elem.querySelectorAll('.template');
templates.forEach((template) => {
const className = template.classList[0];
const node = template.cloneNode(true);
this.templates[className] = node;
fillTemplate(name, fillValues) {
// get the template
const templateNode = this.templates[name];
if (!templateNode) return false;
// clone it
const template = templateNode.cloneNode(true);
Object.entries(fillValues).forEach(([key, value]) => {
// get the specified element
const elem = template.querySelector(`.${key}`);
if (!elem) return;
// fill based on type provided
if (typeof value === 'string' || typeof value === 'number') {
// string and number fill the first found selector
elem.innerHTML = value;
} else if (value?.type === 'img') {
// fill the image source
elem.querySelector('img').src = value.src;
return template;
// still waiting for data (retries triggered)
stillWaiting() {
if (this.isEnabled) this.setStatus(STATUS.retrying);
// handle still waiting callbacks
this.stillWaitingCallbacks.forEach((callback) => callback());
this.stillWaitingCallbacks = [];
export default WeatherDisplay;